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Explainable Reinforcement Learning: A Survey

Published: 25 August 2020 Publication History


Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), i.e., the development of more transparent and interpretable AI models, has gained increased traction over the last few years. This is due to the fact that, in conjunction with their growth into powerful and ubiquitous tools, AI models exhibit one detrimental characteristic: a performance-transparency trade-off. This describes the fact that the more complex a model’s inner workings, the less clear it is how its predictions or decisions were achieved. But, especially considering Machine Learning (ML) methods like Reinforcement Learning (RL) where the system learns autonomously, the necessity to understand the underlying reasoning for their decisions becomes apparent. Since, to the best of our knowledge, there exists no single work offering an overview of Explainable Reinforcement Learning (XRL) methods, this survey attempts to address this gap. We give a short summary of the problem, a definition of important terms, and offer a classification and assessment of current XRL methods. We found that a) the majority of XRL methods function by mimicking and simplifying a complex model instead of designing an inherently simple one, and b) XRL (and XAI) methods often neglect to consider the human side of the equation, not taking into account research from related fields like psychology or philosophy. Thus, an interdisciplinary effort is needed to adapt the generated explanations to a (non-expert) human user in order to effectively progress in the field of XRL and XAI in general.


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Published In

cover image Guide Proceedings
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction: 4th IFIP TC 5, TC 12, WG 8.4, WG 8.9, WG 12.9 International Cross-Domain Conference, CD-MAKE 2020, Dublin, Ireland, August 25–28, 2020, Proceedings
Aug 2020
535 pages
  • Editors:
  • Andreas Holzinger,
  • Peter Kieseberg,
  • A Min Tjoa,
  • Edgar Weippl



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 25 August 2020

Author Tags

  1. Machine learning
  2. Explainable
  3. Reinforcement Learning
  4. Human-computer interaction
  5. Interpretable


  • Article


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