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Security of the Internet of Things: perspectives and challenges

Published: 01 November 2014 Publication History


Internet of Things (IoT) is playing a more and more important role after its showing up, it covers from traditional equipment to general household objects such as WSNs and RFID. With the great potential of IoT, there come all kinds of challenges. This paper focuses on the security problems among all other challenges. As IoT is built on the basis of the Internet, security problems of the Internet will also show up in IoT. And as IoT contains three layers: perception layer, transportation layer and application layer, this paper will analyze the security problems of each layer separately and try to find new problems and solutions. This paper also analyzes the cross-layer heterogeneous integration issues and security issues in detail and discusses the security issues of IoT as a whole and tries to find solutions to them. In the end, this paper compares security issues between IoT and traditional network, and discusses opening security issues of IoT.


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  1. Security of the Internet of Things: perspectives and challenges



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Wireless Networks
      Wireless Networks  Volume 20, Issue 8
      November 2014
      464 pages



      Berlin, Heidelberg

      Publication History

      Published: 01 November 2014

      Author Tags

      1. Heterogeneous
      2. Internet of Things
      3. RFID sensor networks
      4. Security
      5. Wireless sensor networks


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