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Applying biometrics to design three-factor remote user authentication scheme with key agreement

Published: 01 October 2014 Publication History


There are some biometrics-based three-factor remote user authentication schemes proposed by researchers for ensure high security features for network-based application systems. Recently, Das pointed out the security flaws of Li and Hwang's three-factor remote user authentication scheme, and proposed an enhanced biometrics-based three-factor remote user authentication scheme. Das's scheme overcomes the defects of Li and Hwang's scheme, and maintains the advantages of Li and Hwang's scheme at the same time. However, after detailed analysis, we find that Das's scheme remains vulnerable to forgery attack and stolen smart card attack; at the same time, Das's scheme cannot provide the session key agreement after the mutual authentication. To provide more security features, we design a three-factor remote user authentication scheme with key agreement using biometrics. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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  1. Applying biometrics to design three-factor remote user authentication scheme with key agreement



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    Published In

    cover image Security and Communication Networks
    Security and Communication Networks  Volume 7, Issue 10
    October 2014
    202 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents


    John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 October 2014

    Author Tags

    1. authentication
    2. biometrics
    3. cryptanalysis
    4. key agreement
    5. smart card


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