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10.1007/978-3-642-00207-6_4guidebooksArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesBookacm-pubtype

An Argumentation Framework Based on Strength for Ontology Mapping

Published: 04 February 2009 Publication History


In the field of ontology mapping, using argumentation to combine different mapping approaches is an innovative research area. We had extended the Value-based Argumentation Framework (VAF) in order to represent arguments with <em>confidence degrees</em>, according to the similarity degree between the terms being mapped. The mappings are computed by agents using different mapping approaches. Based on their preferences and confidences, the agents compute their preferred mapping sets. The arguments in such preferred sets are viewed as the set of globally acceptable arguments. In previous work we had used discrete classes to represent the <em>confidence degrees</em> (certainty and uncertainty). In this paper, we propose to use continuous values from the interval [0,1]. Here, <em>confidence</em> is treated as <em>strength</em> . Using a threshold for the <em>strength</em> we can reduce the set of mappings and adjust the values of precision. We evaluate the use of <em>strength</em> against the previous confidence as discrete classes. The results are promising, especially what concerns precision.


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Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems: Fifth International Workshop, ArgMAS 2008, Estoril, Portugal, May 12, 2008. Revised Selected and Invited Papers
February 2009
228 pages
  • Editors:
  • Iyad Rahwan,
  • Pavlos Moraitis



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 04 February 2009


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