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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-28 22:38:29
看板 WoT
作者 hipponi (熊吉)
標題 [情報] 11/27 Q&A
時間 Thu Nov 28 18:44:17 2013

- both the L7 gun and the engine on Type 61 tier 9 Japanese MT are historical
according to SerB
根據Serb表示日本T9中坦Type 61上的L7炮跟引擎符合史實

- regular Type 98 Ke-Ni in game will have Hara suspension
(SS: Christie suspension “Otsu” version will possibly be a premium tank)
遊戲中的Type 98 Ke-Ni會用Hara懸吊

- Japanese heavy branch is being developed

- according to developers, radio mechanism is working fine and its impact on
gameplay is sufficient, especially on low and mid tiers

- too early to evaluate the new 8.9 TD statistics

“The analysis of new vehicles doesn’t begin immediately – not by a longshot.
Of course, it is constantly monitored and analyzed, but when it comes to new
vehicles, unlocked in the beginning by experienced or active players, of course
their stats go up and down. And when finally the majority of players gets used
to the vehicle, other players develop tactics against this vehicle and when it
is played by all who wanted to unlock it and not only those who succeeded, it
is then when we start considering the statistics valid and make decisions”
關於新坦克不會一開始就分析 - 至少需要一定時間的數據,當然新車會持續被觀察跟分析

- all TD’s have an abitrary camo bonus, but WT E-100 has a really poor camo in
general, because it’s too big
所有TD都有一個隨機的隱蔽加成,但WT E-100的隱蔽非常爛,因為它太大

- the fact some maps act differently balance-wise, when you use different tech
on them are a feature of the game and this is considered normal by the

- Object 430 will appear in 8.10
8.10會新增Object 430

- Lowe weight (and other data) is based on this table from Panzer Tracts (model
獅式的重量(跟其他數據)是依據Panzer Tracts(model W1662)的表格

- Storm on “Chinese leak” (SS: you know, that garbage with “IS-7 will be
getting a gun swap, currently it has the S-70; in 9.0, it will have the S-70A”
and so on): “Crap to the God of Crap! You probably believe fortune tellers
too…” – so, once again, it is CRAP.
這條其實就是Storm說之前中國那邊流出的9.0更新是假的(IS-7會換炮那些blablabla crap

- new maps based on historical locations are being developed: Kharkov, Minsk,
依照史實地點開發的新地圖製作中: Kharkov,Minsk,Königsberg

- the power of the engine is always constant in WoT (revving has no effect)

- some players keep complaining about Lowe weight being too high: Storm states
there are no reasons not to trust Jentz and Doyle and Panzer Tracts and there
are no other data about it
對於一些玩家持續抱怨獅式太重 : Storm說沒有任何理由不相信Jentz跟Doyle還有Panzer

- according to Evilly, STB-1 tier 10 Japanese MT will have a good depression,
“almost like Patton” (SS: -6)
根據Evilly所說,STB-1 T10日本中坦有很好的俯角,"就跟巴頓一樣"(SS: -6)
但是大元帥在論壇說是 -10° /+13
Japanese Tank Tree & Guns Discussion - "In Game" Vehicle Comparison - World of Tanks official forum - Page 309
Japanese Tank Tree & Guns Discussion - posted in In Game Vehicle Comparison: lostwingman, on , said:
That region baffles me.
Tell me about it, RU is also the only region that I know of where the general feelings about Chi-Nu Kai is that it is trash.
lostwingman, on , said:?
Sounds pretty av ...

Storm answers on questions under the “patchnotes” post:

- the new Japanese map will not be like Sacred Valley, it’s rather flat –
half of it are fields, half is the village, there will be mountains around the
新的日本地圖不會跟Sacred Valley類似,他比較平 - 有一半是平原,一半是村莊,邊緣

- according to Storm, it’s pointless to save video and audio settings on

- it’s not possible to display post-battle statistics when your client crashes
before the battle is over

- Object 140 as a whole will not be rebalanced
Object 140整體不會被重新平衡

- KV-1S will not be split in two tanks before the model rework stage is reached
(SS: that means at some point next year)

- tomorrow, the supertest final stage for 8.10 starts (8.10 common test will
NOT come this week)

- Storm confirms that in 8.10 the Japanese tanks will be green, not brown

- Northwest map has some imbalance between bases, but a small one (won’t be
rebalanced for now)

- whether SU-76i and Ke-Ni Otsu will be premium (or gift/award) tanks was not
yet decided
還沒決定SU-76i跟Ke-Ni Otsu是否會以金幣車(或是禮物/獎勵)出現

- apparently, SU-85i was also retested lately to make it ready for release

- the motion blur effect mentioned in patchnotes will be possible to switch off

- serverside replays will be implemented (when it’s done it’s done)

- no client optimization is planned for 8.10

- it’s possible to implement “last replay for each tank” instead of “last
replay from game played” saving too, but so far there have been no requests
for that

- about 30 interface issues for Team Battles were fixed in 8.10

- apparently, the developers wanted to call the “Hidden Village” map
Ninja village” at first :)
顯然的開發人員一開始想用"Ninja Village"來稱呼"Hidden Village"地圖

- according to Veider, there are plans to somehow limit the amount of TD’s in
tier 10 battles, Storm however adds statistics for battletiers 10, 11 and 12
(in percent) and adds he doesn’t think there are too many tier 10 TD’s:
Veider提到有計畫要限制T10場TD的數量,然而Storm拿出battletier 10,11跟12(百分比)
的數據並說他不覺得有太多T10 TD :

Battletier 10 (percent):
LТ = 7,11
MТ = 21,97
HТ = 40,07
АRТ = 7,99
TD = 22,87

Battletier 11 (percent):
LТ = 7,75
MТ = 24,41
HТ = 34,90
АRТ = 9,31
TD = 23,62

Battletier 12 (percent):
LТ = 5,26
MТ = 22,64
HТ = 35,17
АRТ = 12,02
TD = 24,91

- devs didn’t manage to fix the bug where WT E-100 “turret” gets damaged and
is impossible to repair
開發組沒有設法解決WT E-100的砲塔損壞無法修理的Bug

- events and discounts will be implemented into the Mission window as a part of

- Lowe increased ammo count doesn’t mean the ammo rack module got bigger

- premium Soviet MT has not been fixed yet

- full remodelling of non-combat interface will come in distant future

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
Pegasus99   :大巴頓俯角不是-9嗎?1F 11/28 18:46
hipponi     :我覺得是SS記錯了2F 11/28 19:01
Pegasus99   :或者是鍵盤太近按錯了=w=3F 11/28 19:21
damnedfish  :所以TD跟中坦數量差不多4F 11/28 20:15
iamstudent  :所以每個Tier都是HT最多5F 11/28 21:16
udm         :為什麼各坦克會被打馬賽克.....6F 11/28 22:33

※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 78 
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