Price Volatility Dependence Structure Change Among Agricultural Commodity Futures Due to Extreme Event: An Analysis with the Vine Copula
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- Price Volatility Dependence Structure Change Among Agricultural Commodity Futures Due to Extreme Event: An Analysis with the Vine Copula
The Best Copula Modeling of Dependence Structure Among Gold, Oil Prices, and U.S. Currency
Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision MakingAbstractAs internationally traded commodities typically depend on the value of US dollar, this paper especially focuses on the most traded commodities, gold and crude oil, and tries to examine the dependence structures between these variables and the US ...
Correlation Analysis of Chinese and American Stock Markets Based on Vine-Copula Model
ICITEE '19: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Technologies and Electrical EngineeringThis paper proposes a GARCH-Vine copula model to analyze the tail dependence of different stock markets based on the fat-tail and volatility clustering characteristics of financial data and use it to study the structure and tail dependence of Chinese ...
A geometric investigation into the tail dependence of vine copulas
AbstractVine copulas are a type of multivariate dependence model, composed of a collection of bivariate copulas that are combined according to a specific underlying graphical structure. Their flexibility and practicality in moderate and high ...
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Berlin, Heidelberg
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