System-Managed Reports - Fields

Movies, Music, and TV

The following table defines fields that appear in YouTube Reporting API system-managed reports for movie, music, and TV partners:

active_claims The number of active claims.
active_reference_id YouTube-generated ID for the associated active reference.
activity_month The month of the report.
adjustment_type Indicates whether the row represents normal revenue data or an adjustment to previously reported revenue:
  • If the row represents normal revenue data, the field value is None. In addition, the data in that row reports data for the month associated with the report.
  • If the row represents an adjustment to previously reported data, the field contains one of the values in the list below. In this case, the row might contain data from months other than the month associated with the report. For example, the November 2016 report could contain adjustments applicable to events in October 2016 or other prior months.

    Possible adjustment types are:
    • Backpay - Payment that was withheld due to missing ownership.
    • Conflict Resolution - Payment that was withheld due to an ownership conflict. This is also a form of back payment.
    • Dispute Resolution - Payment related to a resolved dispute for revenue withheld prior to the current month's payments.
    • Dispute Conflict Resolution - A backpay payment derived from a resolved dispute that was withheld due to ownership in conflict.
    • Spam Adjustment - Payment related to spam correction. This is a deduction, which AdSense reports as Invalid Activity - YouTube.
    • Revenue Correction - Payment related to a technical bug or data correction. This value could be a credit or a deduction.
administer_publish_rights Indicates whether the music label administers publishing rights, which means that it collects and manages royalty payments for songwriters, composers, or publishers, or other parties that own the composition. Possible values are True and False.
adsense_earnings_month Earning month in which to query the AdSense report.
album The album on which a sound recording appears. The value has a maximum length of 255 bytes.
approx_daily_views The average of daily views of the asset.
artist The name of the artist associated with the asset identified in the report row. The value has a maximum length of 255 bytes.
asset_channel_id The channel that owns the partner-uploaded video that is claimed by the asset (asset_id). The field value is a YouTube channel ID that uniquely identifies the channel. You can retrieve additional data about the channel using the YouTube Data API's channels.list method.
asset_custom_id Optional asset metadata field used to uniquely identify an asset, usually an internal code. Other partners can't view your custom IDs.
asset_id The YouTube asset ID that uniquely identifies the asset associated with the data in the row. You can retrieve additional data about the asset using the YouTube Content ID API's assets.list method or look up the asset at the Assets page.
asset_labels Asset labels that are associated with the asset. Asset labels provide a way to group assets into custom categories. The labels can then be used to search for assets, update groups of assets, create campaigns for labeled assets, filter YouTube Analytics, and more.
asset_metadata_type The type of asset for the reference, such as Web or Movie.
asset_owners Current asset owners for the reference.
asset_policy_block Territories in which the owner policy is Block. Value is the two-letter country or region code for the terrority.
asset_policy_id Unique identifier for an owner policy. Currently, this value is only available in the API. This info is not shown in Studio Content Manager.
asset_policy_monetize Territories where the owner policy is Monetize. Value is the two-letter country or region code for the territory.
asset_policy_track Territories where the owner policy is Track. Value is the two-letter country or region code for the territory.
asset_title The asset's title.
asset_type The asset's type. Possible values are:
  • Art Track — Represents a track on YouTube of a sound recording that doesn't have a premium music video.
  • Composition — Represents a musical composition. A composition has metadata like ISWC and writers. It is the only asset type that can have multiple owners per territory. It may be embedded in a sound recording asset.
  • Movie — Represents a feature film. A movie has metadata like ISAN/EIDR and directors.
  • Music Video — Represents the official music video for a sound recording. A music video has metadata like Video ISRC, song, and artists. A music video asset embeds a sound recording asset.
  • Sound Recording — Represents an audio recording. A sound recording has metadata like ISRC, artist, and album. It embeds a composition asset, and may in turn be embedded in a music video asset.
  • Television episode — Represents an episode from a television show. An episode has metadata like season and episode number.
  • Web — Represents YouTube original video or other types of video content not covered by the other asset types.
audio_royalties Your recognized revenue from YouTube Audio Tier revenue. Based on greater-of-calculation between Partner Audio Share of Net Audio Ad Revenues and Audio Per Play Minimum Partner Revenue.
audio_share Ratio of Partner Audio Tier Playbacks to Total Audio Tier Playbacks.
category The video's genre, as displayed on the video's watch page. The value is a YouTube video category ID. You can use the YouTube Data API's videoCategories.list method to retrieve a mapping of video category IDs to category names.
channel_display_name The display name of the channel that uploaded the video.
channel_id The channel that owns the video (video_id) associated with the data in the row. The field value is a YouTube channel ID that uniquely identifies the channel. You can retrieve additional data about the channel using the YouTube Data API's channels.list method.
claiming_asset_type The type of asset for the claim.
claim_created_date The date that the claim was created.
claim_id The YouTube claim ID that uniquely identifies the asset associated with a claim in the row. You can retrieve additional data about the asset using the YouTube Content ID API's claims.list method or look up the asset at the Claims page.
claim_origin The method by which the claim against the video was created. Possible field values are:
  • Audio Match
  • Audio Swap
  • Batch Tool
  • Content ID API
  • Descriptive Search
  • External
  • GameID Match
  • Google Dev ID
  • Hashcode
  • Melody Match
  • SFTP Upload
  • Video Match
  • Web Search
  • Web Upload
  • YouTube Admin
claim_policy_block Territories where the applied claim policy is Block. Value is the two-letter country/region code.
claim_policy_id Unique identifier for an applied policy. Currently, this value is only available in the API. This info is not shown in Studio Content Manager.
claim_policy_monetize Territories where the applied claim policy is Track. Value is the two-letter country/region code.
claim_policy_track Territories where the applied claim policy is Track. Value is the two-letter country/region code.
claim_status Specifies whether the status of a claim is ACTIVE, INACTIVE, or PENDING.
claim_status_detail Detail about the status of a claim, such as CLOSED_MANUALLY.
claim_type Indicates whether the claim covers the audio, video, or audiovisual portion of the claimed content. Valid values for this field are:
  • Audio
  • Audio-Visual
  • Visual
claim_quality The source of the claimed video. Possible field values are:
  • Partner-provided - The video was uploaded by a YouTube partner.
  • Premium UGC - The video was uploaded by a third party, with copyrighted segments meeting the length and proportionality requirements to be treated the same as partner-provided licensed content for revenue sharing.
  • UGC - The video is user-generated content, meaning it was uploaded by a third party but does not meet the requirements to be treated the same as partner-provided licensed content for revenue sharing.

Note: This field is called Content Type in reports downloadable from the Reports menu of the YouTube Creator Studio.

claimed_by_another_owner Indicates whether another content owner has an active first-party or third-party claim on the video.
claimed_by_this_owner Indicates whether the content owner generating the report has an active first-party or third-party claim on the video.
comments_allowed Indicates whether comments are enabled for the video.
composition_right_type Specifies the types of composition rights associated with the claim. Valid values for this field are:
  • Mechanical
  • Performance
  • Synchronization
conflicting_country_code ISO country codes for territories with ownership conflict with other partners.
conflicting_owner Partner IDs for other partners with conflicting ownership.
content_type The source of the claimed video. Possible values are:
  • Partner-provided - The video that you upload to a YouTube channel that you own. You claim the video as you upload it, and apply a usage policy to it. Claiming partner-uploaded content enables monetization options, Content ID matching, and reporting.
  • Premium UGC - A video, which was uploaded by a third party, that contains copyrighted segments that meet the length and proportionality requirements to be treated the same as partner-provided licensed content.
  • UGC - A video, which was uploaded by a third party, that contains content that you own as determined by a Content ID match or a manual claim. The match policy associated with that claim determines where and how the video is available on YouTube.
constituent_asset_id Previous ID that an asset had before merging.
constituent_asset_ids Previous IDs that assets had before merging.
country Identifies the country where the activity occurred.
country_code Identifies the country code of the country where the activity occurred. The value is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
currency Indicates the monetary currency that the row represents.
currency_code Indicates the monetary currency code that the row represents.
custom_id A unique value that you, the metadata provider, use to identify an asset. The value could be a unique ID that you created for the asset or a standard identifier, such as an ISRC. The value has a maximum length of 64 bytes and may contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), periods (.), "at" symbols (@), or forward slashes (/).
date The date that the activity occurred. The value is in YYYYMMDD format.
date_created The date and time that the reference was created in UTC.
date_id The date that the activity occurred. The value is in YYYYMMDD format.
day The day that the activity occurred.
director Director associated with the asset.
directors Directors associated with the asset.
display_ads_enabled Indicates whether third-party advertisements are displayed on the video.
effective_policy The usage policy that is applied to the video in the Content Owner's territories of ownership.
eidr The Entertainment Identifier Registry (EIDR) assigned to a movie or television episode. The value contains a standard prefix for EIDR registry, followed by a forward slash, a 20-character hexadecimal string, and an alphanumeric (0-9A-Z) check character.
embedding_allowed Indicates whether the video can be embedded on third-party websites.
end_date End date and time.
episode_number The episode number associated with the video.
episode_title The title of a television or movie episode.
excluded_perc The percentage of the reference that is excluded, based on total exclusions and length.
exclusions The portions of the reference that are excluded and the type of exclusion (e.g. reference overlap, manual exclusion, invalid segment). Exclusion types available:
  • O = Manual exclusion through Content Manager
  • P = Manual exclusion through API
  • I = Manual exclusion through Content Delivery
  • C = Reference overlap
  • S = Invalid segment
  • B = Permanent exclusion
grid The Global Release Identifier, an optional metadata field used to uniquely identify an asset. The field's value contains exactly 18 alphanumeric characters.
has_multiple_claims Indicates whether there is more than one claim on the video. The value is false if there is one claim on the video and true if there is more than one.

Note: This field is called Multiple Claims? in reports downloadable from the Reports menu of the YouTube Creator Studio.
hfa The six-character code issued by the Harry Fox Agency (HFA) to uniquely identify a composition.
hfa_song_code The six-character code issued by the Harry Fox Agency (HFA) to uniquely identify a composition.
inactive_reference_id YouTube-generated ID for the associated inactive reference.
is_made_for_kids_effective_setting The effective the "Made For Kids" setting for the video.
is_made_for_kids_modifiable Indicates whether the "Made For Kids" setting is modifiable by the user.
is_made_for_kids_user_selection Indicates whether the video is user-specified as "Made For Kids."
is_merged Indicates if the asset was created due to an asset merge.
isrc The International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) of the related asset. The field's value contains exactly 12 alphanumeric characters.
iswc The International Standard Musical Work Code (ISWC) of the composition asset. The field's value contains exactly 11 characters in the format of a letter (T) followed by 10 digits.
label The record label that released a sound recording. The value has a maximum length of 255 bytes.
length_sec The length of the reference in seconds.
local_currency The type of local currency in which the revenue is paid.
longest_match Longest matching portion of a claim.
long_nonskippable_video_ads_enabled Indicates whether third-party long nonskippable advertisementscan play during the video. Instream video ads are shown during the content video playback.
match_policy The applied match policy for the asset.
matching_duration Total match duration of a claim.
metadata_origination The source of the asset's metadata.
monetized_views The total number of audio-only and audiovisual streams that were attributed to your content in the YouTube Premium subscription service. This value is only relevant for music partners.
monetized_views_art_track_audio The number of audio-only streams of art tracks that were attributed to your content in the YouTube Premium subscription service. This field is only supported for music partners.
monetized_views_art_track_audio_visual The number of audiovisual streams of art tracks that were attributed to your content in the YouTube Premium subscription service. This field is only supported for music partners.
monetized_views_audio The total number of audio-only streams that were attributed to your content in the YouTube Premium subscription service. The value is the sum of the monetized_views_art_track_audio, monetized_views_partner_owned_audio, and monetized_views_ugc_audio fields. This field is only supported for music partners.
monetized_views_audio_visual The total number of audiovisual streams that were attributed to your content in the YouTube Premium subscription service. The value is the sum of the monetized_views_art_track_audiovisual, monetized_views_partner_owned_audiovisual, and monetized_views_ugc_audiovisual fields. This field is only supported for music partners.
monetized_views_partner_owned_audio The number of audio-only streams of partner-provided, official music video content that were attributed to your content in the YouTube Premium subscription service. This field is only supported for music partners.
monetized_views_partner_owned_audio_visual The number of audiovisual streams of partner-provided, official music video content that were attributed to your content in the YouTube Premium subscription service. This field is only supported for music partners.
monetized_views_total_sub_service The sum of all audio-only and audiovisual monetized views across all YouTube music partners' claimed content in the YouTube Premium subscription service. This value is only available to music partners.
monetized_views_ugc_audio The number of audio-only streams of user-generated content (UGC) that were attributed to your content in the YouTube Premium subscription service. UGC refers to user-uploaded videos that are not treated the same as partner-provided licensed content for revenue sharing. This field is only supported for music partners.
monetized_views_ugc_audio_visual The number of audiovisual streams of user-generated content (UGC) that were attributed to your content in the YouTube Premium subscription service. UGC refers to user-uploaded videos that are not treated the same as partner-provided licensed content for revenue sharing. This field is only supported for music partners.
monetized_views_ugc_master_audio_visual The total number of audiovisual master recording streams that were attributed to your content in the YouTube Premium subscription service. This value is only relevant for music partners.
monetized_views_ugc_cover_audio_visual The total number of user generated cover videostreams that were attributed to your content in the YouTube Premium subscription service. This value is only relevant for music partners.
monetized_views_ugc_cover_shared_audio_visual The total number of user generated cover video with three-way revenue sharing that were attributed to your content in the YouTube Premium subscription service. This value is only relevant for music partners.
monetized_watchtime The total amount of YouTube Premium subscription watch time, in seconds, attributed to your non-music videos.
month The month that the activity occurred.
midrolls_enabled Indicates whether mid-roll advertisements can play for the video. Mid-rolls are video ads that appear during another video or event. For example, a mid-roll video ad may appear at intervals during a feature-length film. Mid-roll ads are for licensed content only.
multiple_claims Indicates whether there is more than one claim on the video. The value is false if there is one claim on the video and true if there is more than one.

Note: This field is called Multiple Claims? in reports downloadable from the Reports menu of the YouTube Creator Studio.
music_claim_type Indicates whether the claim covers the audio, video, or audiovisual portion of the claimed content. Valid values for this field are:
  • Audio
  • Audio-Visual
  • Visual
music_share Percentage of music activity per Country and Offer.
net_partner_revenue Net revenue for the partner.
net_partner_revenue_post_revshare Net revenue for the partner after the revenue share split has been applied.
revshare_rate_type The type of revshare rate applied to the revenue.
nonskippable_video_ads_enabled Indicates whether third-party nonskippable advertisements play for the video. Instream video ads are shown during the content video playback.
notes Indicates the payment from a prior month in the case of deferred adjustment payments.
offweb_syndicatable Indicates whether the video can be displayed outside of the browser.
overlay_ads_enabled Indicates whether overlay advertisements play for the video. Overlays are display advertisements shown on top of the video after 10 seconds.
other_owners_claiming The names of other content owners who also have claims on the video.
other_ownership_origination The source of ownership origination for other owners.
owned_views The total number of views of your owned content for which the policy that you set for the content is either monetize or track.

YouTube ads reports and YouTube Premium subscription reports for non-music content both contain the policy field, which indicates whether the policy associated with the data was monetize or track.
owned_subscription_views The total number of YouTube Premium subscription views of your owned content for which the content policy is either monetize or track.
ownership The owner of an asset in particular territories.
ownership_last_updated Date and time of the last ownership update.
ownership_origination The source of ownership origination.
ownership_percentage The percentage of the composition that you own.
partner_audio_ad_revshare Your Pro Rata YouTube Audio Tier revenue share taking into account revshare rate(s). Used to calculate greater-of-calculation.
partner_audio_ad_revshare_rate Partner ad revenue share rate.
partner_playbacks Playbacks in the YouTube Audio Tier service attributed to your content.
partner_revenue Your revenue in USD from advertising after the revenue share split has been applied. This field appears in YouTube ads reports. The youtube_revenue_split field contains the total revenue before the revenue share split was applied.
partner_revenue_art_track Your YouTube Premium subscription revenue share for art track content played in audiovisual mode.
partner_revenue_audio Your YouTube Premium subscription revenue share for content played in audio-only mode.
partner_revenue_local Your revenue in the local currency from advertising after the revenue share split has been applied. This field appears in YouTube ads reports. The youtube_revenue_split field contains the total revenue before the revenue share split was applied.
partner_revenue_usd Your revenue from advertising after the revenue share split has been applied. This field appears in YouTube ads reports. The youtube_revenue_split field contains the total revenue before the revenue share split was applied.
partner_revenue_auction Your revenue from auction-sold AdSense advertising.
partner_revenue_per_play_min Revenue calculated based on per play minimums. Used to calculate greater-of-calculation when aggregated at the country level.
partner_revenue_per_sub_min Per-country revenue calculated based on per subscriber minimums; used to calculate greater-of-calculation.
partner_revenue_pro_rata Your Pro Rata YouTube Premium subscription revenue share, taking into account revshare rate(s).
partner_revenue_pro_rata_audio Your Pro Rata YouTube Premium subscription revenue share for content played in audio-only mode.
partner_revenue_pro_rata_audio_per_sub_min Your Pro Rata YouTube Premium subscription revenue share for content played in audio only.
partner_revenue_pro_rata_audio_visual Your Pro Rata YouTube Premium subscription revenue share for content played in audiovisual mode.
partner_revenue_pro_rata_partner_owned Your Pro Rata YouTube Premium subscription revenue share for partner-uploaded content played in audiovisual mode.
partner_revenue_pro_rata_ugc Your Pro Rata YouTube Premium subscription revenue share for UGC content played in audiovisual mode.
partner_revenue_pro_rata_art_track Your Pro Rata YouTube Premium subscription revenue share for Art Track content played in audiovisual mode.
partner_revenue_partner_sold_partner_served Your revenue from advertisements that you sold and served from your own external ad servers.
partner_revenue_partner_sold_youtube_served Your revenue from advertising sold via DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) after the revenue share split has been applied.
partner_revenue_reserved Your revenue from reserved-sold advertising via DoubleClick (DCLK) and other YouTube-sold sources after the revenue share split has been applied.
partner_revenue_ugc Your revenue from user-generated content.
payment_period Time period in which the payment was made.
per_play_minimum The Per Play Min rate in that particular country.
per_play_minimum_currency The currency for the Audio Per Play Minimum.
per_play_minimum_partner_revenue Revenue calculated based on per play minimums. Used to calculate greater-of-calculation.
per_sub_min_rate Per-country revenue calculated based on per subscriber minimums; used to calculate greater-of-calculation.
per_subs_min_rate The Per Sub Min rate in that particular country.
policy The policy applied to the video. The value is either monetize or track.
pool_participating_rate Ad-supported (AVOD) marketshare of all the participating partners in the dynamic pool relative to the benchmark major.
postrolls_enabled Indicates whether post-rolls advertisements can play for the video. Post-rolls ads play after the video or live stream that the viewer is watching.
prerolls_enabled Indicates whether pre-roll advertisements can play for the video. Pre-roll ads play before the video or live stream the viewer is watching. Sometimes more than one pre-roll ad will play.
provider The name of the content owner who provided the reference.
ratings_allowed Indicates whether ratings are enabled for the video.
record_label Record label name from the asset's metadata. Only relevant for Music partners.
reference_id YouTube-generated ID for the reference associated with a claim. This field will be blank for partner uploaded claims.
reference_type The reference type or channel, such as Audio, Visual, AudioVisual.
reference_video_id YouTube-generated video ID of a reference. Only applies if the claim is associated with a reference created from a YouTube video.
release_date Release date from the asset's metadata. Only relevant for TV/Movie partners.
revenue_source Indicates the source of the revenue. Possible values are:
  • Ads - Revenue from ads shown on the video.
  • Subscriptions - Revenue from YouTube Premium paid subscriptions.
  • Transactions - Revenue from transactions, such as paid content or purchases.
revenue_type Indicates the revenue type that the row represents.
right_type Specifies the types of composition rights associated with the claim. Valid values for this field are:
  • Mechanical
  • Performance
  • Synchronization
season The season number associated with a television episode. The field has a maximum length of 5 bytes.
shorts_flat_fee_revenue_usd The flat fee revenue in USD for Shorts.
shorts_monthly_pool_usd The monthly revenue in USD for Shorts pool.
shorts_partner_revenue_usd The partner revenue in USD for Shorts.
shorts_usages_marketshare The marketshare for Shorts usage.
skippable_video_ads_enabled Indicates whether skippable video ads are enabled for the video. Skippable in-stream ads play before, during, or after other videos on YouTube and websites and apps on Google video partners. After 5 seconds, the viewer has the option to skip the ad and continue watching the video.
source_of_fingerprint The source of fingerprint for a given reference file.
sponsored_cards_enabled Indicates whether sponsored cards are enabled for the video. Sponsored product information cards let viewers shop for the products they see in videos.
start_date Start date and time.
status Indicates the status of the asset. Possible values are active or inactive.
studio The studio associated with the asset.
subscribers The number of subscribers.
tax_withholding_rate The applicable tax withholding rate in the tax withholding report.
tax_withheld_amount The amount of tax withheld in the tax withholding report.
third_party_ads_enabled Indicates whether third-party advertisements are enabled for the video.
third_party_video_id The partner-provided video ID used by the partner to identify the video for advertisement-targeting purposes.
time_published Date and time the video was published on YouTube in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS format. This field will be blank for videos that were never made public (i.e. private or unlisted videos)
time_uploaded Date and time the video was uploaded to YouTube in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS format.
tms The 12- to 14-character Tribune Media Systems (TMS) ID value that uniquely identifies a movie or television episode.
total_playbacks Total playbacks in the YouTube Audio Tier service.
total_revenue_by_source The total revenue by source, such as ads or subscriptions revenue.
total_views The total number of views.
unlaunched_territories_adjustment The adjustment to the Shorts pool for unlaunched territories.
upc The Universal Product Code (UPC), an optional metadata field used to uniquely identify an asset.
uploader The name of the content owner who uploaded the video.
upload_source The method used to upload the video to YouTube.
us_sourced_revenue The amount of revenue that's sourced from the United States.
usd_local_rate The exchange rate used to convert from USD to local currency. The value represents an average rate for daily transactions across the reporting period.
username The name of the YouTube content owner.
video_channel_id YouTube-generated channel identifier for the channel that published the claimed video.
video_duration The length of the video.
video_duration_sec The length of the video in seconds.
video_id The claimed video associated with the data in the row. The field value is a YouTube video ID, which uniquely identifies the video. You can retrieve additional data about the video using the YouTube Data API's videos.list method.
video_length The length of the video in seconds.
video_privacy_status Indicates if the video is public, private, or unlisted.
video_title The title of the video associated with the data in the row.
video_upload_date Date the claimed video was published.
video_url The URL to the video on YouTube.
views The number of times that the video was viewed.
writers A pipe-delimited list of the composition's writers.

For music labels, movie, and TV partners: Total YouTube ads revenue from your content. This amount is subsequently split according to the revenue share rate. The partner_revenue field contains your revenue.

For Music Publishers: Total YouTube ads revenue from your content, accounting for asset ownership, but prior to being split according to the revenue share rate. The partner_revenue field contains your revenue.


For music labels, movie, and TV partners: Total revenue from auction-sold AdSense advertising prior to applying revenue share splits.

For Music Publishers: Total revenue from auction-sold AdSense advertising, accounting for asset ownership, but prior to applying revenue share splits.


For music labels, movie, and TV partners: Total revenue from partner-sold, partner-served ads. This amount is subsequently split according to the revenue share rate. The partner_revenue_partner_served_partner_sold contains your revenue from partner-sold, partner-served ads.

For Music Publishers: Total revenue from partner-sold, partner-served ads, accounting for asset ownership. This amount is subsequently split according to the revenue share rate. The partner_revenue_partner_served_partner_sold contains your revenue from partner-sold, partner-served ads.


For music labels, movie, and TV partners: Total revenue from DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP). This amount is subsequently split according to the revenue share rate. The partner_revenue_partner_served_partner_sold contains your revenue from partner-sold, partner-served ads.

For Music Publishers: Total revenue from DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP), accounting for asset ownership. This amount is subsequently split according to the revenue share rate. The partner_revenue_partner_sold_youtube_sold contains your revenue from partner-sold, partner-served ads.


For music labels, movie, and TV partners: Total revenue from reserved-sold advertising via DoubleClick (DCLK) and other YouTube-sold sources. This amount is subsequently split according to the revenue share rate. The partner_revenue_reserved contains your revenue from these sources.

For Music Publishers: Total revenue from reserved-sold advertising via DoubleClick (DCLK) and other YouTube-sold sources, accounting for asset ownership. This amount is subsequently split according to the revenue share rate. The partner_revenue_reserved contains your revenue from these sources.


The following table defines fields that appear in YouTube Reporting API system-managed reports for Primetime programming partners:

AgeGroup The age group of the viewers in the report. Note that there must be at least 50 viewing events by members of a particular age group for that group to be listed. Possible field values are:
  • 13-17
  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55-64
  • 65+
AverageViewDuration The average number of seconds viewed of the program across all viewing events.
AverageViewPercent The average percentage of the program that was viewed across all viewing events.
CallSign If applicable, identifies the call sign for the station on which the program aired.
ConcurrentViewers The total number of viewing events during which a particular minute of the episode, identified by the MinutesSinceStart field value, was viewed.
ContentId A unique value that you, the metadata provider, use to identify an asset and that you have provided to YouTube. You can use this value to reconcile the asset with your own content management system. The value can be a unique ID that you created for the asset or a standard identifier, such as a TMS ID. The value has a maximum length of 64 bytes and may contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), periods (.), "at" symbols (@), or forward slashes (/).
ContentLength The duration of the program in seconds. Note that the duration of ads is not included for VOD programs with dynamic ad insertion (DAI).
ContentType The manner in which the viewer watched the content. Possible field values are:
  • DVR: The viewer recorded the program and saved it to their DVR.
  • Live: The viewer watched the program during its original live broadcast. For example, the viewer watched a live sporting event.
  • VOD: The viewer selected an episode or program available on an on-demand basis.
Date The date on which the program views occurred. The value is in YYYYMMDD format.
DeviceType The type of device on which the viewer watched the content. Note that there must be at least 50 viewing events for a particular device type for that device type to be listed. Possible field values are:
  • Computer
  • Console
  • Mobile Phone
  • Tablet
  • TV
DmaId The 3-digit identifier that Nielsen uses to identify the Designated Market Area (DMA)'s associated with the viewing events described in the data row.
EpisodeNumber If applicable, identifies the sequential episode number for the program within the specified season. The season is identified by the SeasonNumber field. For example, this value will be 1 for the first episode of the second season of a program.
Gender The gender of the viewers in the report. Note that there must be at least 50 viewing events by members of a particular gender for that gender to be listed. Possible field values are:
  • Male
  • Female
MinutesSinceStart The number of minutes from the start of a program when the viewing event started. Note that this number includes both program time and ad time with the exception of on-demand (VOD) programming that uses dynamic ad insertion (DAI). For VOD programming with DAI, the number includes only program time.
Network The station or network that released the content or on which the content aired.
PeakConcurrentViewers The maximum number of concurrent viewing events at any given minute of a particular program.
Platform The manner in which the viewer watched the content. Possible field values are:
  • Android
  • iOS
  • TV HTML5
  • Web
ProgramTitle The title or name of the episode, movie, or event.
ProgramType The type of program that the viewer watched. Possible field values are:
PublishDateTime The program's airing date or release date. The value is in YYYY-MM-DD format.
SeasonNumber The season number associated with the program. The field has a maximum length of 5 bytes.
SeriesTitle The title of the series associated with the data in the report row. For example, for a TV program, this value would specify the name of the show, and the ProgramTitle field would specify the title of the episode.
TmsId The 12- to 14-character Tribune Media Systems (TMS) ID value that uniquely identifies the program.
TotalWatchTime The total amount of time, in seconds, that the program was watched across all viewing events.
ViewersComplete The total number of live, DVR, and VOD viewing events during which the viewer stopped watching the video during a particular minute, which is identified by the MinutesSinceStart field value. If the MinutesSinceStart value represents a value shorter than the entire program (ContentLength), then these viewers stopped watching prior to the end of the program.
ViewersResume The total number of viewing events in which the viewer starts either a DVR program or a VOD program at any point other than within the first minute (minute 0) of the video.
ViewersStart The total number of viewing events in which any of the following are true:
  • The viewer joined a live stream at any minute of that program.
  • The viewer started a DVR program at any point within its first minute (minute 0).
  • The viewer started a VOD program at any point within its first minute (minute 0).
Views The total numbers of times that the program was viewed across all viewing events.