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Planning in highly dynamic environments: an anytime approach for planning under time constraints

Published: 01 August 2008 Publication History


In this paper, we present a novel and domain-independent planner aimed at working in highly dynamic environments with time constraints. The planner follows the anytime principles: a first solution can be quickly computed and the quality of the final plan is improved as long as time is available. This way, the planner can provide either fast reactions or very good quality plans depending on the demands of the environment. As an on-line planner, it also offers important advantages: our planner allows the plan to start its execution before it is totally generated, unexpected events are efficiently tackled during execution, and sensing actions allow the acquisition of required information in partially observable domains. The planning algorithm is based on problem decomposition and relaxation techniques. The traditional relaxed planning graph has been adapted to this on-line framework by considering information about sensing actions and action costs. Results also show that our planner is competitive with other top-performing classical planners.


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cover image Applied Intelligence
Applied Intelligence  Volume 29, Issue 1
August 2008
109 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

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Published: 01 August 2008


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