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SG-Fusion: : A swin-transformer and graph convolution-based multi-modal deep neural network for glioma prognosis

Published: 01 November 2024 Publication History


The integration of morphological attributes extracted from histopathological images and genomic data holds significant importance in advancing tumor diagnosis, prognosis, and grading. Histopathological images are acquired through microscopic examination of tissue slices, providing valuable insights into cellular structures and pathological features. On the other hand, genomic data provides information about tumor gene expression and functionality. The fusion of these two distinct data types is crucial for gaining a more comprehensive understanding of tumor characteristics and progression. In the past, many studies relied on single-modal approaches for tumor diagnosis. However, these approaches had limitations as they were unable to fully harness the information from multiple data sources. To address these limitations, researchers have turned to multi-modal methods that concurrently leverage both histopathological images and genomic data. These methods better capture the multifaceted nature of tumors and enhance diagnostic accuracy. Nonetheless, existing multi-modal methods have, to some extent, oversimplified the extraction processes for both modalities and the fusion process. In this study, we presented a dual-branch neural network, namely SG-Fusion. Specifically, for the histopathological modality, we utilize the Swin-Transformer structure to capture both local and global features and incorporate contrastive learning to encourage the model to discern commonalities and differences in the representation space. For the genomic modality, we developed a graph convolutional network based on gene functional and expression level similarities. Additionally, our model integrates a cross-attention module to enhance information interaction and employs divergence-based regularization to enhance the model’s generalization performance. Validation conducted on glioma datasets from the Cancer Genome Atlas unequivocally demonstrates that our SG-Fusion model outperforms both single-modal methods and existing multi-modal approaches in both survival analysis and tumor grading.


Developed a multi-modal, multi-task framework for glioma diagnosis.
Integrated Swin-Transformer v2 with contrastive learning to enhance image features.
Implemented a novel gene selection method to reduce data redundancy.
Enhanced feature quality with cross-modal attention and divergence regularization.


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Index Terms

  1. SG-Fusion: A swin-transformer and graph convolution-based multi-modal deep neural network for glioma prognosis
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            Published In

            cover image Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
            Artificial Intelligence in Medicine  Volume 157, Issue C
            Nov 2024
            404 pages


            Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.

            United Kingdom

            Publication History

            Published: 01 November 2024

            Author Tags

            1. Histopathological images
            2. Genomic data
            3. Tumor diagnosis
            4. Multimodal learning
            5. Contrastive learning


            • Research-article


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