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Office Hours: 
Monday - Friday 
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM 
Phone: (804) 646-5950 
Fax: (804) 646-7848 
Email: [email protected] 
[email protected] 
[email protected] 
2134 West Laburnum Avenue 
Richmond, Virginia 23227 
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 61037 
Richmond, Virginia 23261

Election Officer Newsletter #5

Election Officers

Election Officer Infographic

  • A registered Virginia voter, who isn’t an elected official or an employee of an elected official.
  • Election Officers are appointed for a term not to exceed 3 years. Terms begin March 1.
  • On Election Day, you must be available to serve from approximately 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. or later (polls are open 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.).
  •  Helpful traits to have include professionalism, being detail-oriented, and having good customer service skills. Computer and bilingual skills are also a plus!

  • Prior to Election Day you will complete election officer training, so you will be prepared to:
    • Set up voting equipment.
    • Check voter IDs and check names on the electronic poll book.
    • Provide assistance and instructions in using the voting machines.
    • Tabulate the results at the close of the polls.;

  • Greeter – welcomes voters and directs them to the check-in area; may also encourage voters to get their ID out and ready. Greeters direct voters to signs and other information such as sample ballot items before voters check-in.
  • Poll Book Officer –checks in voters using either paper or electronic poll books; uses the poll book to ensure people are registered to vote and marks them as having voted; resolves voter eligibility/registration status issues by working with the chief officer and general registrar. If issues can’t be resolved, under certain circumstances the person may be offered a provisional ballot.
  • Ballot Officer – Provides every voter a ballot, while also accounting for all the ballots.
  • Voting Machine Officer – directs voters to available booths and may provide or obtain assistance upon request, maintains each voter’s right to a private ballot at all times; observes voter inserting ballot into the optical scan tabulator, and assists voters in interpreting and responding to system error messages.
  • Assistant Chief Officer – an experienced officer of election who assists the Chief in carrying out their duties. If the Chief cannot perform their duties for any reason, the Assistant Chief should be able to assume the role of Chief Officer of Election.
  • Chief Officer – an experienced officer of election who receives more in-depth training; supervises and oversees all officers of election and polling place operations on Election Day. The chief is responsible for making sure polls open and close on time and all supplies, forms, and ballots are verified and accounted for. The chief can answer most questions on Election Day and knows how and when to escalate issues to the General Registrar or other authorities.
    • Picks up election materials and supplies
    • Contacts and coordinates team members
    • Reaches out to polling place owners
    • Swears/affirms all officers of election
    • Assigns duties

  • Election officers are paid $200 for working a full Election Day. Election officers must work at least one general election before being considered for a Chief officer or Assistant Chief. The pay for Chief officer is $300 and for Assistant Chief is $250.

  • Whenever possible, you will be assigned to your closest or "home" precinct. However, if there are no vacancies at your polling place, you may be assigned to a nearby precinct. Unassigned officers are asked to serve on standby to fill in for scheduled officers who cannot serve.

Please note: The City of Richmond Office of Elections assigns election officers at its discretion based on criteria including but not limited to the staffing needs for each election, precinct requirements, language skills, geographic location, experience, and party affiliation.

  • Click on the QR code at the top of this page. The link will take you to a program called "Integra." Sign up there and submit your application online.
  • You may be contacted by the local political party to confirm your political party affiliation.
  • Reasonable accommodations are available to persons with disabilities during the application and/or interview processes per the American with Disabilities Act.

Plan Ahead – You will not be able to leave the polling place during your shift.

What to Bring – Food and beverages, medications, emergency contact information.

What to Wear – Comfortable clothing and shoes; remember that many people suffer from asthma or allergy conditions, so strong scents should be avoided.

Typical Election Day Schedule – Polls are open from 6 AM until 7 PM unless hours are extended by court order. Chief typically picks up materials the day before Election Day.

  • 5 AM: Chief Officer of Election arrives.
  • 5:15 AM: Officers of Election arrives.
  • 5 AM – 6 AM: Take the oath; welcome authorized representatives, set up polling place.
  • 6 AM: open the polls and conduct the election.
  • 6 AM – 7 PM: This is when voters cast their ballots. Voters in line at the time the polls are closing are allowed to vote.
  • 7 PM: close the polls.
  • 7 PM until...: secure equipment and ballots; complete paperwork; pack materials and supplies.

For more information on being an election officer, please contact us: [email protected]