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Stackable ROADMs for minimizing lightpath interference during upgrade of in-service WDM networks

Published: 01 August 2013 Publication History


Bidirectional stackable ROADMs (BS-ROADMs) with 3-port optical add/drop multiplexers (OADMs) have been presented for minimizing the lightpath interference during reconfiguration of the ROADMs. The BS-ROADM is constructed by connecting some modules with different wavelengths, and it is reconfigured by adding new modules required in it. The reconfigurations of the BS-ROADMs are done for upgrading the in-service networks to support newly appeared traffic demand. The experimental results presented in this paper clarify that the BS-ROADM can multiplex and demultiplex the wavelengths successfully without limiting the pass-through wavelengths, providing the wavelength transparent networks. The reconfiguration of an in-service BS-ROADM can be made without influencing any lightpath in the network, and this type of BS-ROADMs is used for premium users. However, while adding a new module in comparatively low-cost BS-ROADMs in-service, the transmission break of some lightpaths might be taken place. The investigated transmission break time was limited within recovery time specified in the service level agreement for best-effort transmission, which has strong cost-effectiveness rather than high QoS. This upgradability of the BS-ROADMs adds more flexibility in coarse wavelength division multiplexing networks in terms of scalability and reconfigurability.


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  1. Stackable ROADMs for minimizing lightpath interference during upgrade of in-service WDM networks



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Photonic Network Communications
      Photonic Network Communications  Volume 26, Issue 1
      August 2013
      41 pages



      Berlin, Heidelberg

      Publication History

      Published: 01 August 2013

      Author Tags

      1. CWDM
      2. Lightpath reconfiguration
      3. ROADM
      4. ROADM reconfiguration
      5. Recovery time
      6. SLA


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