List query operators

The Chromeosdevices.list and Mobiledevices.list methods support the following operators for the query parameter so you can filter your device search.

Field Examples
Status Provisioned devices: status:provisioned
Disabled devices: status:disabled
Deprovisioned devices: status:deprovisioned
Managed devices (non-deprovisioned): status:managed
Serial number id:12345abcdefg
Partial serial number searches are supported, as long as you enter at least three characters in the serial number.
Asset ID asset_id:1234
Date registered This field is not displayed on the ChromeOS settings page. However, you can search for devices that were registered on a given date, or within a given time range. Refer to Date and time formats for more info about formatting date queries.

Last sync sync:2013-10-12
Refer to Date and time formats for more info about formatting date queries.
User user:joe
user:"tom sawyer"
Location location:seattle
Notes note:"loaned from john"
Model public_model_name:"Google Pixelbook Go"
Partial model name searches are supported.
MEID or IMEI meid:123456789
Partial MEID or IMEI searches are supported.
Last user activity last_user_activity:2023-06-12..2023-06-30
Refer to Date and time formats for more info about formatting date queries.
OS update status Up to date: update_status:default_os_up_to_date
Updating: update_status:pending_update
Updating (download not started): update_status:os_image_download_not_started
Updating (download in progress): update_status:os_image_download_in_progress
Updating (pending reboot): update_status:os_update_need_reboot
OS version compliance Compliant: compliance:compliant
Pending update: compliance:pending_update
Not compliant: compliance:not_compliant
OS policy support status All policies supported: policy_status:true
Policies not supported: policy_status:false
Device type Enterprise Upgrade: sku:enterprise
Education Upgrade: sku:education
Upgrade type Enterprise or EDU Upgrade (Standalone): license_sku:standalone_chrome_enterprise_upgrade
Enterprise or EDU Upgrade (Bundled): license_sku:chrome_enterprise_upgrade_bundled
Kiosk & Signage Upgrade (Standalone): license_sku:standalone_kiosk_and_signage_upgrade
Chrome version chrome_version:111.012
Partial Chrome version searches are supported.
Chrome version (prefix) chrome_version:111;prefix
Search by Chrome version prefix.
Auto-update Expiration aue:2023-1-1..2023-12-31
Refer to Date and time formats for more info about formatting date queries.
Most recent user recent_user:[email protected]
Argument must be an email address.
Wi-Fi MAC address Address should be entered without spaces or colons. Partial address matching is not supported. Be aware that multiple devices may report the same address to the Admin console, and more than one result may be returned.
Ethernet MAC address Address should be entered without spaces or colons. Partial address matching is not supported. Be aware that multiple devices may report the same address to the Admin console, and more than one result may be returned.
CPU model name cpu_model_name:Intel
Partial CPU model name searches are supported.
System storage storage:68719476736..69793218560
System storage in bytes. Refer to Number range formats for more info about formatting number queries.
Total RAM ram:3221225472..5368709120
Total RAM in bytes. Refer to Number range formats for more info about formatting number queries.
Boot mode Verified: boot_mode:Verified
Developer: boot_mode:Dev

Date and time formats

  • Basic date or time: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
  • Before a date: ..YYYY-MM-DD
  • After a date: YYYY-MM-DD..
  • Within a date range: YYYY-MM-DD..YYYY-MM-DD

Number range formats

  • Less than: ..222222
  • Greater than: 111111..
  • Between: 111111..222222