Finding the MadeForKids status of a video

Interactions with YouTube content that is specifically directed towards children, which YouTube labels "MadeForKids" or "MFK", require special care and attention.

As an example, if you embed a YouTube video that is designated MadeForKids on your site or app, you are required by Section III.E.4.j of the Developer Policies to turn off tracking and make sure that all data collection, with respect to that player, is compliant with applicable laws, including U.S. Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

If you are not sure whether a video is designated MadeForKids, you can check the status of a video at any given time via the YouTube Data API Service following the instructions outlined below:

  1. Create or access your Google developer account via
  2. Add the YouTube API to your selected API Project (if you haven’t already). Note that the default YouTube API Services quota is 10,000 daily quota points; this is sufficient to check the MadeForKids video status of up to 5000 videos.
  3. Using the YouTube Data API Service, call the videos.list endpoint.
    1. Include the relevant Video ID(s) in the request parameters.
    2. Include, at minimum, the id and status parts in the request's part parameter.
  4. Check the video resource returned for the MFK status, which is returned in the resource's status.madeForKids property.

You can learn more about MadeForKids guidelines in the YouTube Help Center.