Transform your organization by building a culture of trust

Conscious Culture Program

1:1 Coaching

Minimum of 3 months

Culture is a reflection of the consciousness of the leader

Which is why we require three months of 1:1 coaching* (at minimum) before any team engagement. After three months, we will assess if the leader is dedicated to practicing conscious leadership at work and at home. For teams within larger organizations where active engagement with the organizational leader is out of reach, starting with the team leader may be sufficient.

*Leaders who are in CLG Forums can petition to skip this step.

Our initial sequence includes up to (6) 50-min sessions over the course of 3 months. You'll decide with your coach if your sessions will be on the phone or Zoom (video). Your coach will be available for laser coaching (texts, emails, calls to work through issues as they arise in real time) throughout your coaching period. 

Key Benefits:

  • Targeted Guidance: Your coach will address your unique leadership challenges and goals customized for your personality, life experience, and leadership style. 
  • Increased Self-Awareness: Thesuperpower that allows you to create your reality instead of being at the effect of what’s happening. 
  • Peak Performance: Our coaches are skilled in the art of challenge; they will focus on areas where you’re not fully facing what is so you can actualize your potential.
  • Radical Support: Expect to be as deeply supported as you will be challenged. 
  • Whole Life Transformation: Our clients share that their home lives are just as deeply impacted by coaching—for the good!—as their work lives. 

When you’re ready to learn the art of context and to apply The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership in all areas of your life, our team of coaches are ready to support you.

Conscious Culture Program

Survey and Assessment

Our intention here is to find out if there are any significant issues that need to be addressed before training with the team begins. Second, we will discover the issues of your unique culture that we want to be mindful of as we facilitate the team.

Enneagram Assessment

We believe the Enneagram is a key to building self awareness, and supports your coach to guide you more efficiently in relationship to your core personality patterns.

Team 360

In addition to an initial coaching sequence, we highly recommend that you have us perform a Team 360, which will include specific feedback about the leader being coached. This will consist of (8) 20-minute calls. Email assessments will be given to an additional 10-15 people for feedback. You'll receive a report with a summary and actionable recommendations that your consultant will review with you via phone or Zoom.

Conscious Culture Survey

We use this instrument to identify how much your team is leading from trust vs. threat and to gauge their relationship with each of the 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership. We send an assessment midway through and at the conclusion of the Conscious Culture Program to offer a reflection on the impact of the program.

Conscious Culture Program

Team Training

A 8-10 Month Experience / Commitments 1-6 of The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership

Leadership Team Goes First

After over a decade of experience with hundreds of organizations, we have learned (sometimes the hard way) how important it is to have the leadership team trained first. The benefits are twofold:

(1) leaders of the organization get a chance to practice and build skills in order to better practice with their direct reports when they begin their own learning process. This is particularly key for any leaders who have management issues with their direct reports.

(2) We find that when leadership teams practice and integrate these first seven commitments, those around them notice and celebrate the difference and are motivated to learn more (versus having it be something put upon them).

Conscious Culture Program

Organizational Rollout

After the senior leadership teams completes the Conscious Culture Program, we partner with you to customize next steps for the rest of your teams and organization.

Conscious Culture Program

Ongoing Training

Once your culture has the fundamentals of commitments 1- 6 down, there are many other trainings that we can offer to help support your culture being even more conscious.

Enneagram Training

1:1 Coaching

Establishing Organizational Forums

Training Internal Coach or Coaches

(for Head of HR/Culture/People)

And more…

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Enneagram Training

Enneagram Assesment

1 hour
$500 per person

Our professional Enneagram typers assess all of your team members. The assessment process includes:

  • 15-minute Online Survey
  • 45-minute Typing Conversation with your Enneagram Typing Expert
  • Follow-up information about the Enneagram, your type, and how it relates to conscious leadership. 

If you want to use the Enneagram to become a more effective leader or your team wants to work with the Enneagram, we highly recommend that everyone on your team gets typed through this process.

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Enneagram Training

Enneagram Coaching

3-month minimum

Discovering your Enneagram type is a great start to learning and growing with your personality patterns. A CLG coach will support you to deepen your insight and create sustainable change as you explore how your type influences how you live and lead.

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Enneagram Training

Team Trainings

Half day or full day
In-person + Virtual

Getting your team typed and trained as a group can be a collaboration game changer. Knowing your own types and the types of your team members deepens connection, empathy, collaboration, productivity, and often, fun(!). 

Introduction to Enneagram

  • One of our Expert Enneagram Typers will type all team members
  • Your Enneagram Facilitator will lead a half- or full-day training.
  • You’ll learn about the 9 Enneagram types and how they show up as different leadership styles. Everyone will gain greater insight into their own and their teammates' strengths and challenges, and how they interact with one another based on type.

Advanced Modules

We offer a suite of advanced Enneagram modules to support your team to become even more self aware and utilize the wisdom of the Enneagram model for more effective collaboration. We encourage teams to take the whole series in the order below, but you can also pick specific modules that interest you for a custom program. A call with our team will help you clarify what’s best for your organization.


Each Enneagram type is associated with limiting beliefs that affect listening and feedback styles. You’ll learn about your type’s limiting beliefs and how you can stay aware of them to be a more effective listener, and to take in feedback with less reactivity. You'll also discover how each type likes to receive feedback, so you can better frame your communication to minimize conflict and maximize learning.


Each Enneagram type has a vice and a virtue: the vice is how we create our unique brand of suffering, the virtue points towards the path to ease our suffering. Learning about the achilles heels and super-powers of your team-mates is a setup for more compassion, understanding, and effective collaboration. You’ll also find that as you spend less type in your vice and more time in your virtue, life will become more exquisite.


Discover the communication style of each team member (built on the vice and focus of attention from earlier modules). This is a game changer in terms of genuinely understanding your team-mates and yourself. Everyone will learn how to express themselves more clearly and to effectively listen to one another.


Defense mechanisms are unconscious psychological strategies we use to deal with overwhelming situations. While they were formed to protect us, they also keep us from experiencing our true selves. In this session, we help you to understand what each type is trying to avoid that keeps you from being a more responsive leader.


We offer you a guide that defines the triggers and behaviors to look out for that cause each type to get reactive. We’ll also share practical shift moves associated with each type to help you more easily come back to presence. This session is also an introduction to basic conscious leadership models that may inspire a team to want to begin a conscious culture program with us as a next exploration.


Though there are 9 Enneagram types, there are actually 27 unique expressions because each type has three variations known as instincts. You’ll explore the three instincts: self-preservation, one:one, and social. We lead with one of the styles, which influences how we specifically react in challenging situations. These patterns are formed in childhood; understanding your instinctual patterns is a beautiful key to unraveling unsatisfying life-long patterns.

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Team Trainings

Introduction to Conscious Leadership

Half day or full day
In-person + Virtual

In our most popular event, we teach leaders how to significantly reduce drama

in their lives. You'll learn how to address your reactivity (context) so that you can effectively tackle the content of your issue. When you only address content, issues tend to recycle. When you handle context first, you'll be able to permanently resolve your issues.

What We’ll Cover

  • Context versus Content. Paying attention to context is the key to a drama free culture.
  • The 4 Questions of Conscious Leadership. Four key questions designed to be used ongoing to build self awareness and become a more conscious leader.  
  • The Drama Triangle. The Triangle roles of Victim, Villain, and Hero describes the go-to positions that create and perpetuate drama and limit organizational growth and creativity.
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Team Trainings

Introduction to Enneagram

Half day or full day
In-person + Virtual

The combination of its impact on self-awareness and relational effectiveness makes The Enneagram  a key tool for leadership development. Getting your team typed and trained as a group can be a collaboration game changer. Knowing your own types and the types of your team members deepens connection, empathy, collaboration, productivity, and often, fun(!).

You’ll learn about the 9 Enneagram types and how they show up as different leadership styles. Everyone will gain greater insight into their own and their teammates strengths and challenges, and how they interact with one another based on type.

This training can be combined with an Introduction to Conscious Leadership (above) for a two day event.

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Team Trainings

100% Responsibility

Half day or full day
In-person + Virtual

Learn how to eliminate drama on your team by helping people shift from victimhood to taking 100% responsibility. Bring real team issues to the event for us to work with. You’ll walk away knowing how to use our model to permanently resolve recycling patterns and issues.

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Team Trainings


Half day or full day
In-person + Virtual

In order to practice candor, you need to learn to take responsibility, stay curious, and be comfortable expressing and receiving the full expression of feelings. We'll lay the groundwork in this training to put candor center stage to create a feedback-rich environment that fosters connection and innovation.

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Team Trainings


Half day or full day
In-person + Virtual

Five appreciations to every criticism is an essential ratio to maximize team innovation and engagement. We’ll offer you the key skills for masterful appreciation and practice together so that you get the hang of it. You'll end the training more deeply connected with your team. We can only promise this because masterful appreciation is that powerful.

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Team Trainings

Impeccable Agreements

Half day or full day
In-person + Virtual

Teams waste valuable time, resources, and energy dealing with sloppy or broken agreements. We’ll help you identify where your team's leaks are and teach you how to make impeccable agreements. Our process includes learning about whole body yeses—and nos—and a decision rights framework to bring more integrity and flow to your team.

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Team Trainings

Zone of Genius

Half day or full day
In-person + Virtual

Your zone of genius is where your passions and innate gifts intersect, commonly referred to as a flow state. When in your zone of genius, you lose track of time and space because you are so deeply immersed. Gay Hendricks coined the concept in his book, The Big Leap, a favorite among our clients.

Training Topics

  • Identify each person’s zone of genius
  • Surface unconscious fears that keep you from living in your genius.
  • Learn how to increase the amount of time you spend in your genius.
  • Support you to understand your different relational styles and how they interplay with one another.
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Team Trainings

Mastering Feedback

Half day or full day
In-person + Virtual

Highly effective teams embrace and create feedback-rich environments. Learn how to masterfully give and receive feedback to support connection, creativity, effectiveness, and more energy across your team. One practical benefit of a feedback-rich environment is that everyone knows where they stand with one another and the group. This increases trust and relaxation, which are both foundational for innovation.

Clear agreements around candid feedback—and candor in general—opens the door for feedback to move in all directions. Leaders who set the stage for this level of feedback invite and artfully receive more input from their reports, supporting their effectiveness as a leader and the effectiveness of the team as a whole.

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Team Trainings

Feelings & Emotional Intelligence

Half day or full day
In-person + Virtual

Feelings are resisted and often repressed because they’re viewed as a distraction to good decision-making and leadership. We believe great leaders learn to access all three centers of intelligence: the head, the heart and the gut. The wisdom of the heart center, of emotional intelligence, is essential to great leadership, but typically goes untapped.

Your team will build emotional literacy by developing a clear definition of emotion and identifying the core emotions. You’ll practice locating emotions in your body and naming those emotions. Walk away with a shared vocabulary and an understanding of how our feelings invite us in a specific way to grow in awareness and knowing.

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Team 360

Team 360 Review


The Team 360 is a mirror that reflects the current state of your executive team’s dynamics, strengths, and opportunities for conscious evolution. This assessment is an invitation to look beyond individual perspectives and explore how your combined actions, decisions, and interactions shape the culture and trajectory of your organization. Through this process, your team will uncover both the light and the shadow sides of your collective leadership.

How Does It Work?

  1. Collective Conversations: We begin with a series of deep, meaningful conversations with each member of the executive team and key stakeholders. These discussions are designed to uncover authentic perspectives on how your team collaborates, communicates, and navigates challenges. By fostering a space of non-judgmental curiosity, we gather insights that are honest, real, and reflective of your team’s conscious and unconscious dynamics.
  2. Reflective Surveys: To broaden the circle of insight, we use carefully crafted surveys to gather feedback from a wider range of voices within the organization. These surveys focus on the executive team’s collective impact on organizational culture, alignment with strategic goals, and embodiment of conscious leadership principles.
  3. Holistic Team Report: The feedback gathered from conversations and surveys is synthesized into a comprehensive report that highlights patterns, themes, and areas of alignment or dissonance. This report serves as a guide to understanding the current state of your team’s collective leadership and the impact you have on the organization as a whole.
  4. Facilitated Reflection and Action: We recognize that awareness is the first step to transformation. In a facilitated session with a CLG consultant, your team will explore the findings together, engaging in open, honest dialogue about what is working, what is not, and where conscious shifts are needed. This session is an opportunity to recommit to your collective purpose and create a shared action plan for growth.
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Team 360

Team 360 Report


This version of the Team 360 assessment includes a detailed, written report that captures the full spectrum of feedback from team members and other key stakeholders. The report serves as a comprehensive guide for the team to understand its dynamics, strengths, and areas for conscious development.

How Does It Work?

  1. Collective Conversations: We conduct thorough, 20-minute interviews with each executive team member and other selected individuals within the organization. These conversations are designed to gather honest feedback on team dynamics, collaboration, and leadership practices.
  2. Reflective Surveys: We extend the feedback process with confidential surveys distributed to a broader group of up to 20 individuals within the organization. These surveys focus on the executive team’s collective impact, effectiveness, and alignment with conscious leadership principles.
  3. Comprehensive Team Report: All insights are compiled into a detailed written report, presenting both quantitative data and qualitative feedback. The report identifies patterns and themes, outlines the team’s strengths and areas for improvement, and offers actionable recommendations for enhancing team dynamics and effectiveness.
  4. Facilitated Reflection and Action Session: Following the report, a facilitated 90-minute session is held with the executive team to review the findings in detail. This session encourages open dialogue about the feedback, explores the implications for team culture and performance, and helps the team develop a focused action plan for conscious growth.
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