
Package dependencies

Dependencies are one of the core concepts of the pub package manager. A dependency is another package that your package needs to work. Dependencies are specified in your pubspec. You list only immediate dependencies: the software that your package uses directly. Pub handles transitive dependencies for you.

This page has detailed information on how to specify dependencies. At the end is a list of best practices for package dependencies.



For each dependency, you specify the name of the package you depend on and the range of versions of that package that you allow. You can also specify the source. The source tells pub how to locate the package.

As an example, you specify a dependency in the following format:

  transmogrify: ^1.0.0

This YAML code creates a dependency on the transmogrify package using the default package repository ( and allowing any version from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0 (but not including 2.0.0). To learn about this syntax, check out version constraints.

To specify a source other than, use sdk, hosted, git, or path. For example, the following YAML code uses path to tell pub to get transmogrify from a local directory:

    path: /Users/me/transmogrify

The next section describes the format for each dependency source.

Dependency sources


Pub can use the following sources to locate packages:

Hosted packages


A hosted package is one that can be downloaded from the site (or another HTTP server that speaks the same API). Here's an example of declaring a dependency on a hosted package:

  transmogrify: ^1.4.0

This example specifies that your package depends on a hosted package named transmogrify and works with any version from 1.4.0 to 2.0.0 (but not 2.0.0 itself).

If you want to use your own package repository, you can use hosted to specify its URL. The following YAML code creates a dependency on the transmogrify package using the hosted source:

  sdk: '^2.19.0'

    version: ^1.4.0

The version constraint is optional but recommended. If no version constraint is given, any is assumed.

Git packages


Sometimes you live on the bleeding edge and need to use packages that haven't been formally released yet. Maybe your package itself is still in development and is using other packages that are being developed at the same time. To make that easier, you can depend directly on a package stored in a Git repository.


The git here says this package is found using Git, and the URL after that is the Git URL that can be used to clone the package.

Even if the package repo is private, if you can connect to the repo using SSH, then you can depend on the package by using the repo's SSH URL:

    git: [email protected]:munificent/kittens.git

If you want to depend on a specific commit, branch, or tag, add a ref key to the description:

      url: [email protected]:munificent/kittens.git
      ref: some-branch

The ref can be anything that Git allows to identify a commit.

Pub assumes that the package is in the root of the Git repository. To specify a different location in the repo, specify a path relative to the repository root:

      url: [email protected]:munificent/cats.git
      path: path/to/kittens

The path is relative to the Git repo's root.

Git dependencies are not allowed as dependencies for packages uploaded to

Path packages


Sometimes you find yourself working on multiple related packages at the same time. Maybe you are creating a framework while building an app that uses it. In those cases, during development you really want to depend on the live version of that package on your local file system. That way changes in one package are instantly picked up by the one that depends on it.

To handle that, pub supports path dependencies.

    path: /Users/me/transmogrify

This says the root directory for transmogrify is /Users/me/transmogrify. For this dependency, pub generates a symlink directly to the lib directory of the referenced package directory. Any changes you make to the dependent package are seen immediately. You don't need to run pub every time you change the dependent package.

Relative paths are allowed and are considered relative to the directory containing your pubspec.

Path dependencies are useful for local development, but do not work when sharing code with the outside world—not everyone can get to your file system. Because of this, you cannot upload a package to the site if it has any path dependencies in its pubspec.

Instead, the typical workflow is:

  1. Edit your pubspec locally to use a path dependency.
  2. Work on the main package and the package it depends on.
  3. Once they're both working, publish the dependent package.
  4. Change your pubspec to point to the now hosted version of its dependent.
  5. Publish your main package too, if you want.



The SDK source is used for any SDKs that are shipped along with packages, which may themselves be dependencies. Currently, Flutter is the only SDK that is supported.

The syntax looks like this:

    sdk: flutter

The identifier after sdk: indicates which SDK the package comes from. If it's flutter, the dependency is satisfiable as long as:

  • Pub is running in the context of the flutter executable
  • The Flutter SDK contains a package with the given name

If it's an unknown identifier, the dependency is always considered unsatisfied.

Version constraints


Let's say that your Package A depends upon Package B. How can you communicate to other developers which version of Package B remains compatible with a given version of Package A?

To let developers know version compatibility, specify version constraints. You want to allow the widest range of versions possible to give your package users flexibility. The range should exclude versions that don't work or haven't been tested.

The Dart community uses semantic versioning1.

You can express version constraints using either traditional syntax or caret syntax starting with Dart 2.19. Both syntaxes specify a range of compatible versions.

The traditional syntax provides an explicit range like '>=1.2.3 <2.0.0'. The caret syntax provides an explicit starting version ^1.2.3

  # This package must use a 3.x version of the Dart SDK starting with 3.2.
  sdk: ^3.2.0

      name: transmogrify
    # This package must use a 1.x version of transmogrify starting with 1.4.
    version: ^1.4.0

To learn more about pub's version system, see the package versioning page.

Traditional syntax


A version constraint that uses the traditional syntax can use any of the following values:

anyAll versionsNoServes as a explicit declaration of empty version constraint.
1.2.3Only the given versionNoLimits adoption of your package due the additional limits it places on apps that use your package.
>=1.2.3Given version or laterYes
>1.2.3Versions later than the given versionNo
<=1.2.3Given version or earlierNo
<1.2.3Versions earlier than the given versionNoUse this when you know an upper bound version that doesn't work with your package. This version might be the first to introduce some breaking change.

You can specify any combination of version values as their ranges intersect. For example, if you set the version value as '>=1.2.3 <2.0.0', this combines the both limitations so the dependency can be any version from 1.2.3 to 2.0.0 excluding 2.0.0 itself.

Caret syntax


Caret syntax expresses the version constraint in a compact way. ^version means the range of all versions guaranteed to be backwards compatible with the given version. This range would include all versions up to the next one to introduce a breaking change. As Dart uses semantic versioning, this would be the next major version for any package version 1.0 or later or the next minor version for any package version earlier than 1.0.

Version valueRange covers toCaret SyntaxTraditional Syntax
>=1.0Next major^1.3.0'>=1.3.0 <2.0.0'
<1.0Next minor^0.1.2'>=0.1.2 <0.2.0'

The following example shows caret syntax:

  # Covers all versions from 1.3.0 to 1.y.z, not including 2.0.0
  path: ^1.3.0
  # Covers all versions from 1.1.0 to 1.y.z, not including 2.0.0
  collection: ^1.1.0
  # Covers all versions from 0.1.2 to 0.1.z, not including 0.2.0
  string_scanner: ^0.1.2

Dev dependencies


Pub supports two flavors of dependencies: regular dependencies and dev dependencies. Dev dependencies differ from regular dependencies in that dev dependencies of packages you depend on are ignored. Here's an example:

Say the transmogrify package uses the test package in its tests and only in its tests. If someone just wants to use transmogrify—import its libraries—it doesn't actually need test. In this case, it specifies test as a dev dependency. Its pubspec will have something like:

  test: ^1.25.0

Pub gets every package that your package depends on, and everything those packages depend on, transitively. It also gets your package's dev dependencies, but it ignores the dev dependencies of any dependent packages. Pub only gets your package's dev dependencies. So when your package depends on transmogrify it will get transmogrify but not test.

The rule for deciding between a regular or dev dependency is simple: If the dependency is imported from something in your lib or bin directories, it needs to be a regular dependency. If it's only imported from test, example, etc. it can and should be a dev dependency.

Using dev dependencies makes dependency graphs smaller. That makes pub run faster, and makes it easier to find a set of package versions that satisfies all constraints.

Dependency overrides


You can use dependency_overrides to temporarily override all references to a dependency.

For example, perhaps you are updating a local copy of transmogrify, a published package. Transmogrify is used by other packages in your dependency graph, but you don't want to clone each package locally and change each pubspec to test your local copy of transmogrify.

In this situation, you can override the dependency using dependency_overrides to specify the directory holding the local copy of the package.

The pubspec would look something like the following:

name: my_app
  transmogrify: ^1.2.0
    path: ../transmogrify_patch/

When you run dart pub get or dart pub upgrade, the pubspec's lockfile is updated to reflect the new path to your dependency and, wherever transmogrify is used, pub uses the local version instead.

You can also use dependency_overrides to specify a particular version of a package:

name: my_app
  transmogrify: ^1.2.0
  transmogrify: '3.2.1'

Only the dependency overrides in a package's own pubspec are considered during package resolution. Dependency overrides inside any depended-on packages are ignored.

As a result, if you publish a package to, keep in mind that your package's dependency overrides are ignored by all users of your package.

Best practices


Be proactive in managing your dependencies. Ensure that your packages depend on the freshest versions of packages when possible. If your package depends on a stale package, that stale package may depend on other stale packages in its dependency tree. Stale versions of packages can have a negative impact on the stability, performance, and quality of your app.

We recommend the following best practices for package dependencies.

Use caret syntax


Specify dependencies using the caret syntax. This allows the pub tool to select newer versions of the package when they become available. Further, it places an upper bound on the allowed version.

Depend on the latest stable package versions


Use dart pub upgrade to update to the latest package versions that your pubspec allows. To identify dependencies in your app or package that aren't on the latest stable versions, use dart pub outdated.

Tighten version constraints for dev dependencies


A dev dependency defines a package that you need only when developing. A finished app won't need these packages. Examples of these packages include tests or code generation tooling. Set the version constraints of packages in dev_dependencies to have a lower bound of the latest version on which your package depends.

Tightening the version constraints of your dev dependencies might resemble the following:

  build_runner: ^2.4.12
  lints: ^2.1.1
  test: ^1.25.8

This YAML sets the dev_dependencies to the latest patch versions.

Test whenever you update package dependencies


If you run dart pub upgrade without updating your pubspec, the API should stay the same and your code should run as before—but test to make sure. If you modify the pubspec and update to a new major version, then you might encounter breaking changes, so you need to test even more thoroughly.

Test with downgraded dependencies


When developing packages for publication, it is often preferable to allow the widest dependency constraints possible. A wide dependency constraint reduces the likelihood that package consumers face a version resolution conflict.

For example, if you have a dependency on foo: ^1.2.3 and version 1.3.0 of foo is released, it might be reasonable to keep the existing dependency constraint (^1.2.3). But if your package starts using features that were added in 1.3.0, then you'll need to bump your constraint to ^1.3.0.

However, it's easy to forget to bump a dependency constraint when it becomes necessary. Therefore, it's a best practice to test your package against downgraded dependencies before publishing.

To test against downgraded dependencies, run dart pub downgrade and verify your package still analyzes without errors and passes all tests:

dart pub downgrade
dart analyze
dart test

Testing with downgraded dependencies should happen alongside normal tests with latest dependencies. If dependency constraints need to be bumped, change them yourself or use dart pub upgrade --tighten to update dependencies to the latest versions.

Verify the integrity of downloaded packages


When retrieving new dependencies, use the --enforce-lockfile option to ensure the extracted package contents match the contents of the original archive. Without modifying the lockfile, this flag only resolves new dependencies if:

  • pubspec.yaml is satisfied
  • pubspec.lock is not missing
  • The packages' content hashes match