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Package Summary
KnowRob is a knowledge processing framework developed in the IAS group at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany. It provides tools for knowledge acquisition, representation and reasoning that are tailored to the demands in mobile robotics.
- Author: Maintained by Moritz Tenorth
- License: GPL,BSD
- Source: svn
Package Summary
KnowRob is a knowledge processing framework for robots. It has originally been developed in the IAS group at Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany and is currently maintained by Moritz Tenorth at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Bremen, Germany. It provides tools for knowledge acquisition, representation and reasoning that are tailored to the demands in mobile robotics.
- Author: Maintained by Moritz Tenorth
- License: GPL,BSD
- External website:
- Source: git (branch: None)
Package Summary
KnowRob is a knowledge processing framework for robots. It has originally been developed in the IAS group at Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany and is currently maintained by Moritz Tenorth at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Bremen, Germany. It provides tools for knowledge acquisition, representation and reasoning that are tailored to the demands in mobile robotics.
- Author: Maintained by Moritz Tenorth
- License: GPL,BSD
- External website:
- Source: git (branch: HEAD)
Please refer to the installation instructions here:
Documentation and Package List
- Starting and accessing Prolog
rosprolog: Start an interactive Prolog shell
json_prolog: Start ROS service that offers a query interface
- Base system
ias_knowledge_base: Core ontology and basic reasoning modules
knowrob_common: Common utilities for handling OWL (import/export, OWL reasoner interface, convenience query predicates), units of measure, and other generic functionality
knowrob_objects: Object-related functionality, supporting spatio-temporal reasoning, generation of the internal object representation, representation and conversion of coordinates
knowrob_actions: Read action properties, project effects of actions and processes, reason about transformations of objects induced by actions
ias_semantic_map: Semantic environment map representation in OWL
ias_prolog_addons: Prolog extensions such as the interface to the Weka and Mallet classification libraries, Jython interface, computation of semantic similarity measures between concepts
semweb: Semantic Web library of SWI prolog with extensions, e.g. computable properties
thea: OWL parser library
- Reasoning packages
comp_spatial: Compute qualitative spatial relations from object poses
comp_temporal: Compute temporal relations, e.g. Allen's interval algebra
mod_vis: Visualization of the content of the knowledge base
knowrob_cad_models: Load Collada models for visualization and reasoning
mod_srdl: Description of robot components and capabilities and methods for matching these descriptions against requirements of actions
mod_probcog: Interface to the ProbCog statistical relational learning library
- Interfaces to perception components
prolog_perception: (deprecated) Integration of perception using a Prolog module
comp_cop: Interface to the CoP perception system
knowrob_objects: Generic library for creating the KnowRob-internal object representation
- Probabilistic reasoning
- Related packages:
Further documentation can be found here:
More tutorials can be found in the extensive documentation section of the KnowRob wiki.
Issue tracker
Please file bugs and feature requests here:
The most comprehensive overview of the KnowRob system and related research can be found in Moritz Tenorth's PhD thesis. The full list of KnowRob-related publications is available at
When you publish a paper using KnowRob, please cite the 2013 IJRR article:
@Article{tenorth13knowrob, author = {Moritz Tenorth and Michael Beetz}, title = {{KnowRob -- A Knowledge Processing Infrastructure for Cognition-enabled Robots. Part 1: The KnowRob System}}, journal = {International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR)}, year = {2013}, volume = {32}, number = {5}, pages = {566 -- 590}, month = {April}, year = {2013} }
The development of KnowRob has received funding from the DFG excellence initiative research cluster Cognition for Technical Systems (CoTeSys) and the EU FP7 projects RoboEarth and RoboHow.