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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-04-26 04:05:35
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 sarahls (~sarah~)
標題 [影音] 以前的訪問 & 火箭隊時練球影片
時間 Thu Apr 26 00:52:04 2012


Jeremy Lin was not surprised when waived by the Houston Rockets
Jeremy Lin was not surprised when waived by the Houston Rockets - YouTube Jeremy Lin was not surprised when waived by the Houston Rockets


Jeremy Lin talks about being the first Asian American in the NBA
Jeremy Lin talks about being the first Asian American in the NBA - YouTube Jeremy Lin talks about being the first Asian American in the NBA


在火箭隊時練球的影片 (瞪大你之前講的是這個嗎?)
Jeremy in Lin Houston Rockets training camp - YouTube
http://www.red94.net./ ESPN Houston Rockets Affiliate video of New York Knicks guard Jeremy Lin in Houston Rockets training camp. http://www.red94.net/ ESPN ...


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◆ From:
a138105:第一個鏡頭真的超近!!近到我自己嚇到.XDDDD 不過還是愛!!!1F 04/26 00:55
dadadeng:HAHA好棒喔!對我之前問的就是這個,還蠻清楚的他!:D2F 04/26 00:55
yun0215:是說那時也才剛開季...臉也沒像現在阿= 3=4F 04/26 00:57
dalepp:好近:) 記者是基於什麼理由這樣拍@@5F 04/26 00:57
dadadeng:yun大是要說他碰皮這件事嗎? XDDD6F 04/26 00:59
yun0215:碰皮&雙下巴(喂你夠了##  XDDD7F 04/26 00:59
dadadeng:Lin:不要再說我碰皮,再說我要吃軟糖才有辦法消(蛤?)8F 04/26 01:01
brennen:再次感謝火箭隊釋出Jeremy Lin :)9F 04/26 01:05
osape:這麼說來,釋出Lin的球隊今年好像都沒有進季後賽??火箭勇士10F 04/26 01:11
wuling1001:2004年高中 瘦弱的啾咪打球 好珍貴XD11F 04/26 01:14
Jeremy Lin High School Footage - YouTube
Jeremy Lin and the Palo Alto Vikings vs the Santa Cruz High Cardinals in the championship game of the Saint Francis Holiday Basketball Tournament in December...

brennen:高中時真的好瘦小,難怪教練會對Linsanity那麼驚訝...13F 04/26 01:26
lovelypag:ㄜ~~~怎麼都是截miss的畫面14F 04/26 01:30
dadadeng:他高中到大學 身材真的是n級跳15F 04/26 01:44
ab32110:勇士都把當家一哥換了 很明顯要展望下季了16F 04/26 02:13
spittz:哇~~~~~小Jeremy!!!......>u<17F 04/26 02:14
ab32110:艾利斯啦~~~~~~~不過勇士是後衛農場 他們大概覺得換中鋒22F 04/26 02:19

※ 看板: kulinomi 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 154 
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