A continuació es mostra la documentació transclosa de la subpàgina /ús. [salta a la caixa de codi]
Aquest mòdul proporciona definicions d'una llengua a partir del seu codi. Treu els valors proporcionats pel MediaWiki, o valors per defecte, complementats amb la taula auxiliar Module:llengua/taula.
Retorna el nom de la llengua a partir del seu <codi>. Sintaxi:
Retorna "del nom" o "de l'nom" segons les regles d'apostrofació en català. Sintaxi:
Retorna el codi ISO 15924 del sistema d'escriptura, per defecte Latn
. Sintaxi:
Retorna la direcció del sistema d'escriptura corresponent al codi de llengua, segons la propietat dir
en CSS: ltr
(esquerra a dreta, per defecte) o rtl
(dreta a esquerra). Sintaxi:
Retorna el codi de llengua corresponent al subdomini de Wikimedia o "" (buit) si no existeix. Sintaxi:
En general es correspon amb el mateix <codi> ISO de llengua, amb algunes excepcions.
Retorna el codi de llengua corresponent al subdomini de Wiktionary o "" (buit) si no existeix el projecte. Sintaxi:
Vegeu també
local p = {}
local taula = mw.loadData("Module:llengua/taula")
local general = require("Module:ca-general")
local function isSet( var )
return not (var == nil or var == '')
--[[extracts and returns IETF language tag parts:
primary language subtag (required) - 2 or 3 character IANA language code
script subtag - four character IANA script code
region subtag - two-letter or three digit IANA region code
variant subtag - four digit or 5-8 alnum variant code; only one variant subtag supported
private subtag - x- followed by 1-8 alnum private code; only supported with the primary language tag
in any one of these forms
lang lang-variant
lang-script lang-script-variant
lang-region lang-region-variant
lang-script-region lang-script-region-variant
each of lang, script, region, variant, and private, when used, must be valid
Languages with both two- and three-character code synonyms are promoted to the two-character synonym because
the IANA registry file omits the synonymous three-character code; we cannot depend on browsers understanding
the synonymous three-character codes in the lang= attribute.
returns six values; all lower case. Valid parts are returned as themselves; omitted parts are returned as empty strings, invalid
parts are returned as nil; the sixth returned item is an error message (if an error detected) or nil.
see http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt section 2.1
local function get_ietf_parts(source, args_script, args_region, args_variant)
local code, script, region, variant, private -- ietf tag parts
if not isSet(source) then
return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 'missing language tag'
local pattern = { -- table of tables holding acceptibe ietf tag patterns and short names of the ietf part captured by the pattern
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-(%a%a%a%a)%-(%a%a)%-(%d%d%d%d)$', 's', 'r', 'v'}, -- 1 - ll-Ssss-RR-variant (where variant is 4 digits)
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-(%a%a%a%a)%-(%d%d%d)%-(%d%d%d%d)$', 's', 'r', 'v'}, -- 2 - ll-Ssss-DDD-variant (where region is 3 digits; variant is 4 digits)
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-(%a%a%a%a)%-(%a%a)%-(%w%w%w%w%w%w?%w?%w?)$', 's', 'r', 'v'}, -- 3 - ll-Ssss-RR-variant (where variant is 5-8 alnum characters)
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-(%a%a%a%a)%-(%d%d%d)%-(%w%w%w%w%w%w?%w?%w?)$', 's', 'r', 'v'}, -- 4 - ll-Ssss-DDD-variant (where region is 3 digits; variant is 5-8 alnum characters)
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-(%a%a%a%a)%-(%d%d%d%d)$', 's', 'v'}, -- 5 - ll-Ssss-variant (where variant is 4 digits)
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-(%a%a%a%a)%-(%w%w%w%w%w%w?%w?%w?)$', 's', 'v'}, -- 6 - ll-Ssss-variant (where variant is 5-8 alnum characters)
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-(%a%a)%-(%d%d%d%d)$', 'r', 'v'}, -- 7 - ll-RR-variant (where variant is 4 digits)
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-(%d%d%d)%-(%d%d%d%d)$', 'r', 'v'}, -- 8 - ll-DDD-variant (where region is 3 digits; variant is 4 digits)
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-(%a%a)%-(%w%w%w%w%w%w?%w?%w?)$', 'r', 'v'}, -- 9 - ll-RR-variant (where variant is 5-8 alnum characters)
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-(%d%d%d)%-(%w%w%w%w%w%w?%w?%w?)$', 'r', 'v'}, -- 10 - ll-DDD-variant (where region is 3 digits; variant is 5-8 alnum characters)
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-(%d%d%d%d)$', 'v'}, -- 11 - ll-variant (where variant is 4 digits)
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-(%w%w%w%w%w%w?%w?%w?)$', 'v'}, -- 12 - ll-variant (where variant is 5-8 alnum characters)
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-(%a%a%a%a)%-(%a%a)$', 's', 'r'}, -- 13 - ll-Ssss-RR
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-(%a%a%a%a)%-(%d%d%d)$', 's', 'r'}, -- 14 - ll-Ssss-DDD (region is 3 digits)
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-(%a%a%a%a)$', 's'}, -- 15 - ll-Ssss
{'^(%a%a%a?)[%-_](%a%a)$', 'r'}, -- 16 - ll-RR
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-(%d%d%d)$', 'r'}, -- 17 - ll-DDD (region is 3 digits)
{'^(%a%a%a?)$'}, -- 18 - ll
{'^(%a%a%a?)%-x%-(%w%w?%w?%w?%w?%w?%w?%w?)$', 'p'}, -- 19 - ll-x-pppppppp (private is 1-8 alnum characters)
local t = {} -- table of captures; serves as a translator between captured ietf tag parts and named variables
for i, v in ipairs(pattern) do -- spin through the pattern table looking for a match
local c1, c2, c3, c4 -- captures in the 'pattern' from the pattern table go here
c1, c2, c3, c4 = source:match(pattern[i][1]) -- one or more captures set if source matches pattern[i])
if c1 then -- c1 always set on match
code = c1 -- first capture is always code
t = {
[pattern[i][2] or 'x'] = c2, -- fill the table of captures with the rest of the captures
[pattern[i][3] or 'x'] = c3, -- take index names from pattern table and assign sequential captures
[pattern[i][4] or 'x'] = c4, -- index name may be nil in pattern[i] table so "or 'x'" spoofs a name for this index in this table
script = t.s or '' -- translate table contents to named variables;
region = t.r or '' -- absent table entries are nil so set named ietf parts to empty string for concatenation
variant= t.v or ''
private = t.p or ''
break -- and done
if not code then
return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, table.concat ({'unrecognized language tag: ', source}) -- don't know what we got but it is malformed
code = code:lower() -- ensure that we use and return lower case version of this
--if synonyms[code] then -- if 639-2/639-2T code has a 639-1 synonym
-- code = synonyms[code] -- use the synonym
if taula[code] == nil and mw.language.fetchLanguageName(code, 'ca') == '' then
return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, table.concat({'unrecognized language code: ', code}) -- invalid language code, don't know about the others (don't care?)
if not isSet(script) then
script = args_script or '' -- use args.script if provided
if isSet(script) then
script = string.sub(script, 1, 1):upper() .. string.sub(script, 2):lower()
--if not scripts[script] then
-- return code, nil, nil, nil, nil, table.concat({'unrecognized script: ', script, ' for code: ', code}); -- language code ok, invalid script, don't know about the others (don't care?)
if not isSet(region) then
region = args_region or '' -- use args.region if provided
region = region:upper()
if not isSet(variant) then
variant = args_variant or '' -- use args.variant if provided
variant = variant:lower() -- ensure that we use and return lower case version of this
if isSet(private) then
private = private:lower() -- ensure that we use and return lower case version of this
return code, script, region, variant, private, nil -- return the good bits; make sure that msg is nil
-- Cerca el nom de llengua definit a /taula o en la llibreria de MediaWiki
local function language_name_get(code)
if not code then return end
local name
if taula[code] then
name = taula[code].nom
if name == nil then
name = mw.language.new('ca'):lcfirst(mw.language.fetchLanguageName(code, 'ca'))
if not isSet(name) then
return name
-- Cerca el nom de llengua definit a /taula o en la llibreria de MediaWiki
function p.nom(codi)
if type(codi) == "table" then codi = codi.args[1] end -- des de plantilles via invoke o des de mòduls via require
if codi == nil then
return 'Cap codi'
local nom
local lang, script = get_ietf_parts(codi)
if lang and isSet(script) then
nom = language_name_get(lang)
if not nom then
nom = language_name_get(codi)
return nom or codi
-- Retorna la direcció d'escriptura, ltr o rtl
function p.dirScript(sc)
-- llista de en:Module:scripts/data, sense prefix de llengua
local script_rtl = {["Adlm"]=true, ["Arab"]=true, ["Armi"]=true, ["Avst"]=true,
["Chrs"]=true, ["Cprt"]=true, ["Elym"]=true, ["Gara"]=true, ["Hatr"]=true,
["Hebr"]=true, ["Hung"]=true, ["Khar"]=true, ["Lydi"]=true, ["Mand"]=true,
["Mani"]=true, ["Mend"]=true, ["Merc"]=true, ["Mero"]=true, ["Narb"]=true,
["Nbat"]=true, ["Nkoo"]=true, ["Orkh"]=true, ["Ougr"]=true, ["Palm"]=true,
["Phli"]=true, ["Phlp"]=true, ["Phlv"]=true, ["Phnx"]=true, ["Prti"]=true,
["Rohg"]=true, ["Samr"]=true, ["Sarb"]=true, ["Sidt"]=true, ["Sogd"]=true,
["Sogo"]=true, ["Syrc"]=true, ["Thaa"]=true, ["Todr"]=true, ["Yezi"]=true}
local sc_script = string.gsub(sc, ".+-", "") -- strip "lang-Script"
if script_rtl[sc_script] then
return 'rtl'
return 'ltr'
function p.dir(codi)
if type(codi) == "table" then codi = codi.args[1] end -- des de plantilles via invoke o des de mòduls via require
if codi == nil then
return 'Cap codi'
local alfabet = p.script(codi)
if p.dirScript(alfabet) == 'rtl' then
return 'rtl'
local dir = mw.getLanguage(codi):getDir() -- number of language objects is limited
if (dir ~= nil and dir ~= '') then
return dir
return 'ltr'
-- Retorna el sistema d'escriptura, Latn per defecte
function p.script(codi)
if type(codi) == "table" then codi = codi.args[1] end -- des de plantilles via invoke o des de mòduls via require
if codi == nil then
return 'Cap codi'
local _, script
if taula[codi] then
script = taula[codi].script
if not script then
_, script = get_ietf_parts(codi)
return isSet(script) and script or 'Latn'
-- Retorna el subdomini Wikimedia o "" (buit) si no existeix
function p.wikimedia(codi)
if type(codi) == "table" then codi = codi.args[1] end -- des de plantilles via invoke o des de mòduls via require
if codi == nil then
return 'Cap codi'
local llenguaTaula = taula[codi]
local codiWM = nil
if llenguaTaula then
codiWM = llenguaTaula.wikimedia
if codiWM ~= nil then
return codiWM
elseif mw.language.isSupportedLanguage(codi) then
return codi
return ''
-- A Wikimedia project exists if its Main page is linked at d:Q5296
function p.wmproject(codi)
if type(codi) == "table" then codi = codi.args[1] end -- via invoke o via require
if codi == nil then return end
local llengua_taula = taula[codi]
local codi_wikimedia = codi
if llengua_taula then
codi_wikimedia = llengua_taula.wikimedia or codi
local codi_wikidata = string.gsub(codi_wikimedia, '-', '_')
local main_page = mw.wikibase.getEntity('Q5296')
if main_page.sitelinks[codi_wikidata .. 'wiktionary'] then
return codi_wikimedia
-- Existeix el codi?
function p.existeix(codi)
-- mw.language.isSupportedLanguage: les llengües tractades pel Mediawiki són limitades
if type(codi) == "table" then codi = codi.args[1] end -- des de plantilles via invoke o des de mòduls via require
if p.nom(codi) == codi then
return false
return true
-- Retorna "del nom" o "de l'nom"
-- TODO: track and move to addParticle, move template:fals to Module:etimologia
function p.del_nom(frame)
local langname = p.nom(frame)
if langname == "preromà" then
return "d'un preromà"
return general.addParticle("del", langname)
-- transcripció, si existeix el mòdul per la llengua amb la funció tr
function p.trans(lang, text)
local trans
if lang and text then
local m_trans = taula[lang]
if m_trans and m_trans.trans_module then
trans = require("Module:" .. m_trans.trans_module).tr(text)
return trans
-- genera una taula amb les definicions d'una llengua
function p.getByCode(code, allowEtymLang)
local data
local parent = {}
if allowEtymLang then
data = mw.loadData("Module:etimologia/llengua")[code]
if data then
parent = taula[data.parent] or {}
if not data then
data = taula[code] or {}
allowEtymLang = false
local lang = {}
lang.code = data.parent or code
lang.name = data.nom or p.nom(code)
lang.sc = data.sc or parent.sc or p.script(lang.code)
lang.type = data.type or parent.type or (allowEtymLang and "etymology-only")
return lang
return p