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A fourth law of robotics? Copyright and the law and ethics of machine co-production

Published: 01 September 2015 Publication History


Jon Bing was not only a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence and law and the legal regulation of technology. He was also an accomplished author of fiction, with an oeuvre spanning from short stories and novels to theatre plays and even an opera. As reality catches up with the imagination of science fiction writers who have anticipated a world shared by humans and non-human intelligences of their creation, some of the copyright issues he has discussed in his academic capacity take on new resonance. How will we regulate copyright when robots are producers and consumers of art? This paper tries to give a sketch of the problem and hints at possible answers that are to a degree inspired by Bing's academic and creative writing.


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cover image Artificial Intelligence and Law
Artificial Intelligence and Law  Volume 23, Issue 3
September 2015
116 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 September 2015

Author Tags

  1. Bing
  2. Copyright law
  3. Robotics


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