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Mobile-Based Assessment

Published: 01 March 2017 Publication History


Mobile-Based Assessment (MBA) is an alternative or complementary to paper- or computer-based assessment delivery mode. Its successful implementation depends on users' acceptance. However, no study exists exploring the factors that influence students' acceptance of mobile-based assessment. Furthermore, research that combines acceptance with motivational factors is limited. The current study builds on the theoretical framework of the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) of Motivation and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and proposes the Mobile Based Assessment - Motivational and Acceptance Model (MBA-MAM), a combined model that explains and predicts Behavioral Intention to Use Mobile-based Assessment. One-hundred and forty students (N=140) from a European senior-level secondary school participated in mobile-assisted assessment activities and self-reported their perceptions about afterwards. Structured equation modeling used to analyze quantitative survey data. The study confirmed the proposed model, explaining and predicting students intention to use MBA in terms of both acceptance and motivational (autonomy, competence and relatedness) factors. The study provides a better understanding towards the development of mobile-based assessments by relating acceptance and motivational factors into an integrated model. Implications are discussed within the wider context of mobile learning acceptance research. The study explores students' acceptance of Mobile-Based Assessment (MBA).We propose Mobile Based Assessment - Motivation and Acceptance Model (MBA-MAM).The model is based on Self-Determination Theory and Technology Acceptance Model.Intention to use MBA is explained in terms of motivation and acceptance factors.


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cover image Computers in Human Behavior
Computers in Human Behavior  Volume 68, Issue C
March 2017
564 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 March 2017

Author Tags

  1. Mobile learning
  2. Mobile-based assessment
  3. Self-determination theory of motivation
  4. Technology acceptance model


  • Research-article


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