Cited By
View all- Hong DSung JMoriai SLee SLim J(2001)Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of ZodiacRevised Papers from the 8th International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption10.5555/647936.741070(300-311)Online publication date: 2-Apr-2001
WARP is an energy-efficient lightweight block cipher that is currently the smallest 128-bit block cipher in terms of hardware. It was proposed by Banik et al. in SAC 2020 as a lightweight replacement for AES-128 without ...
In this paper, a new variant of differential cryptanalysis is developed by applying the idea of the boomerang attack on the truncated differential. We call this variant a triangle differential cryptanalysis since it utilizes the difference of ...
In 2011, Borghoff et al. introduced a slender-set differential cryptanalysis on PRESENT-like ciphers with key-dependent S-boxes. Borghoff's differential attack mainly divides into two parts: data collection phase and S-box recovery phase. In this paper, ...
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