
Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

The text-wrap-style CSS property controls how text inside an element is wrapped. The different values provide alternate ways of wrapping the content of a block element. It can also be set, and reset, using the text-wrap shorthand.

Try it


/* Keyword values */
text-wrap-style: auto;
text-wrap-style: balance;
text-wrap-style: pretty;
text-wrap-style: stable;

/* Global values */
text-wrap-style: inherit;
text-wrap-style: initial;
text-wrap-style: revert;
text-wrap-style: revert-layer;
text-wrap-style: unset;

When wrapping is allowed (see text-wrap-mode), the text-wrap-style property is specified as a single keyword chosen from the list of values below.



Text is wrapped in the most performant way for the browser and does not take into account the number of characters.


Text is wrapped in a way that best balances the number of characters on each line, enhancing layout quality and legibility. Because counting characters and balancing them across multiple lines is computationally expensive, this value is only supported for blocks of text spanning a limited number of lines (six or less for Chromium and ten or less for Firefox).


Text is wrapped using a slower algorithm that favors better layout over speed. This is intended for body copy where good typography is favored over performance (for example, when the number of orphans should be kept to a minimum).


Text is wrapped such that when the user is editing the content, the lines that come before the lines they are editing remain static rather than the whole block of text re-wrapping.


When the content is allowed to wrap, which it does by default, then there are a number of choices that can effect the way the content is wrapped.

The value you choose, for text-wrap-style, depends on how many lines of text you anticipate styling, whether the text is contenteditable, and whether you need to prioritize appearance or performance.

When the styled content will be limited to a short number of lines, such as headings, captions, and blockquotes, text-wrap-style: balance can be added to balance the number of characters on each line, enhancing layout quality and legibility. As browsers limit the number of lines impacted by this property, this value's impact on performance is negligible.

For longer sections of text, text-wrap-style: pretty can be used. Note that pretty has a negative effect on performance, so it should be only used for longer blocks of text when the layout is more important than speed.

The stable value improves user experience when used on content that is contenteditable. This value ensures that, as the user is editing text, the previous lines in the area being edited remain stable.

Formal definition

Initial valueauto
Applies totext and block containers
Computed valueas specified
Animation typediscrete

Formal syntax

text-wrap-style = 
auto |
balance |
stable |
pretty |


Balanced text

This example has two paragraphs, the first is the default auto and the second is balance.


  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Velit, ad. Impedit
  adipisci rerum modi praesentium atque aperiam vitae nesciunt consectetur
  assumenda deleniti repudiandae perferendis sed odio doloremque, aliquid natus
<p class="balanced">
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Velit, ad. Impedit
  adipisci rerum modi praesentium atque aperiam vitae nesciunt consectetur
  assumenda deleniti repudiandae perferendis sed odio doloremque, aliquid natus


p {
  max-width: 60ch;
.balanced {
  text-wrap-style: balance;



CSS Text Module Level 4
# text-wrap-style

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also