

Provides configurable behavior for ad exits for AMPHTML ads.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-ad-exit" src=""></script>

Supported Layouts

Provides configurable ad exit behavior for AMPHTML ads.


Use the amp-ad-exit component to expose an "exit" action to other elements in the AMPHTML ad.

Configure the amp-ad-exit component with a JSON child script element. Use the component to annotate other elements to exit when tapped and pass a target name and extra URL parameters to the user's browser. The exit action performs the following steps:

  1. Parse the JSON config if it hasn't already been parsed.
  2. Find the requested exit target.
  3. Process the click event through declared filters to determine whether the exit should be allowed.
  4. Rewrite URL variables.
  5. Ping click-tracking URLs.
  6. Open the target URL in a new tab.

Configuration spec

See the AmpAdExitConfig typedef in config.js for a configuration spec.


You can specify filters in the filters section of your config. You can then reference these filters by their property name in the filters section.

There are three primary types of filters: location-based, time-based, and element-based. Other filters, such as a confirmation prompt, can be added as needed.

clickLocation filter

The clickLocation filter specifies the minimum distance a click must be from the edges of the creative or the edges of a specific element in the creative. The clickLocation filter may have the following properties:

Property Value Meaning
top number The distance in px from the top edge. Specify to overwrite the default value of 0.
right number The distance in px from the right edge. Specify to overwrite the default value of 0.
bottom number The distance in px from the bottom edge. Specify to overwrite the default value of 0.
left number The distance in px from the left edge. Specify to overwrite the default value of 0.
relativeTo string

Selects the element to use for edge boundaries. If unspecified, the full body of the creative is used by default.

  • The selected element doesn't need to be the element that triggers the exit.
  • The selected element must be in a fixed position for the life of the creative.
  • The selector must use CSS selector syntax.

clickDelay filter

The clickDelay filter type specifies the amount of time to wait before clicks are responded to. Keep in mind that amp-ad-exit imposes a minimum delay of 1 second on all exits.

The clickDelay filter requires the following properties:

Property Value Meaning
delay number Time in ms to reject any clicks after entering the viewport.
`startTimingEvent` string The name of an event to use as a delay start interval, such as navigationStart. Based on window performance timing.

Note: The default 1 second click delay uses extension load time as an interval. However, this can be overridden to use the startTimingEvent value. Use the options object in the root of the config for this purpose. If a value isn't explicitly given, all other click filters use the startTimingEvent.


In the following example, the default click protection imposes a 1 second delay from navigationStart with two additional, specified click protections of 2 seconds from navigationStart and 3 seconds from DOMContentLoaded start.

<amp-ad-exit id="exit-api">
  <script type="application/json">
      "targets": {
        "flour": {
          "finalUrl": "",
          "filters": ["3sClick", "2sClick"]
      "options": {
        "startTimingEvent": "navigationStart"
      "filters": {
        "3sClick": {
          "type": "clickDelay",
          "delay": 3000,
          "startTimingEvent": "domContentLoadedEventStart"
        "2sClick": {
          "type": "clickDelay",
          "delay": 2000

inactiveElement filter

The inactiveElement filter type specifies elements that shouldn't cause an exit when they're the source of an event. Remember that, by default, amp-ad-exit ignores clicks on the previous and next buttons of an amp-carousel.

The inactiveElement filter requires the following property:

Property Value Description
selector string A CSS selector. If the event that triggers an exit has a `target` that matches the selector, the exit isn't performed.
  "targets": {
    "ad": {
      "finalUrl": "...",
      "filters": ["2second", "huge-border"]
  "filters": {
    "2second": {
      "type": "clickDelay",
      "delay": 2000
    "small-border": {
      "type": "clickLocation",
      "top": 5,
      "right": 5,
      "bottom": 5,
      "left": 5
    "huge-border": {
      "type": "clickLocation",
      "top": 100,
      "right": 100,
      "bottom": 100,
      "left": 100
    "border-with-relative-to-element": {
      "type": "clickLocation",
      "top": 10,
      "right": 10,
      "bottom": 10,
      "left": 10,
      "relativeTo": "#headline"

Click-tracking URLs

Navigation targets can be associated with click-tracking URLs in the config. Before navigation, amp-ad-exit attempts to use the following to ping the tracking URLs:

  • navigator.sendBeacon, if available
  • image request

You can override this behavior with a "transport" object on the config, such as in this example:

  "targets": { ... },
  "filters": { ... },
  "transport": {
    "beacon": false,

Variable Substitution

Variable substitution applies to navigation URLs and click-tracking URLs. URL variable substitution works like standard AMP variable substitution with custom variables and a limited set of platform variables.

Platform variables

Name Value
RANDOM A random float.
CLICK_X The x coordinate of the click in the viewport.
CLICK_Y The y coordinate of the click in the viewport.
UACH Provides [user agent client hint]( information. WARNING: Because the UACH API is asynchronous and amp-ad-exit is synchronous only, to retrieve UACH signals the values must be retrieved and cached beforehand by another AMP component that also uses variables substitution, otherwise they will be empty.

Custom variables

Custom variables must begin with an underscore. Define variables in the config alongside the navigation target. Variables should have a "defaultValue" property. You can override the default value in the exit action invocation.

Variable values can also come from 3P analytics. Use <amp-analytics type='example-3p-vendor'> to install a 3P analytics vendor iframe and reference it in the variable definition with the "iframeTransportSignal" property. The format of "iframeTransportSignal" is "IFRAME_TRANSPORT_SIGNAL(example-3p-vendor,collected-data)", where example-3p-vendor is the name of the vendor and collected-data is a key in the message from the vendor iframe. Don't place a space after the comma between the two.

Conventionally, user-defined variables should be in _camelCase, and system variables in ALL_CAPS.

<amp-ad-exit id="exit-api"
  ><script type="application/json">
      "targets": {
        "product": {
          "finalUrl": "",
          "vars": {
            "_productCategory": {
              "defaultValue": "none"
            "_3pAnalytics": {
              "defaultValue": "no_response",
              "iframeTransportSignal": "IFRAME_TRANSPORT_SIGNAL(example-3p-vendor,collected-data)"
<a on="tap:exit-api.exit(target='product', _productCategory='shoes')"
  >buy shoes</a
<a on="tap:exit-api.exit(target='product', _productCategory='hats')"
  >buy hats</a

Caution: Be careful with your variable names. Substitution works by simple string replacement. Any occurrence of the variable in the URL is replaced. For example, if you define a custom variable named "_b" with value "foo", /?a_b_c=_b will become /?afoo_c=foo.


Behaviors specify additional properties of the exit action.


The clickTarget behavior specifies where a target's click should try to open. A click defaults to open in a new tab if that's possible in the environment. If set to "_top", a user can specify that the click should open in the same tab. If this is set to anything other than "_top", it opens in a new tab.

<amp-ad-exit id="exit-api">
  <script type="application/json">
      "targets": {
        "landingPage": {
          "finalUrl": "",
          "vars": {
            "_clickArea": {
              "defaultValue": "headline"
        "flour": {
          "finalUrl": "",
          "filters": ["3sClick", "borderProtection"],
          "behaviors": {
            "clickTarget": "_top"
        "bannetons": {
          "finalUrl": "",
          "trackingUrls": [
          "filters": ["3sClick", "borderProtection"]
      "filters": {
        "3sClick": {
          "type": "clickDelay",
          "delay": 3000
        "borderProtection": {
          "type": "clickLocation",
          "top": 10,
          "right": 10,
          "bottom": 10,
          "left": 10

<h1 on="tap:exit-api.exit(target='landingPage')">Artisan Baking Supplies</h1>
<div id="product0" on="tap:exit-api.exit(target='flour')">
  <p>Rye flour</p>
  <amp-img src="..." width="..." height="..."></amp-img>
<div id="product1" on="tap:exit-api.exit(target='bannetons')">
  <amp-img src="..." width="..." height="..."></amp-img>
  on="tap:exit-api.exit(target='landingPage', _clickArea='footer')"



An id is required so that amp-exit can be referenced by tappable elements.



amp-ad-exit also supports variable targets. The variable targets don't define exit URLs by themselves. Instead, they point to a named NavigationTarget in the ExitConfig. Don't confuse these with URL custom variables. These are state variables that are maintained by the amp-ad-exit element. They can be updated at runtime to enable stateful exit behavior.

Name Value Meaning
name string The name of the state variable.
target string The name of the `NavigationTarget` in the ExitConfig that this state variable points to.


The amp-ad-exit element exposes an exit action that other elements reference in on="tap:..." attributes. The action accepts a "target" string parameter that must match a named NavigationTarget in the ExitConfig, or a "variable" string parameter which is a state variable that points to a NavigationTarget. Custom variables that begin with an underscore can also be passed in.

Name Value Meaning
target string The name of the state variable.
variable string The name of the `NavigationTarget` in the `ExitConfig` that this state variable points to.
default` string The name of the default `NavigationTarget` that the state variable should point to when it's not set. This is only meaningful when the variable is used.
_[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ string, boolean, or number Replace the URL parameter in the final and tracking URLs with this name and value.

Caution: When you trigger the exit action, either the target or the variable should be provided, but not both.


<amp-ad-exit id="exit-api" layout="nodisplay">
  <script type="application/json">
      "targets": {
        "product1": {
          "finalUrl": ""
        "product2": {
          "finalUrl": ""
  on="select:exit-api.setVariable(name='currentProduct', target=event.targetOption)"
  <option option="product1" selected></option>
  <option option="product2"></option>
  on="slideChange:exit-selector.toggle(index=event.index, value=true),
        tap:exit-api.exit(variable='currentProduct', default='product1')"
  <div>product 1</div>
  <div>product 2</div>


The amp-ad-exit element is only available for AMPHTML ads. Read amp-ad-exit rules for the AMP validator specification.

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