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Part 4: Reinforcement learning: Machine learning and natural learning

Published: 01 September 2006 Publication History


The theory of reinforcement learning (RL) was originally motivated by animal learning of sequential behavior, but has been developed and extended in the field of machine learning as an approach to Markov decision processes. Recently, a number of neuroscience studies have suggested a relationship between reward-related activities in the brain and functions necessary for RL. Regarding the history of RL, we introduce in this article the theory of RL and present two engineering applications. Then we discuss possible implementations in the brain.


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Published In

cover image New Generation Computing
New Generation Computing  Volume 24, Issue 3
Sep 2006
146 pages




Publication History

Published: 01 September 2006

Author Tags

  1. Reinforcement Learning
  2. Temporal Difference
  3. Actor-critic
  4. Reward System
  5. Dopamine


  • Research-article


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