
For official Google Analytics API announcements, please subscribe to Google Analytics API Notify Group.

2024-09-18 Added Property Quotas Snapshot feature

Using the properties.getPropertyQuotasSnapshot method, you can get a current snapshot of all property quotas organized by quota category for a given property.

2024-06-28 Added "client errors per project per property" quota

There is now a limit of 10,000 API server errors allowed per project, per property, within a 15-minute window. This includes all requests resulting in a response with any code other than 500 or 200. Examples of errors falling under this quota: using incompatible dimensions and metrics combinations, all authentication errors.

If this limit is exceeded, further API calls to that property will be temporarily blocked for the associated Google Cloud project until the 15-minute window ends.

2024-05-14 Added Comparisons feature

Using Comparisons, you can evaluate subsets of your data side by side.

Core reporting methods of the Data API v1beta are updated to support the comparisons field which, when included, specifies the configuration of comparisons requested.

In a request, you can specify either a basic comparison, by providing the dimensionFilter expression with a request, or use a saved comparison by providing the comparison's resource name in the comparison field.

The getMetadata method is updated to list all saved comparisons available for a property under the comparisons response field.

When at least one comparison is specified in a request, the response will contain the comparison column identifying each comparison.

Currently, saved comparisons can only be created using the Google Analytics UI.

2024-05-08 Added report tasks, an asynchronous reporting feature, to the Data API v1alpha.

Using report tasks, you can initiate a long running asynchronous request to form a customized report of your Google Analytics event data.

The following report task manipulation methods have been added to the Data API v1alpha:

2024-05-06 New dimensions for key events

Dimensions and metrics for key events are now available.

Modify your report requests that use the isConversionEvent dimension to use the isKeyEvent dimension instead.

Modify any report requests that use a Deprecated Metric in the following table to use the Key Event Metric instead.

Deprecated Metric Key Event Metric
advertiserAdCostPerConversion advertiserAdCostPerKeyEvent
conversions keyEvents
firstTimePurchaserConversionRate firstTimePurchaserRate
purchaserConversionRate purchaserRate
sessionConversionRate sessionKeyEventRate
userConversionRate userKeyEventRate

Make similar modifications to any usage of key event metrics for one key event in your report requests.

The response for the properties/getMetadata method reflects the introduction of key event dimensions and metrics in DimensionMetadata and MetricMetadata objects as follows:

  • The apiName, uiName, and description contain the key event API name, UI name, and description.
  • The deprecatedApiNames repeated field has an entry with the deprecated conversion API name.

2024-03-25 Added primary channel group, manual traffic source & integration specific dimensions.

Primary channel group, manual traffic source and CM360, DV360, SA360 integration specific dimensions added to the Data API schema.

Audience dimensions:

  • audienceId Audience ID. The numeric identifier of an Audience.

Primary Channel Group dimensions:

  • firstUserPrimaryChannelGroup First user primary channel group

  • primaryChannelGroup Primary channel group

  • sessionPrimaryChannelGroup Session primary channel group

Manual Traffic Source dimensions:

  • manualCampaignId Manual campaign ID

  • manualCampaignName Manual campaign name

  • manualCreativeFormat Manual creative format

  • manualMarketingTactic Manual marketing tactic

  • manualMedium Manual medium

  • manualSource Manual source

  • manualSourceMedium Manual source / medium

  • manualSourcePlatform Manual source platform

  • firstUserManualCampaignId First user manual campaign ID

  • firstUserManualCampaignName First user manual campaign name

  • firstUserManualCreativeFormat First user manual creative format

  • firstUserManualMarketingTactic First user manual marketing tactic

  • firstUserManualMedium First user manual medium

  • firstUserManualSource First user manual source

  • firstUserManualSourceMedium First user manual source / medium

  • firstUserManualSourcePlatform First user manual source platform

  • sessionManualCampaignId Session manual campaign ID

  • sessionManualCampaignName Session manual campaign name

  • sessionManualCreativeFormat Session manual creative format

  • sessionManualMarketingTactic Session manual marketing tactic

  • sessionManualMedium Session manual medium

  • sessionManualSource Session manual source

  • sessionManualSourceMedium Session manual source / medium

  • sessionManualSourcePlatform Session manual source platform

Campaign Manager 360 (CM360) integration dimensions:

  • cm360AccountId CM360 account ID

  • cm360AccountName CM360 account name

  • cm360AdvertiserId CM360 advertiser ID

  • cm360AdvertiserName CM360 advertiser name

  • cm360CampaignId CM360 campaign ID

  • cm360CampaignName CM360 campaign name

  • cm360CreativeFormat CM360 creative format

  • cm360CreativeId CM360 creative ID

  • cm360CreativeName CM360 creative name

  • cm360CreativeType CM360 creative type

  • cm360CreativeTypeId CM360 creative type ID

  • cm360CreativeVersion CM360 creative version

  • cm360Medium CM360 medium

  • cm360PlacementCostStructure CM360 placement cost structure

  • cm360PlacementId CM360 placement ID

  • cm360PlacementName CM360 placement name

  • cm360RenderingId CM360 rendering ID

  • cm360SiteId CM360 site ID

  • cm360SiteName CM360 site name

  • cm360Source CM360 source

  • cm360SourceMedium CM360 source / medium

  • firstUserCm360AccountId First user CM360 account ID

  • firstUserCm360AccountName First user CM360 account name

  • firstUserCm360AdvertiserId First user CM360 advertiser ID

  • firstUserCm360AdvertiserName First user CM360 advertiser name

  • firstUserCm360CampaignId First user CM360 campaign ID

  • firstUserCm360CampaignName First user CM360 campaign name

  • firstUserCm360CreativeFormat First user CM360 creative format

  • firstUserCm360CreativeId First user CM360 creative ID

  • firstUserCm360CreativeName First user CM360 creative name

  • firstUserCm360CreativeType First user CM360 creative type

  • firstUserCm360CreativeTypeId First user CM360 creative type ID

  • firstUserCm360CreativeVersion First user CM360 creative version

  • firstUserCm360Medium First user CM360 medium

  • firstUserCm360PlacementCostStructure First user CM360 placement cost structure

  • firstUserCm360PlacementId First user CM360 placement ID

  • firstUserCm360PlacementName First user CM360 placement name

  • firstUserCm360RenderingId First user CM360 rendering ID

  • firstUserCm360SiteId First user CM360 site ID

  • firstUserCm360SiteName First user CM360 site name

  • firstUserCm360Source First user CM360 source

  • firstUserCm360SourceMedium First user CM360 source / medium

  • sessionCm360AccountId Session CM360 account ID

  • sessionCm360AccountName Session CM360 account name

  • sessionCm360AdvertiserId Session CM360 advertiser ID

  • sessionCm360AdvertiserName Session CM360 advertiser name

  • sessionCm360CampaignId Session CM360 campaign ID

  • sessionCm360CampaignName Session CM360 campaign name

  • sessionCm360CreativeFormat Session CM360 creative format

  • sessionCm360CreativeId Session CM360 creative ID

  • sessionCm360CreativeName Session CM360 creative name

  • sessionCm360CreativeType Session CM360 creative type

  • sessionCm360CreativeTypeId Session CM360 creative type ID

  • sessionCm360CreativeVersion Session CM360 creative version

  • sessionCm360Medium Session CM360 medium

  • sessionCm360PlacementCostStructure Session CM360 placement cost structure

  • sessionCm360PlacementId Session CM360 placement ID

  • sessionCm360PlacementName Session CM360 placement name

  • sessionCm360RenderingId Session CM360 rendering ID

  • sessionCm360SiteId Session CM360 site ID

  • sessionCm360SiteName Session CM360 site name

  • sessionCm360Source Session CM360 source

  • sessionCm360SourceMedium Session CM360 source / medium

Google Display & Video 360 (DV360) integration dimensions:

  • dv360AdvertiserId DV360 advertiser ID

  • dv360AdvertiserName DV360 advertiser name

  • dv360CampaignId DV360 campaign ID

  • dv360CampaignName DV360 campaign name

  • dv360CreativeFormat DV360 creative format

  • dv360CreativeId DV360 creative ID

  • dv360CreativeName DV360 creative name

  • dv360ExchangeId DV360 exchange ID

  • dv360ExchangeName DV360 exchange name

  • dv360InsertionOrderId DV360 insertion order ID

  • dv360InsertionOrderName DV360 insertion order name

  • dv360LineItemId DV360 line item ID

  • dv360LineItemName DV360 line item name

  • dv360Medium DV360 medium

  • dv360PartnerId DV360 partner ID

  • dv360PartnerName DV360 partner name

  • dv360Source DV360 source

  • dv360SourceMedium DV360 source / medium

  • firstUserDv360AdvertiserId First user DV360 advertiser ID

  • firstUserDv360AdvertiserName First user DV360 advertiser name

  • firstUserDv360CampaignId First user DV360 campaign ID

  • firstUserDv360CampaignName First user DV360 campaign name

  • firstUserDv360CreativeFormat First user DV360 creative format

  • firstUserDv360CreativeId First user DV360 creative ID

  • firstUserDv360CreativeName First user DV360 creative name

  • firstUserDv360ExchangeId First user DV360 exchange ID

  • firstUserDv360ExchangeName First user DV360 exchange name

  • firstUserDv360InsertionOrderId First user DV360 insertion order ID

  • firstUserDv360InsertionOrderName First user DV360 insertion order name

  • firstUserDv360LineItemId First user DV360 line item ID

  • firstUserDv360LinteItemName First user DV360 line item name

  • firstUserDv360Medium First user DV360 medium

  • firstUserDv360PartnerId First user DV360 partner ID

  • firstUserDv360PartnerName First user DV360 partner name

  • firstUserDv360Source First user DV360 source

  • firstUserDv360SourceMedium First user DV360 source / medium

  • sessionDv360AdvertiserId Session DV360 advertiser ID

  • sessionDv360AdvertiserName Session DV360 advertiser name

  • sessionDv360CampaignId Session DV360 campaign ID

  • sessionDv360CampaignName Session DV360 campaign name

  • sessionDv360CreativeFormat Session DV360 creative format

  • sessionDv360CreativeId Session DV360 creative ID

  • sessionDv360CreativeName Session DV360 creative name

  • sessionDv360ExchangeId Session DV360 exchange ID

  • sessionDv360ExchangeName Session DV360 exchange name

  • sessionDv360InsertionOrderId Session DV360 insertion order ID

  • sessionDv360InsertionOrderName Session DV360 insertion order name

  • sessionDv360LineItemId Session DV360 line item ID

  • sessionDv360LineItemName Session DV360 line item name

  • sessionDv360Medium Session DV360 medium

  • sessionDv360PartnerId Session DV360 partner ID

  • sessionDv360PartnerName Session DV360 partner name

  • sessionDv360Source Session DV360 source

  • sessionDv360SourceMedium Session DV360 source / medium

Google Search Ads 360 (SA360) integration dimensions:

  • firstUserSa360AdGroupId First user SA360 ad group ID

  • firstUserSa360AdGroupName First user SA360 ad group name

  • firstUserSa360CampaignId First user SA360 campaign ID

  • firstUserSa360CampaignName First user SA360 campaign

  • firstUserSa360CreativeFormat First user SA360 creative format

  • firstUserSa360EngineAccountId First user SA360 engine account ID

  • firstUserSa360EngineAccountName First user SA360 engine account name

  • firstUserSa360EngineAccountType First user SA360 engine account type

  • firstUserSa360KeywordText First user SA360 keyword text

  • firstUserSa360ManagerAccountId First user SA360 manager account ID

  • firstUserSa360ManagerAccountName First user SA360 manager account name

  • firstUserSa360Medium First user SA360 medium

  • firstUserSa360Query First user SA360 query

  • firstUserSa360Source First user SA360 source

  • firstUserSa360SourceMedium First user SA360 source / medium

  • sa360AdGroupId SA360 ad group ID

  • sa360CampaignId SA360 campaign ID

  • sa360AdGroupName SA360 ad group name

  • sa360CampaignName SA360 campaign

  • sa360CreativeFormat SA360 creative format

  • sa360EngineAccountId SA360 engine account ID

  • sa360EngineAccountName SA360 engine account name

  • sa360EngineAccountType SA360 engine account type

  • sa360KeywordText SA360 keyword text

  • sa360ManagerAccountId SA360 manager account ID

  • sa360ManagerAccountName SA360 manager account name

  • sa360Medium SA360 medium

  • sa360Query SA360 query

  • sa360Source SA360 source

  • sa360SourceMedium SA360 source / medium

  • sessionSa360AdGroupId Session SA360 ad group ID

  • sessionSa360CampaignId Session SA360 campaign ID

  • sessionSa360ManagerAccountId Session SA360 manager account ID

  • sessionSa360ManagerAccountName Session SA360 manager account name

  • sessionSa360SourceMedium Session SA360 source / medium

2024-03-06 Inactive user audiences support in Audience Exports.

The Audience Export feature better supports exporting inactive user audiences. Users enter these audiences without a qualifying event; for example, the user can enter the audience by not visiting your website for seven days. Examples of inactive user audiences include "7-day inactive purchasers", "7-day inactive users", & "7-day unnotified users". To learn more about those suggested audiences, see Suggested audiences.

2024-02-28 Audience Exports return the user ID specified in tagging.

Audience Exports now return the user ID specified in tagging even if user-provided data is turned on for your property. If user-provided data collection is turned on, user-provided data along with User-ID can be sent to Google Analytics in tagging to improve measurement. To learn more, see user-provided data collection.

2024-01-30 Webhook notifications support for Audience Lists, Recurring Audience Lists in the Data API v1 alpha.

AudienceList.webhookNotification and RecurringAudienceList.webhookNotification fields can be specified when creating an Audience List (using properties.audienceLists.create) or Recurring Audience List (using properties.recurringAudienceLists.create).

This functionality lets you asynchronously receive Webhook notifications when an audience list becomes available.

2024-01-18 Improved compatibility for dimensions that include the query string or minute component.

Dimensions that include the query string are now compatible with most fields. Dimensions like pagePathPlusQueryString, unifiedPageScreen, pageLocation and fullPageUrl are now compatible with many additional fields including sessionSource, browser, city and landingPage.

Dimensions that include the minute component are now compatible with most fields. Dimensions like minute, nthMinute and dateHourMinute are now compatible with a similar set of additional fields.

See the GA4 Dimensions & Metrics Explorer for comprehensive compatibility information.

2023-12-13 Custom item-scoped parameters

Item-scoped custom dimensions can now be included in Analytics Data API queries using the following syntax:

Generic API Name Description
customItem:parameter_name Item-scoped Custom Dimension for parameter_name

See the API Dimensions & Metrics for more information.

2023-12-05 Audience Lists are available in the Data API v1 beta as Audience Exports

Audience Lists feature has been renamed to Audience Exports and added to the Data API v1 beta.

Added the following methods to the Data API v1 beta:

2023-11-28 Added samplingMetadatas to report response

Added samplingMetadatas to ResponseMetaData. This collection will contain a SampleMetadata for each date range in the request for which the results were sampled. Google Analytics will apply sampling only when it anticipates that cardinality limits will reduce data quality.

2023-11-28 Added recurring Audience List export functionality to the Data API v1 alpha

Added properties.recurringAudienceLists.create, properties.recurringAudienceLists.create, properties.recurringAudienceLists.list methods to the Data API v1 alpha.

This functionality lets you produce audience lists daily as Audience memberships change. Recurring audience lists ensure you are working with the freshest Audience membership results.

2023-11-08 Added Audience List export to Sheets functionality to the Data API v1 alpha

Added the properties.audienceLists.exportSheet method to the Data API v1 alpha which lets you export an Audience List to Google Sheets.

2023-10-13 Added support for Audiences with membership durations of 1 day

Audiences with membership durations of 1 day are now supported by the Audience Lists export functionality.

2023-09-12 AudienceList default ordering rules

By default, reports created using the Audience Lists export functionality follow the same ordering rules as the other reporting methods of the Data API: the ordering will be descending by first column, then descending by second column, etc.

Before this change, you might have received the following report:

deviceId isAdsPersonalizationAllowed
ABC true
DAC false
ABC false
AAA true

After this change, you will receive the following report:

deviceId isAdsPersonalizationAllowed
AAA true
ABC false
ABC true
DAC false

2023-08-15 Added isLimitedAdTracking dimension to the Audience List export schema

  • isLimitedAdTracking The device's Limit Ad Tracking setting. Possible values include: true, false, and (not set).

    To learn more, see Audience List Dimensions.

2023-08-15 Added currencyCode dimension, itemDiscountAmount metric

  • currencyCode The local currency code (based on ISO 4217 standard) of the eCommerce event. For example, 'USD' or 'GBP'.

  • itemDiscountAmount The monetary value of item discounts in eCommerce events. This metric is populated in tagging by the 'discount' item parameter.

To learn more, see Data API reporting schema.

2023-08-10 Added isAdsPersonalizationAllowed dimension to the Audience List export schema

  • isAdsPersonalizationAllowed Is ads personalization allowed. If a user is eligible for ads personalization isAdsPersonalizationAllowed returns true. If a user is not eligible for ads personalization, isAdsPersonalizationAllowed returns false.

    To learn more, see Audience List Dimensions.

2023-07-10 Audience Lists

Audience Lists support added to the Data API v1 alpha. Audiences Lists include a snapshot of the users in the audience at the time of Audience List creation.

The following methods added to the Data API v1 alpha:

2023-05-19 Custom Channel Groups

Custom channel groups support added to the Data API.

2023-05-11 Tokens quota changes.

The quota system of the Data API has been updated to allow for more precise charges.

The number of tokens charged for each request has been updated in line with the quota change and rebalanced in a way to allow for a larger number of simple reporting queries, while charging significantly more quota tokens for large date reports.

After this change, while the charge for some requests will remain the same, there will be a noticeable increase in the charges for more complicated queries. For example, requests for more than 6 months of data can charge 1,000 or more quota tokens.

Standard Properties

Quota Name Old Limit New Limit
Core Tokens Per Property Per Day 25,000 200,000
Core Tokens Per Property Per Hour 5,000 40,000
Core Tokens Per Project Per Property Per Hour 1,750 14,000
Realtime Tokens Per Property Per Day 25,000 200,000
Realtime Tokens Per Property Per Hour 5,000 40,000
Realtime Tokens Per Project Per Property Per Hour 1,750 14,000
Funnel Tokens Per Property Per Day 25,000 200,000
Funnel Tokens Per Property Per Hour 5,000 40,000
Funnel Tokens Per Project Per Property Per Hour 1,750 14,000

Analytics 360 Properties

Quota Name Old Limit New Limit
Core Tokens Per Property Per Day 250,000 2,000,000
Core Tokens Per Property Per Hour 50,000 400,000
Core Tokens Per Project Per Property Per Hour 17,500 140,000
Realtime Tokens Per Property Per Day 250,000 2,000,000
Realtime Tokens Per Property Per Hour 50,000 400,000
Realtime Tokens Per Project Per Property Per Hour 17,500 140,000
Funnel Tokens Per Property Per Day 250,000 2,000,000
Funnel Tokens Per Property Per Hour 50,000 400,000
Funnel Tokens Per Project Per Property Per Hour 17,500 140,000

2023-03-02 Added date dimensions.

  • dayOfWeekName Day of week name. The day of the week in English. This dimension has values of Sunday, Monday, etc.

  • isoWeek ISO week of the year. ISO week number, where each week starts on Monday. For details, see Example values include 01, 02, & 53.

  • isoYear ISO year. The ISO year of the event. For details, see Example values include 2022 & 2023.

  • isoYearIsoWeek ISO week of ISO year. The combined values of isoWeek and isoYear. Example values include 201652 & 201701.

  • yearMonth Year month. The combined values of year and month. Example values include 202212 or 202301.

  • yearWeek Year week. The combined values of year and week. Example values include 202253 or 202301.

2023-02-27 Added e-commerce dimensions.

  • itemListPosition Item list position. The position of an item (e.g., a product you sell) in a list. This dimension is populated in tagging by the 'index' parameter in the items array.

  • itemLocationID Item location ID. The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used. This field is populated in tagging by the 'location_id' parameter in the items array.

  • itemPromotionCreativeSlot Item promotion creative slot. The name of the promotional creative slot associated with the item. This dimension can be specified in tagging by the creative_slot parameter at the event or item level. If the parameter is specified at both the event & item level, the item-level parameter is used.

2023-02-21 Added 'Landing page + query string' dimension.

  • landingPagePlusQueryString Landing page + query string. The page path + query string associated with the first pageview in a session.

This field replaces the landingPage dimension which is deprecated and will be updated to not return a query string on May 14, 2023.

2023-01-28 Added 'Views per user', 'Scrolled users' metrics.

  • screenPageViewsPerUser Views per user. The number of app screens or web pages your users viewed per active user. Repeated views of a single page or screen are counted. (screen_view + page_view events) / active users.

  • scrolledUsers Scrolled users. The number of unique users who scrolled down at least 90% of the page.

2023-01-23 Added 'Continent', 'Continent ID' dimensions.

  • continent Continent. The continent from which the user activity originated. For example, Americas or Asia.

  • continentId Continent ID. The geographic ID of the continent from which the user activity originated, derived from their IP address.

2023-01-23 Added 'Test data filter ID' dimension.

2022-10-18 Added Ads metrics.

  • advertiserAdClicks Ads clicks. Total number of times users have clicked on an ad to reach the property.
  • advertiserAdCost Ads cost. The total amount you paid for your ads.
  • advertiserAdCostPerClick Ads cost per click. Ads cost per click is ad cost divided by ad clicks and is often abbreviated CPC.
  • advertiserAdCostPerConversion Cost per conversion. Cost per conversion is ad cost divided by conversions.
  • advertiserAdImpressions Ads impressions. The total number of impressions.
  • returnOnAdSpend Return on ad spend. Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) is total revenue divided by advertiser ad cost.

2022-10-17 Added item-scoped metrics.

  • itemsAddedToCart Items added to cart. The number of units added to cart for a single item.
  • itemsCheckedOut Items checked out. The number of units checked out for a single item.
  • itemsClickedInList Items clicked in list. The number of units clicked in list for a single item.
  • itemsClickedInPromotion Items clicked in promotion. The number of units clicked in promotion for a single item.
  • itemsViewed Items viewed. The number of units viewed for a single item.
  • itemsViewedInList Items viewed in list. The number of units viewed in list for a single item.
  • itemsViewedInPromotion Items viewed in promotion. The number of units viewed in promotion for a single item.

2022-09-13 Schema compatibility changes announcement.

On December 1st 2022, the following breaking changes will occur:

  1. Item-scoped dimensions like itemName are becoming incompatible with event-scoped metrics like eventCount. Item-scoped dimensions will still be compatible with item-scoped metrics like itemRevenue, user-based metrics like activeUsers, and session-based metrics like sessions.

  2. Attribution dimensions like source are becoming incompatible with some event-scoped metrics like eventCount. Attribution dimensions will still be compatible with attributable metrics like conversions, user-based metrics like activeUsers, and session-based metrics like sessions.

  3. Dimensions that include the query string like pagePathPlusQueryString will only be compatible with a limited set of dimensions & metrics.

To learn more, see the detailed explanation of compatibility changes.

2022-09-01 Quota changes.

  • Requests per day , Requests Per Minute, Requests Per Minute Per User quotas are removed from the Data API.

  • Tokens Per Project Per Property Per Hour quota has been added to the API.

  • Each request consumes quota for both Tokens Per Property Per Hour and Tokens Per Project Per Property Per Hour.

    See the Quotas documentation for the detailed information on new quotas.

2022-08-03 Added session scoped SA360 dimensions.

  • sessionSa360AdGroupName Session SA360 ad group name. The Ad Group name from Search Ads 360 that led to this session.

  • sessionSa360CampaignName Session SA360 campaign. The Campaign name from Search Ads 360 that led to this session.

  • sessionSa360CreativeFormat Session SA360 creative format. The type of creative in Search Ads 360 that led to this session. For example, 'Responsive search ad' or 'Expanded text ad'.

  • sessionSa360EngineAccountId Session SA360 engine account ID. The ID of the engine account in SA360 that led to this session.

  • sessionSa360EngineAccountName Session SA360 engine account name. The name of the engine account in SA360 that led to this session.

  • sessionSa360EngineAccountType Session SA360 engine account type. The type of the engine account in Search Ads 360 that led to this session. For example, 'google ads', 'bing', or 'baidu'.

  • sessionSa360Keyword Session SA360 keyword text. The search engine keyword from Search Ads 360 that led to this session.

  • sessionSa360Medium Session SA360 medium. The search engine keyword from Search Ads 360 that led to this session. For example, 'cpc'.

  • sessionSa360Query Session SA360 query. The search query from Search Ads 360 that led to this session.

  • sessionSa360Source Session SA360 source. The source of the traffic from Search Ads 360 that led to this session. For example, '' or 'google'.

  • sessionCampaignId, sessionCampaignName dimensions now support Search Ads 360 campaigns.

2022-07-11 Added conversion rate metrics.

Conversion rate

  • sessionConversionRate The percentage of sessions in which any conversion event was triggered.

  • userConversionRate The percentage of users who triggered any conversion event.

Conversion Rate Metrics For One Conversion

  • sessionConversionRate:event_name The percentage of sessions in which a specific conversion event was triggered.

  • userConversionRate:event_name The percentage of users who triggered a specific conversion event.

2022-05-05 Added Funnel reporting functionality to the Alpha channel.

  • runFunnelReport method added to the v1alpha version of the API, which returns a customized funnel report of your Google Analytics event data.

  • This method is introduced at alpha stability with the intention of gathering feedback on syntax and capabilities before entering beta. Please complete the Google Analytics Data API Funnel Reporting Feedback to give your feedback on this API.

2022-02-16 Added new dimensions.

Manual term & content

  • firstUserManualAdContent First user manual ad content. The ad content that first acquired the user. Populated by the utm_content parameter.

  • firstUserManualTerm First user manual term. The term that first acquired the user. Populated by the utm_term parameter.

  • manualAdContent Manual ad content. The ad content attributed to the conversion event. Populated by the utm_content parameter.

  • manualTerm Manual term. The term attributed to the conversion event. Populated by the utm_term parameter.

  • sessionManualAdContent Session manual ad content. The ad content that led to a session. Populated by the utm_content parameter.

  • sessionManualTerm Session manual term. The term that led to a session. Populated by the utm_term parameter.

Crash analysis

  • crashAffectedUsers Crash-affected users. The number of users that logged a crash in this row of the report.

  • crashFreeUsersRate Crash-free users rate.


  • averageSessionDuration The average duration (in seconds) of users' sessions.

  • newVsReturning New / returning users.

  • screenPageViewsPerSession Views per session.

  • landingPage Landing page. The page path + query string associated with the first pageview in a session.

  • platformDeviceCategory The platform and type of device on which your website or mobile app ran.

Mobile App

  • averagePurchaseRevenuePerUser Average purchase revenue per user.

  • firstTimePurchaserConversionRate The percentage of active users who made their first purchase.

  • firstTimePurchasersPerNewUser The average number of first time purchasers per new user.

  • dauPerMau DAU / MAU. The rolling percent of 30-day active users who are also 1-day active users.

  • dauPerWau DAU / WAU. The rolling percent of 7-day active users who are also 1-day active users.

  • wauPerMau WAU / MAU. The rolling percent of 30-day active users who are also 7-day active users.

  • purchaserConversionRate The percentage of active users who made 1 or more purchase transactions.

  • transactionsPerPurchaser Transactions per purchaser.

Google Ads campaign

  • firstUserGoogleAdsCampaignType The campaign type of the Google Ads campaign that first acquired the user.

  • googleAdsCampaignType The campaign type for the Google Ads campaign attributed to the conversion event.

  • sessionGoogleAdsCampaignType The campaign type for the Google Ads campaign that led to this session.

2021-09-07 Added new Date/time dimensions.

  • dateHourMinute The combined values of date, hour, and minute formatted as YYYYMMDDHHMM.

  • minute The two-digit minute of the hour that the event was logged.

  • nthMinute The number of minutes since the start of the date range.

2021-09-07 Added new dimensions populated by event parameters.

  • achievementId The achievement ID in a game for an event.

  • character The player character in a game for an event.

  • fileExtension The extension of the downloaded file.

  • fileName The page path of the downloaded file.

  • groupId The player group ID in a game for an event.

  • linkClasses The HTML class attribute for an outbound link.

  • linkDomain The destination domain of the outbound link.

  • linkId The HTML id attribute for an outbound link or file download.

  • linkText The link text of the file download.

  • linkUrl The full url for an outbound link or file download.

  • method The method by which an event was triggered.

  • outbound Returns 'true' if the link leads to a site is not a part of the property’s domain.

  • pageLocation The protocol, hostname, page path, and query string for web pages visited.

  • pageReferrer The full referring URL including the hostname and path.

  • percentScrolled The percentage down the page that the user has scrolled (for example, '90').

  • searchTerm The term searched by the user.

  • videoProvider The source of the video (for example, 'youtube').

  • videoTitle The title of the video.

  • videoUrl The url of the video.

  • visible Returns 'true' if the content is visible.

  • unifiedPagePathScreen The page path (web) or screen class (app) on which the event was logged.

2021-09-07 API schema changes.

Changes in existing dimensions:

  • unifiedPageScreen For web generated events, this dimension now returns the page path and query string on which the event was logged.

Upcoming changes announcement:

  • firstUserTrafficOrigin The traffic origin that first acquired the user. Please do not depend on this field returning 'Manual' for traffic that uses UTMs; this field will update from returning 'Manual' to returning '(not set)' for an upcoming feature launch.

  • sessionTrafficOrigin The traffic origin of the session's campaign. Please do not depend on this field returning 'Manual' for traffic that uses UTMs; this field will update from returning 'Manual' to returning '(not set)' for an upcoming feature launch.

  • trafficOrigin The traffic origin of the conversion event's campaign. Please do not depend on this field returning 'Manual' for traffic that uses UTMs; this field will update from returning 'Manual' to returning '(not set)' for an upcoming feature launch.

2021-09-07 checkCompatibility method added to the API.

checkCompatibility method lists dimensions and metrics that can be added to a report request and maintain compatibility.

2021-07-21 Realtime reporting changes.

It is now possible to specify the minute ranges of event data to read using the minuteRanges parameter of the runRealtimeReport method.

2021-07-21 New channel grouping dimensions.

New channel grouping dimensions added to the Data API reporting schema:

  • firstUserDefaultChannelGrouping First user default channel grouping.

  • defaultChannelGrouping Default channel grouping.

2021-06-10 API schema changes.

  • minutesAgo dimension added to the Data API realtime schema and can be used in queries to the runRealtimeReport method. This dimension contains the number of minutes ago that an event was collected. 00 is the current minute, and 01 means the previous minute.

  • googleAdsCreativeId dimension added to the Data API schema. This dimension contains the ID of the Google Ads creative attributed to the conversion event.

  • sessionGoogleAdsCreativeId dimension added to the Data API schema. This dimension contains the ID of the Google Ads creative that lead to a session on your website or app.

  • firstUserCreativeId dimension renamed to firstUserGoogleAdsCreativeId in the Data API schema. This dimension contains the ID of the Google Ads creative that first acquired the user.

2021-04-09 The Google Analytics Data API v1 beta has been released.

  • The API endpoint updated to

  • runReport, runPivotReport, batchRunReports, batchRunPivotReports methods now accept the id of a Google Analytics 4 property in the property parameter of the URL path instead of the entity field of a request body:

  • API client libraries have been updated to use the new API endpoint.

2021-02-19 Pagination changes.

  • The default report response size increased from 10 to 10,000 rows of event data.

  • "limit" : -1 value that was used to indicate an attempt to retrieve all rows is no longer supported in RunReportRequest.

  • The maximum value of the limit field is set to 100000. Use pagination to retrieve reports containing more than 100,000 rows.

2021-02-08 New e-commerce dimensions and metrics.

New e-commerce dimensions and metrics have been added to the API schema:

Dimensions: adFormat, adSourceName, adUnitName, itemBrand, itemCategory, itemCategory2, itemCategory3, itemCategory4, itemCategory5 itemId, itemListId, itemListName, itemName, itemPromotionCreativeName, itemPromotionId, itemPromotionName, orderCoupon, transactionId.

Metrics: adUnitExposure, addToCarts, cartToViewRate, checkouts, ecommercePurchases, firstTimePurchasers, itemListClickThroughRate, itemListClicks, itemListViews, itemPromotionClickThroughRate, itemPromotionClicks, itemPromotionViews, itemPurchaseQuantity, itemRevenue, itemViews, publisherAdClicks, publisherAdImpressions, totalPurchasers.

2021-02-08 Added new campaign dimensions.

New campaign dimensions have been added to the API schema: campaignId, campaignName, googleAdsAccountName, googleAdsAdGroupId, googleAdsAdGroupName, googleAdsAdNetworkType, source, trafficOrigin

2021-02-08 dayOfWeek, week dimension changes.

  • The value of dayOfWeek dimension now starts with 0 instead of 1.

  • The value of week dimension now starts with 01 and returns a two-digit number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. January 1st is always in week 01.

2021-01-28 Added aggregation variants for custom metrics.

Each custom metric that a property registers creates three API metric variants: a sum, an average, and a count.

2021-01-28 Added new Date/time dimensions.

The following new dimensions have been added to the API schema: hour, nthHour, nthYear, dateHour.

2021-01-28 The Data API reduced the quota tokens charged per query.

The Data API reduced the quota tokens charged per query. The quota limits for property quota tokens per hour and per day were not changed.

2020-11-09 The method getUniversalMetadata has been deleted.

The method getUniversalMetadata has been deleted. Please use getMetadata. The one year maximum date range per API request has been removed.

2020-11-02 Added a Realtime Reporting Method.

See the Creating a Realtime Report for examples and runRealtimeReport for the REST reference documentation.

2020-10-19 Client library artifacts updated.

Client library artifacts updated along with usage instructions and code samples.

2020-10-13 App + Web properties have been renamed to Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

2020-10-08 getMetadata method added to the API.

getMetadata method returns Custom dimensions and metrics available for the specified GA4 property ID, as well as Universal metadata.

2020-10-08 Custom dimensions and metrics are available in reports.

See the API schema documentation for documentation on custom dimensions and metrics. This update includes Event-scoped Custom Dimensions and metrics as well as User-scoped Custom Dimensions.