AmphibiaWeb Species Lists


(Translations may not be accurate.)

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Anura (Frogs) Caudata (Salamanders) Gymnophiona (Caecilians) Link to Family Phylogeny Hierarchical Checklist
The alphabetical lists are a good way to browse by species if you familiar with its spelling. These lists show all the AmphibiaWeb assets per species (e.g., available species accounts, photos, sounds, range maps per species).
Browse amphibian families with our consensus tree by the AmphibiaWeb taxonomic subcommittee.
This is an expandable list of all amphibian species arranged by Family, Genera, and species with each species linked to its account page.

Browse by Family

Browse by Family below and see Family Descriptions with all respective species arranged by subfamilies and subgenera.

The total number of amphibian species is currently 8,840 (Jan 14, 2025) .

Anura (frogs and toads)
    # families: 57
    # genera: 469
    # species: 7790

Allophrynidae (3)
Alsodidae (26)
Alytidae (12)
Aromobatidae (139)
Arthroleptidae (151)
Ascaphidae (2)
Batrachylidae (13)
Bombinatoridae (10)
Brachycephalidae (81)
Brevicipitidae (36)
Bufonidae (657)
Caligophrynidae (1)
Calyptocephalellidae (5)
Centrolenidae (169)
Ceratobatrachidae (104)
Ceratophryidae (12)
Ceuthomantidae (6)
Conrauidae (8)
Craugastoridae (136)
Cycloramphidae (38)
Dendrobatidae (209)
Dicroglossidae (239)
Eleutherodactylidae (239)
Heleophrynidae (6)
Hemiphractidae (126)
Hemisotidae (9)
Hylidae (1070)
Hylodidae (49)
Hyperoliidae (236)
Leiopelmatidae (3)
Leptodactylidae (241)
Mantellidae (286)
Megophryidae (330)
Micrixalidae (24)
Microhylidae (753)
Myobatrachidae (136)
Nasikabatrachidae (2)
Neblinaphrynidae (2)
Nyctibatrachidae (37)
Odontobatrachidae (5)
Odontophrynidae (54)
Pelobatidae (6)
Pelodytidae (5)
Petropedetidae (13)
Phrynobatrachidae (99)
Pipidae (41)
Ptychadenidae (63)
Pyxicephalidae (90)
Ranidae (462)
Ranixalidae (19)
Rhacophoridae (450)
Rhinodermatidae (3)
Rhinophrynidae (1)
Scaphiopodidae (7)
Sooglossidae (4)
Strabomantidae (799)
Telmatobiidae (63)

                              Caudata (salamanders)
    # families: 10
    # genera: 69
    # species: 825

Ambystomatidae (32)
Amphiumidae (3)
Cryptobranchidae (6)
Dicamptodontidae (4)
Hynobiidae (98)
Plethodontidae (518)
Proteidae (8)
Rhyacotritonidae (4)
Salamandridae (146)
Sirenidae (6)

Gymnophiona (caecilians)
    # families: 10
    # genera: 32
    # species: 225

Caeciliidae (51)
Chikilidae (4)
Dermophiidae (15)
Grandisoniidae (24)
Herpelidae (11)
Ichthyophiidae (58)
Rhinatrematidae (14)
Scolecomorphidae (6)
Siphonopidae (28)
Typhlonectidae (14)