Configure message storage policies

If you publish messages to the global Pub/Sub endpoint, Pub/Sub automatically stores the messages in the nearest Google Cloud region. If you want to control the regions in which your messages are stored and processed, you can configure a message storage policy on your topic.

Message storage policy overview

You can set a message storage policy when you create a new topic or when you update a topic using the console, Google Cloud CLI, or the REST APIs.

The message storage policy applies only to message contents. The policy does not apply to other data such as topic names, labels, or Identity and Access Management (IAM) settings.

Pub/Sub stores messages when a client publishes the messages to Pub/Sub. A message storage policy ensures that Pub/Sub stores and processes messages only in the set of Google Cloud regions that you specify, regardless of where the publish or subscribe requests originate. If the policy allows multiple regions for publish operations, Pub/Sub stores the message in an allowed region closest to where the published message enters the Google Cloud network.

When you specify a message storage policy, you can set enforceInTransit to True. This flag governs the following:

  • Publish, pull, and streamingPull requests received in a region not allowed in the message storage policy are rejected with a FAILED_PRECONDITION error.

  • Delivery for push subscriptions is handled only within the allowed Cloud regions. In some cases, this restriction can completely pause message delivery for push subscriptions. When a push subscription enters such a state due to the push locations being overly constrained by a combination of factors such as message storage location, allowed regions, and export resource location, this state becomes visible in Stackdriver.

Message storage policies for new topics

  • If you don't specify a message storage policy when you create a topic, the message storage policy is automatically determined based on the effective Resource Location Restriction organization policy. When no organization policy is in effect, the message storage policy allows all regions.

  • Similarly, in absence of a specified message storage policy, the enforceInTransit flag is determined based on the effective Enforce in-transit regions for Pub/Sub messages organization policy. For more information about this organization policy, see Organization policy constraints.

  • If you specify a message storage policy when you create a topic, the message storage policy can contain only the regions allowed by the effective Resource Location Restriction organization policy. When no organization policy is in effect, the message storage policy can contain any region.

Message storage policies for existing topics

  • When an organization policy is updated, the changes do not automatically propagate to existing topics. As such, an existing topic's message storage policy can get out of sync with the latest organization policy. For more information, see Manage differences between organization and topic policies.

  • When a topic's message storage policy is updated, the changes do not propagate to already-published messages. Messages already stored based on an older policy are not moved to be consistent with the new policy. Rather, the changes apply only to messages published after the update.


The policy specifies a list of allowed Google Cloud region names. As such, the following items are not supported:

  • Exclusion lists
  • Zones or multi-region locations

If you publish a message with an ordering key and the message storage policy excludes the nearest region, the Pub/Sub service returns an error.

Configure message storage policies

There are two ways to configure message storage policies for topics, including:

  • Set a message storage policy using an organization policy.
  • Configure a message storage policy when creating a topic.

Set a message storage policy using an organization policy


To configure a message storage policy that applies to multiple topics, set a Resource Location Restriction organization policy.

  1. Go to the Organization policies page in the Identity and Access Management console.

    Go to Organization policies

  2. Select the resource hierarchy node (organization, folder, or project) that you want to set an organization policy to.

  3. In the filter, enter Resource Location Restriction.

  4. Click Google Cloud - Resource Location Restriction.

  5. Click EDIT.

  6. Add or remove regions as needed.

    Any new topics that you create inherit these settings. Changes don't automatically propagate to existing topics. To update existing topics, you must run an update operation.

For more information about organization policies, see Manage your Google Cloud resources.

Configure a message storage policy when creating a topic


When using the Google Cloud console, you can't configure a message storage policy when creating a topic. Instead, all new topics automatically inherit your Resource Location Restriction organization policy.

However, after you create a topic, you can change its message storage policy in the console with an update operation.

gcloud CLI

To create a topic with a specific message storage policy, use the gcloud pubsub topics create command with the --message-storage-policy-allowed-regions flag:

gcloud pubsub topics create TOPIC_ID \

Replace the following:

  • TOPIC_ID: the ID or name for your new topic.
  • REGION1, REGION2: a comma-separated list of supported Google Cloud regions.


To create a topic with a message storage policy, use the projects.topics.create method.

The request must be authenticated with an access token in the Authorization header. To obtain an access token for the current Application Default Credentials: gcloud auth application-default print-access-token.

 Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)
 Content-Type: application/json --data @response-body.json

Specify the following fields in the request body:

  "name": "projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID",
  "messageStoragePolicy": {
    "allowedPersistenceRegions": ["REGION"],
    "enforceInTransit": true


  • PROJECT_ID is your project ID.

  • TOPIC_ID is your topic ID.

  • REGION is your specified region.

Sample response:

  "name": "projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID",
  "messageStoragePolicy": {
    "allowedPersistenceRegions": [
    "enforceInTransit": true

See the following API references for more information on configuring message storage policies.

Update message storage policies


  1. In the Google Cloud console, open the Topic details page.

    Go to Topic details

  2. Select a topic to update.

    You can select multiple topics.

  3. In the Info Panel, select the Storage Policy tab.

    This panel might be collapsed by default. If it's collapsed, click Show info panel.

  4. Select or deselect as many regions as necessary.

  5. Click Update.

gcloud CLI

To push the message storage policy defined in your organization's Resource Location Restriction policy to a topic, run the following gcloud pubsub topics update command:

gcloud pubsub topics update TOPIC_ID \

To update the message storage policy of a topic with specific regions, run the gcloud pubsub topics update command with the --message-storage-policy-allowed-regions flag:

gcloud pubsub topics update TOPIC_ID \

Replace the following:

  • TOPIC_ID: the ID of the topic you're updating.
  • REGION1, REGION2: a comma-separated list of supported Google Cloud regions.


To update a topic with a message storage policy, use the projects.topics.patch method.

The request must be authenticated with an access token in the Authorization header. To obtain an access token for the current Application Default Credentials: gcloud auth application-default print-access-token.

 Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)
 Content-Type: application/json --data @response-body.json

Specify the following fields in the request body:

  "name": "projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID",
  "messageStoragePolicy": {
    "allowedPersistenceRegions": ["REGION"], // Replace with your required region
    "enforceInTransit": true


  • PROJECT_ID is your project ID.

  • TOPIC_ID is your topic ID.

  • REGION is your specified region.

Sample response:

  "name": "projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID",
  "messageStoragePolicy": {
    "allowedPersistenceRegions": [
    "enforceInTransit": true

See the following API references for more information on updating message storage policies.

Manage differences between organization and topic policies

View differences between organization and topic policies


The Google Cloud console displays any differences between the organization policy and individual topics' message storage policies.

To see if any topics are out of sync with your organization policy:

  1. Go to the Topic details page.

    Go to Topic details

  2. Select a topic.

  3. In the Info Panel, select the Storage Policy tab.

    This panel might be collapsed by default. If it is collapsed, click Show info panel.

    Your storage policies are shown in the panel, along with any differences between organization and topic policies.

gcloud CLI

To examine the current policy assigned to a topic, run the following command:

gcloud pubsub topics describe TOPIC_ID

Replace the following:

  • TOPIC_ID: the ID of the topic you're examining.

Resolve differences between organization and topic policies


  1. In the Google Cloud console, open the Topic details page.

    Go to Pub/Sub

  2. Select a topic.

  3. In the Info Panel, select the Storage Policy tab.

    This panel might be collapsed by default. If it's collapsed, click Show info panel.

    Your storage policies are shown in the panel, along with any discrepancies.

    If there are any discrepancies, the info panel displays three options to synchronize the topic's storage policy with your organization policy, including:

    • Topics allow storage in disallowed locations.

      Update to allow storage only where your policy allows.

    • Topic does not allow storage in some allowed locations.

      Update to allow storage everywhere your policy allows.

    • Topics are out of date with both disallowed and allowed locations.

      Update to allow storage where your policy allows.

  4. Select the appropriate choice to resolve your issues.

  5. Click Update topic.

    The Sync to organization storage policy dialog opens.

  6. Click Update topic.

Monitoring and troubleshooting

To help you understand where message data is stored, Pub/Sub offers metrics broken down by each Google Cloud region.

You can use these metrics to:

  • Understand how your data is distributed across the world.
  • Optimize publisher and subscriber deployment location, based on that data.

Message storage metrics

Counts of unacknowledged stored messages:


Volume of stored data:


Age of oldest message:


Analogous metrics are available for topics and snapshots. In addition, corresponding metrics are available for acknowledged messages that are optionally retained for replay. For example:


Performance and availability implications

The message storage policy does not affect the overall SLA, but it does introduce an availability-control trade-off when publishers or subscribers run outside Google Cloud or in regions not allowed by the policy. Users who run publisher clients within the set of regions allowed by the message storage policy don't see any changes in the service's latency or availability.

To understand these trade-offs, it is worth considering how publish requests are routed. Generally, Pub/Sub attempts to store your messages as close as possible to the source of the request. Requests originating within Google Cloud are, as a rule, bound to the Pub/Sub instances in the same region. If a publisher is located in a single region, only adding more regions to the message storage policy doesn't increase availability. When publishing from outside of Google Cloud, an additional layer of routing is involved to get the request to a nearby Google Cloud region where the Pub/Sub service is available.

Consider a message storage policy that allows only the us-central1 region.

  1. A publisher client running in us-east1 issues a Publish request.
  2. The request is routed to a Pub/Sub server in us-east1.
  3. Rather than storing the data in us-east1, the request is routed to the nearest region allowed by the message storage policy, which is us-central1.
  4. Pub/Sub stores the published messages in us-central1 and forwards messages to subscribers from that location.

This mechanism has implications for request latency and overall system availability. Because the request traverses more network links, it takes longer to complete and has a relatively higher chance of failing.This also means that the subscribers might see the message somewhat later because it must travel to the nearest allowed region before being dispatched. If the policy allows a single region but your publisher applications run in multiple regions, the distributed application becomes only as available as the single allowed region.

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