Leonardo da Vinci
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العربية: ليوناردو دا فنشي (بالإيطالية: Leonardo da Vinci، عاش 15 إبريل 1452 - 2 مايو 1519 م) فنان إيطالي ومن رواد عصر النهضة. اشتغل بعدد كبير من الفنون. فقد كان رساما وموسيقيا ومخترعا ومهندسا ونحّاتا. كان سابقا لعصره ومختلفا عن أقرانه إلى حد كبير فعلى رغم أنه كان مشهورا برسوماته الزيتية المبهرة كالموناليزا والعشاء الأخير فقد كان له أثر في تطّور التشريح والفلك والهندسة.
Български: Леонардо да Винчи (15 април 1452 — 2 май 1519) е бил италиански ренесансов архитект, музикант, анатом, изобретател, инженер, скулптор, математик и художник. За други снимки, моля вижте Категория:Леонардо да Винчи.
Català: Leonardo da Vinci (15 d'abril de 1452 – 2 de maig de 1519) va ser arquitecte, músic, inventor, enginyer, escultor i pintor del Renaixement italià.
Čeština: Leonardo da Vinci (toskánsky Lionardo) (15. dubna 1452 Anchiano u Vinci – 2. května 1519 Cloux u Amboise) byl všestrannou renesanční osobností. Stal se významným malířem, sochařem, architektem, přírodovědcem, hudebníkem, spisovatelem...
Deutsch: Leonardo da Vinci (* 15. April 1452 in Anchiano bei Vinci; † 2. Mai 1519 auf Schloss Clos Lucé, Amboise) war Maler, Bildhauer, Architekt, Musiker, Mechaniker, Ingenieur und Naturphilosoph; italienisches Universalgenie bezeichnet
English: Leonardo da Vinci (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519) was an Italian Renaissance architect, musician, anatomist, inventor, engineer, sculptor, geometer, and painter.
Español: Leonardo da Vinci (15 de abril de 1452 – 2 de mayo de 1519) fue un arquitecto, músico, inventor, ingeniero, escultor y pintor de la Italia renacentista.
فارسی: لئوناردو داوینچی (15 آوریل 1452 - 2 می1519) از دانشمندان و هنرمندان ایتالیایی دروه رنسانس بود.
داوینچی در رشتههای معماری، موسیقی، کالبدشناسی، اختراع، مهندسی، تندیسگری، نقاشی و هندسه شخصی برجسته بود.
Français : Léonard de Vinci (Leonardo da Vinci) est un peintre, sculpteur, architecte et homme de science italien (Vinci, 1452 - Amboise, 1519).
Magyar: Leonardo da Vinci (1452. április 15. – 1519. május 2.) olasz származású polihisztor, azaz: festő, tudós, matematikus, hadmérnök, feltaláló, anatómus, szobrász, építész, zeneszerző, költő és író.
Italiano: Leonardo da Vinci (15 aprile 1452 - 2 maggio 1519) fu un celebre architetto, inventore, ingegnere, pittore e scultore italiano del Rinascimento.
日本語: レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ (1452年4月15日 - 1519年5月2日)はイタリア・ルネッサンスを代表する万能の天才、建築家、発明家、画家、彫刻家。
ქართული: ლეონარდო და ვინჩი (იტალ. Leonardo da Vinci) (* 15 აპრილი, 1452, ვინჩი, იტალია; † 2 მაისი, 1519, ამბუაზი, საფრანგეთი) - აღორძინების ხანის გამოჩენილი იტალიელი არქიტექტორი, მუსიკოსი, გამომგონებელი, ინჟინერი, ანატომი, მოქანდაკე, ბუნებისმეტყველი და მხატვარი. უნივერსალური გენიოსი.
ಕನ್ನಡ: ಲಿಯನಾರ್ಡೊ ಡ ವಿಂಚಿ (ಎಪ್ರಿಲ್ ೧೫ ೧೪೫೨-ಮೇ ೨ ೧೫೧೯) ಇಟ್ಯಾಲಿಯನ್ ನವೋದಯ ವಾಸ್ತುಶಿಲ್ಪಿ, ಸಂಗೀತಗಾರ, ಶರೀರ ರಚನಾ ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರಜ್ಞ, ಸಂಶೋಧಕ, ಶಿಲ್ಪಿ, ರೇಖಾಗಣಿತ ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರಜ್ಞ, ಯಂತ್ರಶಿಲ್ಪಿ ಮತ್ತು ವರ್ಣಚಿತ್ರಗಾರ.
한국어: 레오나르도 다 빈치(Leonardo da Vinci, 1452년 4월 15일 - 1519년 5월 2일)는 르네상스를 대표하는 이탈리아의 화가로, 건축가, 음악가, 해부학자, 발명가, 기술자, 조각가, 기하학자로도 활동했다.
Português: Leonardo da Vinci (15 abril 1452 - 2 maio 1519) foi um célebre arquiteto, inventor, engenheiro, pintor e escultor do Renascimento Italiano.
Русский: Леона́рдо да Ви́нчи (Leonardo da Vinci, 15 апреля 1452, близ Флоренции — 2 мая 1519, замок Клу, близ Амбуаза, Турень, Франция) — великий итальянский художник и учёный, яркий представитель типа «универсального человека» (homo universale) — идеала итальянского Ренессанса.
Slovenčina: Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, nazývaný Leonardo da Vinci, (* 15. apríl 1452, Anchiano pri meste Vinci – † 2. máj 1519, Cloux)[1] bol taliansky renesančný architekt, hudobník, vynálezca, staviteľ, sochár a maliar. Bol opísaný ako archetyp "renesančného človeka" a ako univerzálny génius.
Slovenščina: Leonardo da Vinci (15. april 1452 - 2. maj 1519) je bil italijanski renesančni arhitekt, glasbenik, anatom, izumitelj, inženir, kipar, geometer in slikar.
தமிழ்: லியொனார்டோ டா வின்சி (Leonardo da Vinci) (ஏப்ரல் 15, 1452 - மே 2, 1519) ஒரு புகழ் பெற்ற இத்தாலிய மறுமலர்ச்சிக் கட்டிடக்கலைஞரும், கண்டுபிடிப்பாளரும், பொறியியலாளரும், சிற்பியும், ஓவியரும் ஆவார். ஒரு பல்துறை மேதையாகக் கருதப்பட்டவர்.
ไทย: เลโอนาร์โด ดา วินชี เป็นชาวอิตาลี (เกิดที่เมืองวินชี วันที่ 15 เมษายน พ.ศ. 1995 (ค.ศ. 1452) - เสียชีวิตที่เมืองออมบัวซ์ ในวันที่ 2 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2062 (ค.ศ. 1519)) เป็นอัจฉริยบุคคลที่มีความสามารถหลากหลาย เป็นทั้ง สถาปนิกแบบเรอเนซองส์ นักดนตรี นักกายวิภาค นักประดิษฐ์ วิศวกร ประติมากร นักเรขาคณิต นักวาดภาพ.
中文:列奥纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci,1452年4月15日—1519年5月2日),意大利文艺复兴时期的建筑师、音乐家、解剖学家、发明家、工程师、雕塑家、几何学家和画家。
Leonardo da Vinci, 'Portrait of a man in red chalk'., c. 1512
Francesco Melzi, Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci, c. 1515-1518
Leonardo da Vinci, possible self-portrait, c. 1513
Purported early self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci recovered from erased drawing in Leonardo's Codex on the Flight of Birds.
Raphael, Detail of The School of Athens with Leonardo as Plato, 1509. Apostolic Palace, Vatican City
Giorgio Vasari, illustration for the Life of Leonardo in the Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors and Architects, 1568
Anonymous portrait (once claimed to be a self-portrait) of Leonardo da Vinci, c. 1600. Uffizi, Florence
Raffaello Sanzio Morghen, engraving after the Uffizi portrait, 19th century
Everard Hansen, Engraving of Leonardo da Vinci from the Svenska Familj-Journalen. This appears to be based on Ingres's imagined scene of Leonardo's death.
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, The Death of Leonardo, 1818. Musée du Petit Palais, Paris
Luigi Pampaloni, Statue of Leonardo, 1837–9. Exterior of the Uffizi, Florence
Pietro Magni, Monument to Leonardo, 1872. Piazza della Scala, Milan
Leonardo's grave
Leonardo's grave in the chapel of Saint-Hubert
Main gallery: Paintings by Leonardo da Vinci.
Main category: Paintings by Leonardo da Vinci
Saint Jerome in the Wilderness
oil and tempera on panel
103 × 75 cm (40.5 × 29.5 in)
Musei Vaticani, Vatican City
Contested, possibly by Leonardo
La belle ferronnière
Last Supper (1495/98)
The Last Supper
Last Supper: Copies, variations, parodies
15th c.
Gobelin, 1533
17th c.
19th c.
Garden of Fine Art, Kyoto, 20th c.
Mona Lisa
West German stamp of 15.april 1952, 500th day of birth
Studies for artworks
Study for the head of archange Uriel in The Virgin of the Rocks (Louvre version) - ca.1483
Study for the head of John the Baptist (as a baby) in The Virgin of the Rocks (Louvre version) - ca.1483
Study for the hand of archange Uriel in The Virgin of the Rocks (Louvre version) - presumed drawing by Léonardo da Vinci - ca.1483 or 1517-1520
Study for de head of Jesus (as a baby) in The Virgin of the Rocks (National Gallery version) - ca.1495-1497
Study for de drapery of the kneeing angel in The Virgin of the Rocks (National Gallery version) - c. 1508
Study for the head of Jesus in The Last Supper
Study of Arms and Hands
Study of drapery
Head of Saint Anne.
Perspective study for the Adoration of the Magi
Study for the head of Leda.
Study for the kneeling Leda.
Portrait of Isabella d'Este
Study of an equestrian monument
Study of an Apostle for the Last Supper, 1493–5
Study for the Sforza monument
Studies: People and costumes
A grotesque head.
Grotesque profile
Grotesque Heads (1495-1498)
Ill-matched couple.
Portrait of Salai
Masquerader in the guise of a prisoner (c. 1517 - 1518)
Salaino in fancy dress
Detail from a study of a dragon costume.
Studies: Anatomy
Anatomy of a Male Nude (1504-1506)
Anatomy of the neck.
Proportions of the head.
View of a skull.
View of a skull.
View of a skull.
Coition of a hemisected man and woman (1492)
The principal organs and vascular and urino-genital systems of a woman.
Studies of embryos (1510-1513)
The anatomy of a bear's foot
The uterus of a gravid cow
Study of horse.
Studies: Nature
Study of a Tuscan landscape.
Study of lilies
Ornithogalum (Star of Bethlehem)
Sedge (ca. 1510).
A topographical map
Explosion of rock formation caused by a burst water vein and wave formation on a lake due to falling rocks.
Studies of water passing obstacles and falling.
Studies: Machines
The flight of a bird
Design for a flying machine.
Design for a flying machine.
Design for a flying machine.
Design for a helicopter
photos des machines de leonard de vinci
An artillery park
Design for a cannon
design for an enormous crossbow
Codex Atlanticus foli 899v
Codex Atlanticus
Codex Forster
Codex Leicester
Paris Manuscript A
Paris Manuscript C
Paris Manuscript D
Paris Manuscript F
Paris Manuscript M
Models and machinery
Model of da Vinci's parachute design
Tank interior
Flying machine