Google Play Game Services

The Google Play games service allows developers to enhance games with social leaderboards, achievements, game state, sign-in with Google, and more.


To call this service, we recommend that you use the Google-provided client libraries. If your application needs to use your own libraries to call this service, use the following information when you make the API requests.

Discovery document

A Discovery Document is a machine-readable specification for describing and consuming REST APIs. It is used to build client libraries, IDE plugins, and other tools that interact with Google APIs. One service may provide multiple discovery documents. This service provides the following discovery document:

Service endpoint

A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service. One service might have multiple service endpoints. This service has the following service endpoint and all URIs below are relative to this service endpoint:


REST Resource: accesstokens

generatePlayGroupingApiToken POST /games/v1/accesstokens/generatePlayGroupingApiToken
Generates a Play Grouping API token for the PGS user identified by the attached credential.
generateRecallPlayGroupingApiToken POST /games/v1/accesstokens/generateRecallPlayGroupingApiToken
Generates a Play Grouping API token for the PGS user identified by the Recall session ID provided in the request.

REST Resource: achievementDefinitions

list GET /games/v1/achievements
Lists all the achievement definitions for your application.

REST Resource: achievements

increment POST /games/v1/achievements/{achievementId}/increment
Increments the steps of the achievement with the given ID for the currently authenticated player.
list GET /games/v1/players/{playerId}/achievements
Lists the progress for all your application's achievements for the currently authenticated player.
reveal POST /games/v1/achievements/{achievementId}/reveal
Sets the state of the achievement with the given ID to REVEALED for the currently authenticated player.
setStepsAtLeast POST /games/v1/achievements/{achievementId}/setStepsAtLeast
Sets the steps for the currently authenticated player towards unlocking an achievement.
unlock POST /games/v1/achievements/{achievementId}/unlock
Unlocks this achievement for the currently authenticated player.
updateMultiple POST /games/v1/achievements/updateMultiple
Updates multiple achievements for the currently authenticated player.

REST Resource: applications

get GET /games/v1/applications/{applicationId}
Retrieves the metadata of the application with the given ID.
getEndPoint POST /games/v1/applications/getEndPoint
Returns a URL for the requested end point type.
played POST /games/v1/applications/played
Indicate that the currently authenticated user is playing your application.
verify GET /games/v1/applications/{applicationId}/verify
Verifies the auth token provided with this request is for the application with the specified ID, and returns the ID of the player it was granted for.

REST Resource: events

listByPlayer GET /games/v1/events
Returns a list showing the current progress on events in this application for the currently authenticated user.
listDefinitions GET /games/v1/eventDefinitions
Returns a list of the event definitions in this application.
record POST /games/v1/events
Records a batch of changes to the number of times events have occurred for the currently authenticated user of this application.

REST Resource: leaderboards

get GET /games/v1/leaderboards/{leaderboardId}
Retrieves the metadata of the leaderboard with the given ID.
list GET /games/v1/leaderboards
Lists all the leaderboard metadata for your application.

REST Resource: metagame

getMetagameConfig GET /games/v1/metagameConfig
Return the metagame configuration data for the calling application.
listCategoriesByPlayer GET /games/v1/players/{playerId}/categories/{collection}
List play data aggregated per category for the player corresponding to playerId.

REST Resource: players

get GET /games/v1/players/{playerId}
Retrieves the Player resource with the given ID.
getMultipleApplicationPlayerIds GET /games/v1/players/me/multipleApplicationPlayerIds
Get the application player ids for the currently authenticated player across all requested games by the same developer as the calling application.
getScopedPlayerIds GET /games/v1/players/me/scopedIds
Retrieves scoped player identifiers for currently authenticated user.
list GET /games/v1/players/me/players/{collection}
Get the collection of players for the currently authenticated user.

REST Resource: recall

gamesPlayerTokens GET /games/v1/recall/gamesPlayerTokens/{sessionId}
Retrieve the Recall tokens from all requested games that is associated with the PGS Player encoded in the provided recall session id.
lastTokenFromAllDeveloperGames GET /games/v1/recall/developerGamesLastPlayerToken/{sessionId}
Retrieve the last Recall token from all developer games that is associated with the PGS Player encoded in the provided recall session id.
linkPersona POST /games/v1/recall:linkPersona
Associate the PGS Player principal encoded in the provided recall session id with an in-game account
resetPersona POST /games/v1/recall:resetPersona
Delete all Recall tokens linking the given persona to any player (with or without a profile).
retrieveTokens GET /games/v1/recall/tokens/{sessionId}
Retrieve all Recall tokens associated with the PGS Player encoded in the provided recall session id.
unlinkPersona POST /games/v1/recall:unlinkPersona
Delete a Recall token linking the PGS Player principal identified by the Recall session and an in-game account identified either by the 'persona' or by the token value.

REST Resource: revisions

check GET /games/v1/revisions/check
Checks whether the games client is out of date.

REST Resource: scores

get GET /games/v1/players/{playerId}/leaderboards/{leaderboardId}/scores/{timeSpan}
Get high scores, and optionally ranks, in leaderboards for the currently authenticated player.
list GET /games/v1/leaderboards/{leaderboardId}/scores/{collection}
Lists the scores in a leaderboard, starting from the top.
listWindow GET /games/v1/leaderboards/{leaderboardId}/window/{collection}
Lists the scores in a leaderboard around (and including) a player's score.
submit POST /games/v1/leaderboards/{leaderboardId}/scores
Submits a score to the specified leaderboard.
submitMultiple POST /games/v1/leaderboards/scores
Submits multiple scores to leaderboards.

REST Resource: snapshots

get GET /games/v1/snapshots/{snapshotId}
Retrieves the metadata for a given snapshot ID.
list GET /games/v1/players/{playerId}/snapshots
Retrieves a list of snapshots created by your application for the player corresponding to the player ID.

REST Resource: stats

get GET /games/v1/stats
Returns engagement and spend statistics in this application for the currently authenticated user.