gcloud kms keys versions update

gcloud kms keys versions update - update a key version
gcloud kms keys versions update VERSION [--ekm-connection-key-path=EKM_CONNECTION_KEY_PATH] [--external-key-uri=EXTERNAL_KEY_URI] [--key=KEY] [--keyring=KEYRING] [--location=LOCATION] [--state=STATE] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
gcloud kms keys versions update can be used to update the key versions. Updates can be made to the the key versions's state (enabling or disabling it), to its external key URI (if the key version has protection level EXTERNAL), or to its ekm connection key path (if the key version has protection level EXTERNAL_VPC).
The following command enables the key version 8 of key frodo within keyring fellowship and location us-east1:
gcloud kms keys versions update 8 --location=us-east1 --keyring=fellowship --key=frodo --state=enabled

The following command disables the key version 8 of key frodo within keyring fellowship and location us-east1:

gcloud kms keys versions update 8 --location=us-east1 --keyring=fellowship --key=frodo --state=disabled

The following command updates the external key URI of version 8 of key frodo within keyring fellowship and location us-east1:

gcloud kms keys versions update 8 --location=us-east1 --keyring=fellowship --key=frodo --external-key-uri=https://example.kms/v0/some/key/path

The following command updates the ekm connection key path of version 8 of key bilbo within keyring fellowship and location us-east1:

gcloud kms keys versions update 8 --location=us-east1 --keyring=fellowship --key=bilbo --ekm-connection-key-path=v0/some/key/path
Name of the version to describe.
The path to the external key material on the EKM for keys with protection level "external-vpc".
The URI of the external key for keys with protection level "external".
The containing key.
Key ring of the key.
Location of the keyring.
State of the key version.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

These variants are also available:
gcloud alpha kms keys versions update
gcloud beta kms keys versions update