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A Review on Machine Learning-based Malware Detection Techniques for Internet of Things (IoT) Environments

Published: 24 August 2023 Publication History


Internet of Things (IoT) is the recent digital trend that connects the physical and virtual world. The strong bonding between the people, objects, machines and the web are assisting to develop new business models and also ensuring a better communication framework. On the other side, IoT devices are the main targets for cybercriminals that take vulnerable action over the authentication model, outdated data services and the malware. Henceforth, the security metrics of IoT devices is explored by several researchers while focusing on IoT malware. Many studies on the security issues for IoT systems are explored. Specifically, the employment of Machine learning techniques used for detecting the IoT malwares is studied. In this paper, a detailed survey on detecting the IoT malware using ML techniques are presented. Initially, the fundamentals of the malware analysis and the process and tools used to identify the malwares are discussed. The main intention of this survey is to support the security analysts who are interested to understand and innovate new trends in ML for IoT devices. This study is categorized into two groups, namely, machine learning techniques and neural networks. Both the groups are reviewed from the aspects of preprocessing and feature extraction process of the suggested ML techniques. The study ends the research issues in this field from the aspects of evaluating the performance of methods, as dataset collection, parameter optimization, neural network structure, throughput and scalability.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Wireless Personal Communications: An International Journal
Wireless Personal Communications: An International Journal  Volume 132, Issue 3
Oct 2023
654 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 24 August 2023
Accepted: 24 July 2023

Author Tags

  1. IoT
  2. Digital communication
  3. Malware detection
  4. Machine learning
  5. Neural networks
  6. Class imbalance
  7. Concept drifts


  • Review-article


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