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Efficient kNN search in polyphonic music databases using a lower bounding mechanism

Published: 01 October 2005 Publication History


Querying polyphonic music from a large data collection is an interesting topic. Recently, researchers have attempted to provide efficient methods for content-based retrieval in polyphonic music databases where queries are polyphonic. However, most of them do not work well for similarity search, which is important to many applications. In this paper, we propose three polyphonic representations with the associated similarity measures and a novel method to retrieve k music works that contain segments most similar to the query. In general, most of the index-based methods for similarity search generate all the possible answers to the query and then perform exact matching on the index for each possible answer. Based on the edit distance, our method generates only a few possible answers by performing the deletion and/or replacement operations on the query. Each possible answer is then used to perform exact matching on a list-based index, which allows the insertion operations to be performed. For each possible answer, its edit distance to the query is regarded as a lower bound of the edit distances between the matched results and the query. Based on the kNN results that match a possible answer, the possible answers that cannot provide better results are skipped. By using this mechanism, we design a method for efficient kNN search in polyphonic music databases. The experimental results show that our method outperforms the previous methods in efficiency. We also evaluate the effectiveness of our method by showing the search results to the musician and nonmusician user groups. The experimental results provide useful guidelines on the design of a polyphonic music database.


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  1. Efficient kNN search in polyphonic music databases using a lower bounding mechanism



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Multimedia Systems
      Multimedia Systems  Volume 10, Issue 6
      October 2005
      127 pages



      Berlin, Heidelberg

      Publication History

      Published: 01 October 2005

      Author Tags

      1. Indexing methods
      2. Lower bounded edit distance
      3. Polyphonic music information retrieval
      4. Search process


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