PD for teachers

Directions for Registration: If you are planning to pay by PO please make sure to register through our system first, otherwise you will not be taken into the enrollment count. You are able to put in a 0 if you do not have a PO number yet and once you have the PO please email this to us to [email protected] or if you have any questions. 

Location of PD: All participants will receive an email the week prior to the PD to inform you of the location of the PD. Please don't follow the location that was given in your registration because that may change due to ability to book a room. If you do not receive an email a week prior to the PD please reach out [email protected] for assistance. 

Sometimes we have to cancel an event. If you do not receive an email prior to the event about cancellation or confirmation, please check your spam box then reach out to [email protected]




Wed, Jan 15, 2025
10:00am - 2:00pm
Greg Aschoff

Rutgers Lifelong Learning Center

Math Assessment Program, Math Mastery

Mastering mathematics is a priority in schools worldwide, yet many districts continue to rely on outdated assessment methods that serve only as a post-mortem review of student knowledge after a unit is completed. The Math Mastery Assessment method addresses this issue with a practical approach inspired by the Standards-Based grading model. This method goes beyond traditional tests; it provides real-time insights into student understanding and informs instruction in a meaningful way.

In this professional development seminar, you will learn how to incorporate the Math Mastery Model into your mathematics classroom. Designed by a teacher leader, the program is tailored to seamlessly integrate into your existing practices without overwhelming your current instructional approach. The session is hands-on, aiming to equip you with a ready-to-use Mastery Test for your next unit. For department heads and school leaders, this model also offers a scalable solution for school or grade-wide implementation. Ideal for grades 5-12, this seminar will help you bring assessment practices in line with modern educational goals.


Wed, Jan 22, 2025
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Eddie Cohen


Lesson Support & Coaching for Climate Change Curriculum

Come with lessons, activities, and ideas on how to integrate climate change into the classroom. We are going to be working as teams in the STEM or Humanities areas to share what we have been doing in the classroom, as well as the chance to work on a new climate curriculum. Participating teachers and Rutgers faculty will support this work as well. Participating teachers and Rutgers faculty will be supporting this work as well, specifically Jorge Marcone, Professor & Associate Dean of Humanities will join us with his graduate students to provide supports for MLL. 


K-12th Grade Teachers

This PD is only open to Public School Teachers and is sponsored by the NJDOE Climate Change Grant allowing for there to be no charge for the PD. Stipends are available at $50 an hour for non-contractual hours, or sub-pay is available for contractual hours at $62.50 for a half day and $125 for a full day.
Thu, Jan 23, 2025
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Eddie Cohen


Climate 101 for All Teachers

Prepare Teachers of All Subject Areas to teach Climate Change Standards that are required in NJ! With the adoption of the NJ Climate Change Standards you may be wondering how to implement them into your classroom or wanting a better understanding of climate change. Through this PD you will get an overview of climate change and the newest research/data that Rutgers has to share for NJ specific data.

6th-12th Grade Teachers

This PD is only open to Public School Teachers and is sponsored by the NJDOE Climate Change Grant allowing for there to be no charge for the PD. Stipends are available at $50 an hour for non-contractual hours, or sub-pay is available for contractual hours at $62.50 for a half day and $125 for a full day.
Thu, Jan 23, 2025
6:15pm - 8:15pm
Eddie Cohen


Introduction to Project Based Learning

How do teachers of different disciplines collaborate to create cross curricular units? Using a project based approach to drive the instruction teachers will learn tools and tips on how to develop cross curricular units. Bring a fellow member of your teaching team to help with the collaborative process.

6th-12th Grade Teachers

This PD is only open to Public School Teachers and is sponsored by the NJDOE Climate Change Grant allowing for there to be no charge for the PD. Stipends are available at $50 an hour for non-contractual hours, or sub-pay is available for contractual hours at $62.50 for a half day and $125 for a full day.
Fri, Jan 24, 2025
8:30am - 12:30pm
Kara Teehan

Rutgers LLC

Teaching Fractional Reasoning and Operations for Understanding: Grades 1-5

In this session we will look at how to engage elementary students in fractional reasoning with attention to creating a positive environment around fractions.  We will look at how to introduce fractional concepts with attention to meaning and visuals before procedures, rules, and symbols.  This session will also serve as a great way to brush up on fraction operations and fraction understanding for the elementary school teacher.

Book included with session: Amazon link to "Fraction Faction" 

Fri, Jan 24, 2025
10:00am - 2:00pm
Cristina Marte

Rutgers MGSA

Investigating Climate Change through Dance: How to leverage climate change standards in your content’s curriculum

Come one, come all! A dance workshop for ALL content areas! This session will focus on the latest New Jersey climate change standards, and how you can use movement as the key to bring them to life in your classroom through arts strategies, arts enhancement, and arts integration. You will walk away with a reinvigorated approach to your teaching and lesson ideas you can implement immediately. 

This PD is only open to Public School Teachers and is sponsored by the NJDOE Climate Change Grant allowing for there to be no charge for the PD. Stipends are available at $50 an hour for non-contractual hours, or sub-pay is available for contractual hours at $62.50 for a half day and $125 for a full day.

Participants K-12
Wed, Jan 29, 2025
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Roberta Hunter


Help our wildlife! Using schoolyard gardening and restoration to mitigate climate impacts on local wildlife and the plants they depend on

Join NJ Audubon to explore how you and your students can help support wildlife that are being impacted by climate change in NJ. First we will learn how birds and other wildlife are impacted then discuss how different types of gardens can support them and lead to restoration.

This PD is only open to Public School Teachers and is sponsored by the NJDOE Climate Change Grant allowing for there to be no charge for the PD. Stipends are available at $50 an hour for non-contractual hours, or sub-pay is available for contractual hours at $62.50 for a half day and $125 for a full day.

Participants 6th-12th Teachers
Wed, Feb 5, 2025
12:00pm - 2:00pm
New Jersey Audubon


EcoSchools Project and Placed based Learning

Teachers will be provided an overview of place-based and project-based learning opportunities with examples of student actions projects. Teachers will learn to use the EcoSchools portal to support and document student action projects that mitigate climate change impacts.  

K-5th Grade Teachers

This PD is only open to Public School Teachers and is sponsored by the NJDOE Climate Change Grant allowing for there to be no charge for the PD. Stipends are available at $50 an hour for non-contractual hours, or sub-pay is available for contractual hours at $62.50 for a half day and $125 for a full day.
Fri, Feb 7, 2025
8:30am - 12:30pm
Kara Teehan

Rutgers LLC

Incorporating Ideas from "Building Thinking Classrooms" in Math in K-5

In this session we will look at ways to incorporate ideas from Peter Liljedahl's "Building Thinking Classrooms" for your K-5 class in math.  This session is for teachers with little to no experience or knowledge about "Building Thinking Classrooms" and attendees will come away with ideas for incorporation into their own classes.  

Sat, Feb 8, 2025
10:00am - 2:00pm
Cristina Marte

Rutgers MGSA

Investigating Climate Change through Dance: How to leverage climate change standards in your content’s curriculum.  

Come one, come all! A dance workshop for ALL content areas! This session will focus on the latest New Jersey climate change standards, and how you can use movement as the key to bring them to life in your classroom through arts strategies, arts enhancement, and arts integration. You will walk away with a reinvigorated approach to your teaching and lesson ideas you can implement immediately. 

This PD is only open to Public School Teachers and is sponsored by the NJDOE Climate Change Grant allowing for there to be no charge for the PD. Stipends are available at $50 an hour for non-contractual hours, or sub-pay is available for contractual hours at $62.50 for a half day and $125 for a full day.

Participants K-12
Tue, Feb 11, 2025
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Roberta Hunter


Teaching about climate action with place-based and Project-based learning using EcoSchool

An international and national program, EcoSchools is a free platform that helps engage in student-guided project- and place-based learning for sustainability. This workshop with the NJ EcoSchools coordinator will guide you through how to use the platform and give your students choice in how to address climate change, support wildlife and biodiversity, and create healthy and resilient communities.

This PD is only open to Public School Teachers and is sponsored by the NJDOE Climate Change Grant allowing for there to be no charge for the PD. Stipends are available at $50 an hour for non-contractual hours, or sub-pay is available for contractual hours at $62.50 for a half day and $125 for a full day.

Participants K-12
Wed, Mar 12, 2025
9:30am - 2:30pm
Rutgers CMSCE

Rutgers LLC

Local Voices, Global Choices Student and Educator Summit on Climate Action

Rutgers Faculty and NJ Audubon would like to invite you to our Climate Change Summit where we will be presenting on different topics of climate change. Teachers will walk away with a better understanding of how to integrate climate change into their classrooms through a variety of activities and sessions. Opportunities will be provided for teachers to share and showcase with their peers what lessons, activities, programs, and any other climate-related ways teachers are implementing climate change in their classrooms. Throughout the day teachers will have the chance to take part in different sessions on topics dealing with climate change in different grades and subject areas. 

Wed, Mar 19, 2025
10:00am - 2:00pm
Kara Teehan


Praxis Core and Elementary Math Praxis Prep for Teacher Candidates/Pre-service Teacher

This session is for preservice teachers in college who are preparing to take the Praxis Core Academic Skills test or the Praxis Elementary Education: mathematics subtest.  We will review concepts that will be assessed on the tests, discuss common errors and reasoning behind answers, and do a practice test with scoring and a review afterwards.

Thu, Mar 20, 2025
10:00am - 2:00pm
Kara Teehan


Praxis Core and Elementary Math Praxis Prep for Teacher Candidates/Pre-service Teachers

This session is for preservice teachers in college who are preparing to take the Praxis Core Academic Skills test or the Praxis Elementary Education: mathematics subtest.  We will review concepts that will be assessed on the tests, discuss common errors and reasoning behind answers, and do a practice test with scoring and a review afterwards.

Thu, May 8, 2025
10:00am - 2:00pm
Kara Teehan


Productive Struggle in Math in Grades 3-8

In this session, we will define and explore productive struggle.  We will look at content-specific tasks that you can use in your grade 3-8 math classroom that promote productive struggle in your students' math learning.  Participants will take away resources and strategies to incorporate productive struggle into their teaching.

Fri, May 9, 2025
10:00am - 2:00pm
Kara Teehan

Rutgers LLC

Teaching Fractional Reasoning and Operations for Understanding: Grades 1-5

In this session we will look at how to engage elementary students in fractional reasoning with attention to creating a positive environment around fractions.  We will look at how to introduce fractional concepts with attention to meaning and visuals before procedures, rules, and symbols.  This session will also serve as a great way to brush up on fraction operations and fraction understanding for the elementary school teacher.

Book included with session: Amazon link to "Fraction Faction" 

Mon, May 12, 2025
10:00am - 2:00pm
Kara Teehan


Incorporating Ideas from "Building Thinking Classrooms" in Math in 6-10 Grades

In this session we will look at ways to incorporate ideas from Peter Liljedahl's "Building Thinking Classrooms" for your 6th-10th class in math.  This session is for teachers with little to no experience or knowledge about "Building Thinking Classrooms" and attendees will come away with ideas for incorporation into their own classes.