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Acceleration of Weak Galerkin Methods for the Laplacian Eigenvalue Problem

Published: 01 May 2019 Publication History


Recently, we proposed a weak Galerkin finite element method for the Laplace eigenvalue problem. In this paper, we present two-grid and two-space skills to accelerate the weak Galerkin method. By choosing parameters properly, the two-grid and two-space weak Galerkin method not only doubles the convergence rate, but also maintains the asymptotic lower bounds property of the weak Galerkin method. Some numerical examples are provided to validate our theoretical analysis.


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  1. Acceleration of Weak Galerkin Methods for the Laplacian Eigenvalue Problem



        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image Journal of Scientific Computing
        Journal of Scientific Computing  Volume 79, Issue 2
        May 2019
        689 pages


        Plenum Press

        United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 May 2019

        Author Tags

        1. 35B45
        2. 35J35
        3. 35J50
        4. 65N12
        5. 65N15
        6. 65N30
        7. 74N20
        8. Eigenvalue problem
        9. Lower bound
        10. Primary
        11. Secondary
        12. Two-grid method
        13. Two-space method
        14. Weak Galerkin finite element method


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