Category:Books about fruit
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This category has the following 45 subcategories, out of 45 total.
- Aepfel und Birnen, 1894 (28 F)
- Apples and pears (1911) (8 F)
- British pomology (6 F)
- Citrus fruits (1891) (2 F)
- Citrus fruits (1915) (6 F)
- Fruit situation (212 F)
- Hesperides (1646 book) (106 F)
- Pomona Britannica (10 F)
- The cherries of New York (1915) (156 F)
- The fruit grower's guide (201 F)
- The pears of New York (1921) (84 F)
Media in category "Books about fruit"
The following 41 files are in this category, out of 41 total.
Beschreibung neuer obstsorten (IA bub gb XA4DAAAAYAAJ).pdf 625 × 1,052, 582 pages; 56.87 MB
Cantaloupe culture - a treatise on cantaloupe growing under irrigation in Colorado (IA cantaloupecultur00blinrich).pdf 837 × 1,325, 40 pages; 2.77 MB
Tropical fruits for California (IA CAT31294387).pdf 991 × 1,475, 34 pages; 4.14 MB
68th semi-annual catalogue of the Continental Plant Co. (IA CAT31299297).pdf 897 × 1,287, 42 pages; 7.98 MB
Apricot varieties tested at Chico, California (IA CAT31344258).pdf 1,231 × 1,618, 84 pages; 5.33 MB
Catalogue fruit, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc. (1899) (19934831573).jpg 1,984 × 2,672; 1.1 MB
Catalogue fruit, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc. (1899) (19934935283).jpg 2,672 × 2,876; 1.91 MB
Catalogue fruit, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbs, etc. (1899) (20367716018).jpg 2,948 × 4,384; 2.21 MB
Fruits and their cookery (IA cu31924000531800).pdf 677 × 1,045, 232 pages; 3.62 MB
Farmer on the strawberry - the new strawberry culture and fall bearing strawberries (IA cu31924073872719).pdf 979 × 1,406, 112 pages; 5.68 MB
Modern strawberry growing (IA cu31924080030905).pdf 906 × 1,041, 266 pages; 4.68 MB
The fruit industry in New York state (IA fruitindustryinn00newyrich).pdf 745 × 1,218, 862 pages; 143.96 MB
Luscious fruits (IA lusciousfruits00galu).pdf 802 × 1,272, 40 pages; 1.61 MB
The luscious strawberry (IA lusciousstrawber00clem).pdf 704 × 991, 36 pages; 1.37 MB
A manual on the culture of small fruits (IA manualoncultureo01roee).pdf 781 × 1,295, 88 pages; 5.29 MB
The National fruit and cider institute, its origin and objects (IA nationalfruitcid00broorich).pdf 812 × 1,239, 34 pages; 1.52 MB
New citrus hybrids (IA newcitrushybrids181walt).pdf 810 × 1,362, 44 pages; 3.33 MB
The olive and its products (IA oliveitsproducts00bern).pdf 795 × 1,241, 124 pages; 9.33 MB
Our Common Fruits- A Descriptive Account of Those Ordinarily Cultivated Or ... (IA ourcommonfruits00berngoog).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 331 pages; 8.95 MB
Peterson's preserving, pickling & canning, fruit manual .. (IA petersonspreserv00pete).pdf 593 × 916, 84 pages; 4.93 MB
The pine apple; its culture, uses, and history (IA pineappleitscult00john).pdf 650 × 1,064, 152 pages; 10.17 MB
The pine apple; its culture, uses, and history (IA pineappleitscult00john 0).pdf 593 × 956, 148 pages; 9.75 MB
Practical strawberry and general berry fruit culture, also grapes, asparagus, rhubarb, etc. (IA practicalstrawbe00blac).pdf 639 × 1,056, 124 pages; 5.79 MB
Propagation and marketing of oranges in Porto Rico (IA propagationmarke00henr).pdf 845 × 1,372, 46 pages; 2.52 MB
Quality of dried fruits - a survey of dried apricots, prunes, raisins, and figs in retail markets (IA qualityofdriedfr509coue).pdf 1,052 × 1,472, 34 pages; 1.39 MB
The story of fruit, (IA storyoffruit00roch).pdf 1,179 × 1,741, 36 pages; 2.23 MB
Strawberries for the home garden (IA strawberriesforh00cran).pdf 818 × 1,293, 20 pages; 915 KB
The strawberry in North America; history, origin, botany, and breeding (IA strawberryinnort01flet).pdf 700 × 1,122, 264 pages; 13.22 MB