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On the choice of effectiveness measures for learning to rank

Published: 01 June 2010 Publication History


Most current machine learning methods for building search engines are based on the assumption that there is a target evaluation metric that evaluates the quality of the search engine with respect to an end user and the engine should be trained to optimize for that metric. Treating the target evaluation metric as a given, many different approaches (e.g. LambdaRank, SoftRank, RankingSVM, etc.) have been proposed to develop methods for optimizing for retrieval metrics. Target metrics used in optimization act as bottlenecks that summarize the training data and it is known that some evaluation metrics are more informative than others. In this paper, we consider the effect of the target evaluation metric on learning to rank. In particular, we question the current assumption that retrieval systems should be designed to directly optimize for a metric that is assumed to evaluate user satisfaction. We show that even if user satisfaction can be measured by a metric X, optimizing the engine on a training set for a more informative metric Y may result in a better test performance according to X (as compared to optimizing the engine directly for X on the training set). We analyze the situations as to when there is a significant difference in the two cases in terms of the amount of available training data and the number of dimensions of the feature space.


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  1. On the choice of effectiveness measures for learning to rank
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        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image Information Retrieval
        Information Retrieval  Volume 13, Issue 3
        Jun 2010
        118 pages


        Kluwer Academic Publishers

        United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 June 2010
        Accepted: 28 August 2009
        Received: 24 April 2009

        Author Tags

        1. Evaluation
        2. Evaluation metrics
        3. Learning to rank
        4. Training
        5. Empirical risk minimization


        • Research-article


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