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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-03-14 23:23:34
看板 Browsers
作者 rick (可惜沒如果)
標題 [-Fx-] Firefox 52.0 Release(包含x64、未簽名)
時間 Tue Mar  7 23:12:08 2017

官方版本53.0預計在 2017年04月18日(美國時間) 台灣時間04月19日 更新


    Added support for WebAssembly, an emerging standard that brings
near-native performance to Web-based games, apps, and software libraries
without the use of plugins.

    Enabled multi-process Firefox for Windows users with touch screens

    Added user warnings for non-secure HTTP pages with logins. Firefox now
displays a “This connection is not secure” message when users click into
the username and password fields on pages that don’t use HTTPS.

    Implemented the Strict Secure Cookies specification which forbids
insecure HTTP sites from setting cookies with the "secure" attribute. In some
cases, this will prevent an insecure site from setting a cookie with the same
name as an existing "secure" cookie from the same base domain.

    Enhanced Sync to allow users to send and open tabs from one device to


    Various security fixes

    Improved text input for third-party keyboard layouts on Windows. This
will address some keyboard layouts that
        have chained dead keys
        input two or more characters with a non-printable key or a dead key
        input a character even when a dead key sequence failed to compose a


    Removed support for Netscape Plugin API (NPAPI) plugins other than Flash.
Silverlight, Java, Acrobat and the like are no longer supported.

    Removed Battery Status API to reduce fingerprinting of users by trackers

    Improved experience for downloads:
        Notification in the toolbar when a download fails
        Quick access to five most recent downloads rather than three
        Larger buttons for canceling and restarting downloads

    Display (but allow users to override) an “Untrusted Connection” error
when encountering SHA-1 certificates that chain up to a root certificate
included in Mozilla’s CA Certificate Program. (Note: Firefox continues to
permit SHA-1 certificates that chain to manually imported root certificates.)
Read more about the Mozilla Security Team’s plans to deprecate SHA-1

    Migrated Firefox users on Windows XP and Windows Vista operating systems
to the extended support release (ESR) version of Firefox.

    When not using Direct2D on Windows, Skia is used for content rendering


    Improved security for screen sharing, which now shows a preview and no
longer requires a whitelisted domain

    Enabled CSS Grid Layout, opening up a world of new possibilities for
graphic design

    Redesigned Responsive Design Mode to include device selection, network
throttling, and more


    Google Hangouts temporarily won't work

Download Firefox — Free Web Browser — Mozilla
Download Mozilla Firefox, a free Web browser. Firefox is created by a global non-profit dedicated to putting individuals in control online. Get Firefo ...



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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OlitD8R (Browsers)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Browsers/M.1488899533.A.21B.html
hijacker: flash以外的NPAPI插件都被禁用了1F 03/08 00:11
hijacker: 要自己新增plugin.load_flash_only設為false才能使用
hijacker: 其他的插件
tom282f3: NPAPI擴充套件完全禁用(Java QQ)4F 03/08 01:15
tom282f3: CSS Grid啟用 然後不再信任網站提供的SHA-1證書
sheilarea200: 尼終於來惹6F 03/08 02:01
paul81611: 借問一下這個版本的FX還有辦法裝沒簽名的套件嗎?7F 03/08 07:27
paul81611: 試過板上舊文裡寫的辦法無效 還是說我該去用unbranded
paul81611: ?
paul81611: 因為PcmanFX日文異常顯示的問題困擾很久了
paul81611: 從gitgub抓下來的最新版沒有簽名也不能裝QQ
abram: 連科技部的網站都變成不被信任  https://www.most.gov.tw/12F 03/08 08:09
「科技部全球資訊網」(MOST) ...

abram: 不知道是科技部還是firefox的問題?13F 03/08 08:10
aeolus0829: @abram 雖使用https,但連線內容未加密,這是科技部的14F 03/08 08:51
aeolus0829: 問題
olduck: 更新到52字體渲染變粗、重一點點的的感覺16F 03/08 09:04
zoko741235: 可以到 http://webassembly.org/demo/ 測試wasm17F 03/08 11:00
zoko741235: 另外這版本也原生支援async/await了18F 03/08 11:01
zoko741235: 剛好firefox跟chrome都在支持webextension
zoko741235: 說不定這個理由可以說服不少人使用最新版的瀏覽器阿
CP64: 科技部是因為我們政府的 Root CA 還在用 SHA1 所以變不信任21F 03/08 12:41
winiAH: 升上Fx52前,有裝 MClickFocusTab 擴充套件的,請先備份。22F 03/08 13:35
winiAH: 目前我測試是發現這兩個配一起,會讓歷史跟分頁記錄洗白。
Alica: 政府網站的問題看一下GCA常見問題24F 03/08 14:20
Alica: http://gca.nat.gov.tw/web2/faq-05.html Q17
Alica: 連一下那個自發憑證安裝網頁可以解決26F 03/08 14:20
PRODIGALEX: 更新52版後,IE Tab V2 無法正常使用~27F 03/08 14:36
abram: 使用https,但連線內容未加密 -> 真的好笑28F 03/08 17:52
abram: 政府部門不該吝嗇於投資在資安上阿
olduck: gfx.content.azure.backends 這版加skia,優先於cairo30F 03/08 17:56
abram: 點了自發憑證安裝的網頁之後就解決了 謝謝!31F 03/08 17:59
koihime: ESR終於有大版本號的更新,換成用52ESR,要撐很久了XD32F 03/08 17:59
hijacker: skia渲染好像跟cairo差不多阿  不知道效能有沒有比較好35F 03/08 23:02
ColdEyes: 更新之後mactype失效了有解嗎QQ36F 03/08 23:40
Toge: Webassembly真的很強,但要寫要先學C++……37F 03/08 23:51
cck196h: mactype要找360度無死角mayuyu的文吧?38F 03/09 01:51
PRODIGALEX: 更新52.0後,遊戲橘子樂豆程式無法啟動。39F 03/09 09:44
hsparrot: 剛從45 ESR升上52 ESR,以為終於要用上那個傳聞的40F 03/09 10:56
hsparrot: config.js修改法才能裝unsigned套件,結果竟無痛升級
hsparrot: 查了一下原來52 ESR還有支援xpinstall.signatures.requi
hsparrot: red這個設定,52 ESR果然是個寶啊!!
hsparrot: 不過Service Workers、Push、WebAssembly在52 ESR預設是
hsparrot: 關閉的,有需要的話要自行設定啟用
PRODIGALEX: 1F方法可以解決 IE Tab V2 無法使用 問題!46F 03/09 11:56
mayuyu: Mactype不能渲染的人 在網址列輸入about:config47F 03/09 14:39
mayuyu: 尋找gfx.content.azure.backends
mayuyu: 將原本的direct2d1.1,skia,cairo
mayuyu: 改為    direct2d1.1,cairo,skia
mayuyu: 也就是將skia,cairo的順序對調 或者是把skia刪除
mayuyu: 建議不要用MacType渲染Fx 改用D2D+CSS
abram:  謝謝Mayuyu大 刪除skia後確實MacType就正常運作了53F 03/09 16:40
abram:  http://i.imgur.com/jg72EWU.jpg 像是「秩」字就漂亮多了
cys070: 看到有些人反映無蝦米輸入法無法用55F 03/09 16:47
PRODIGALEX: 1F方法可以解決 遊戲橘子樂豆程式無法啟動 問題56F 03/10 04:15
kipi91718: 銀行元件全部GG57F 03/10 09:14
AMDX6: 無感....都跳槽chrome了.....58F 03/10 09:45
cool91788: 感謝Mayuyu大,剛剛試了一下Direct2D + CSS,效果非常59F 03/11 03:55
cool91788: 棒,不過花在改寫自己的樣式花了點時間...
JinJoy: 謝謝mayuyu大大,失效已久的渲染已經正常了61F 03/12 23:10

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