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Seed Stage Ideals - Tech Stack

Seed Stage Ideals - Tech Stack

1 min read

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Seed Stage Ideals - Continuous Delivery

Seed Stage Ideals - Continuous Delivery

1 min read
Seed Stage Ideals - Continuous Integration/Dev Env

Seed Stage Ideals - Continuous Integration/Dev Env

1 min read
Short note: HTTP request recording (vcr) vs higher level mocks

Short note: HTTP request recording (vcr) vs higher level mocks

Comments 1
2 min read
Seed Stage Ideals - Organization and Productivity

Seed Stage Ideals - Organization and Productivity

1 min read
Faster (cheap) remote dev environments - towards a compile cluster?

Faster (cheap) remote dev environments - towards a compile cluster?

1 min read
Short note: flaky test detection tools

Short note: flaky test detection tools

1 min read
Short note: Oban for background jobs and async workflows

Short note: Oban for background jobs and async workflows

1 min read
Isomorphic showdown: liveview vs nextjs

Isomorphic showdown: liveview vs nextjs

Comments 2
2 min read
Short note: Isomorphic overkill for shared json serialization?

Short note: Isomorphic overkill for shared json serialization?

Comments 1
1 min read
Short note: Asana > Jira

Short note: Asana > Jira

Comments 2
1 min read
Short note: strong types, pure, no tests, manual test scenarios, careful

Short note: strong types, pure, no tests, manual test scenarios, careful

1 min read
Short note: haskell-- language family

Short note: haskell-- language family

Comments 2
1 min read
Drop Microsoft's LinkedIn for Fediverse's Mastodon

Drop Microsoft's LinkedIn for Fediverse's Mastodon

1 min read
Exvcr usage recommendations - http testing

Exvcr usage recommendations - http testing

1 min read
Short note: gradual union progress in tech with CODE-CWA

Short note: gradual union progress in tech with CODE-CWA

Comments 1
1 min read
Quick note: nixpkgs (pkg manager) vs asdf (shell) vs gitpod (docker) for putting finishing touches on dev env reproducibility

Quick note: nixpkgs (pkg manager) vs asdf (shell) vs gitpod (docker) for putting finishing touches on dev env reproducibility

Comments 4
1 min read