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Inserting One Edge into a Simple Drawing is Hard

Published: 13 August 2022 Publication History


A simple drawingD(G) of a graph G is one where each pair of edges share at most one point: either a common endpoint or a proper crossing. An edge e in the complement of G can be inserted into D(G) if there exists a simple drawing of G+e extending D(G). As a result of Levi’s Enlargement Lemma, if a drawing is rectilinear (pseudolinear), that is, the edges can be extended into an arrangement of lines (pseudolines), then any edge in the complement of G can be inserted. In contrast, we show that it is NP-complete to decide whether one edge can be inserted into a simple drawing. This remains true even if we assume that the drawing is pseudocircular, that is, the edges can be extended to an arrangement of pseudocircles. On the positive side, we show that, given an arrangement of pseudocircles A and a pseudosegment σ, it can be decided in polynomial time whether there exists a pseudocircle Φσ extending σ for which A{Φσ} is again an arrangement of pseudocircles.


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  1. Inserting One Edge into a Simple Drawing is Hard
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        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image Discrete & Computational Geometry
        Discrete & Computational Geometry  Volume 69, Issue 3
        Apr 2023
        339 pages



        Berlin, Heidelberg

        Publication History

        Published: 13 August 2022
        Accepted: 24 January 2022
        Revision received: 14 January 2022
        Received: 19 January 2021

        Author Tags

        1. Simple drawings
        2. Arrangements of pseudocircles
        3. Discrete geometry
        4. Graph drawing
        5. Lower bounds
        6. Algorithms

        Author Tags

        1. 68R10
        2. 05C10


        • Research-article

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