Trustworthy instantiation of frameworks
Proceedings of the 2004 international conference on Architecting Systems with Trustworthy Components
Pages 152 - 168
Frameworks are large building blocks of systems, encapsulating the commonalities of a family of applications. For reuse of these common features, frameworks are instantiated by smaller-sized components, plugins, to specific products. However, the framework instantiation process is often difficult, because not all aspects of the interplay of the framework and its plugins can be captured by standard type systems. Application developers instantiating a framework often fail to develop correct applications. Thus, this paper surveys several typical framework instantiation problems. A simple facet-based classification of the problems is given. It is shown how the different problem classes are related to phases of the software process and how they can be tackled appropriately. Finally, the paper derives several research challenges, in particular, the challenge to define appropriate framework instantiation languages.
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The Role of Pattern Languages in the Instantiation of Object-Oriented Frameworks
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Assisting aspect-oriented framework instantiation: towards modeling, transformation and tool support
OOPSLA '05: Companion to the 20th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applicationsAspect-Oriented (AO) frameworks improve a framework-centered development process by providing appropriate means for handling crosscutting concerns. However, the instantiation process of AO frameworks remains complex and error-prone. We propose a ...
Information & Contributors
Published In
December 2004
298 pages
Berlin, Heidelberg
Publication History
Published: 12 December 2004
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