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Extending the TAM for Green IT

Published: 01 June 2018 Publication History


Green IT, a future-oriented and pro-environmental information technology, is an emerging trend in IT. In Green IT acceptance, the norms of environmental responsibility are considered to be important factors along with economic factors such as perceived usefulness of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This study proposes a technology acceptance model for Green IT by adding normative variables (descriptive, injunctive, and personal norms) to Davis's TAM and empirically analyzes the model. Our results indicate that personal norms, descriptive norms (a type of social norms), and environmental beliefs as well as perceived usefulness can directly affect an individual's intention to use Green IT. In addition, government regulations and environmental beliefs have significant effects on normative variables. These findings imply that pro-environmentalism of Green IT is an important boundary condition for the validity of the TAM. The TAM for Green IT is proposed with normative variables.Personal norms affect an individual's intention to use Green IT.Descriptive norms affect an individual's intention to use Green IT.Environmental beliefs affect an individual's intention to use Green IT.


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Published In

cover image Computers in Human Behavior
Computers in Human Behavior  Volume 83, Issue C
June 2018
306 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 June 2018

Author Tags

  1. Descriptive norm
  2. Environmental beliefs
  3. Government regulations
  4. Green IT
  5. Injunctive norm
  6. Personal norm
  7. Social norm
  8. Technology acceptance model (TAM)


  • Research-article


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