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Fault-tolerant and real-time scheduling for mixed-criticality systems

Published: 01 July 2014 Publication History


The design and analysis of real-time scheduling algorithms for safety-critical systems is a challenging problem due to the temporal dependencies among different design constraints. This paper considers scheduling sporadic tasks with three interrelated design constraints: (i) meeting the hard deadlines of application tasks, (ii) providing fault tolerance by executing backups, and (iii) respecting the criticality of each task to facilitate system's certification. First, a new approach to model mixed-criticality systems from the perspective of fault tolerance is proposed. Second, a uniprocessor fixed-priority scheduling algorithm, called fault-tolerant mixed-criticality (FTMC) scheduling, is designed for the proposed model. The FTMC algorithm executes backups to recover from task errors caused by hardware or software faults. Third, a sufficient schedulability test is derived, when satisfied for a (mixed-criticality) task set, guarantees that all deadlines are met even if backups are executed to recover from errors. Finally, evaluations illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed test.


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Published In

cover image Real-Time Systems
Real-Time Systems  Volume 50, Issue 4
July 2014
174 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 July 2014

Author Tags

  1. Fault-tolerance
  2. Fixed-priority scheduling
  3. Mixed-criticality systems
  4. Real-time scheduling
  5. Run-time support


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