To Do

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This page is for posting microformats related shared to do items. If you want to use this page for your microformats related to-do items, create a section with your name on it. The reason we are keeping these all on the same page is to make it easier to tell when people are working on similar things, and to make it more obvious when people help out with other people's tasks. In theory this probably won't scale, but let's first see how it does in practice. :) - Tantek

site homepage update

The top level home page ( needs updating to be more welcoming to newcomers, and to highlight recent efforts & updates.

See subsections here, and search some of the older to-do items in later section for other thoughts on updating the home page (both top level and wiki, e.g. look for "homepage" and "home page" further down on this page.

why microformats

from capjamesg:

I’d love to see something like a “why microformats?” section. I know we touch on this a lot on the wiki but I’d love to see a few concise points easily accessible on the home page. Or even a “why microformats?” link in the navigation bar or something.

Perhaps a sidebar box, similar to the current "What are microformats?" section? Feel free to brainstorm here, or create a separate page to brainstorm,

and then link to that as a start.

James has written a draft /why page that could get us started:


A new /why page should clearly summarize why someone who is looking at our site should consider adding microformats to a page.

We should make sure that the /why page addresses reasons that may be applicable to a broad spectrum of people, from those building personal websites to people who are here to help improve their SEO by using structured data.


There are a few contrast errors on the home page which might make the page harder for those who are visually impaired to read.

The main issues are:

  • the color of link text
  • the orange headings (h2s and h3s)
  • the light grey used to denote publication date and author of posts
  • the "search blog" bar is missing a label

link to recent formats

from capjamesg:

I also noticed the home page doesn’t link to h-entry and a few other h- formats. I think it should

Perhaps update the "Microformat specifications" sidebar section with at least h-entry and h-feed, maybe drop rel-license, rel-tag, and XOXO (they’re not that useful on their own)? Thoughts?

  • Linking to all relevant specs from the home page will help show that they are active specs. Right now one really has to know what they are looking for to come across the h-entry or h-feed specs.

more community updates

from capjamesg:

more community updates to share on the home page.

ideas or suggestions?

  • capjamesg: a few people write microformats use case studies that shows how they are using them
  • capjamesg: how I use microformats for my site, webmention receiver, and other projects
  • capjamesg: a digest of some issues that the community is actively discussing on GitHub, perhaps with requests for help


Having more community updates would convey that there are still many active discussions going on in the microformats community. These discussions often happen in IndieWeb channels so they are less visible to someone who has just visited the site for the first time.

microformats2 updates

The following pages need to be updated to for microformats2 (typically code, examples, and any specific format advice)

wiki gardening

simplify pages

Review pages, from the Main Page on down and:

  • Simplify/minimize the content in the pages with direct writing, assuming an eager(impatient,positive) reader in the primary reading flow.
  • Move (keep) clarifications/details/documentation for edge case people (i.e. deliberate misinterpreters, sarcastic skeptics, pedants etc.) to details further down in a page (or on subpages) rather than in the primary reading flow.

Examples of simplified pages:

  • Main Page - simplified quite a bit (2012-04-02), but could probably use additional simplification
  • ...

Pages to simplify:

  • how-to-play (should probably be done by an admin, but left here in case someone wants to try drafting a revision on another page and have an admin review it)
  • pages listed in stable-pages (simplifying these first will help with better translations)
    • for specifications, please work with their editor(s) on non-trivial content copy edits.

remove broken URLs

There's lots of links to sites that are now gone (see site-deaths on IWC for a full list).

It'd be useful if we replaced them where possible with links to or equivalent.

TODO (mark as done when done):

incorporate things expected to break

shortlink spec

The rel=shortlink spec:

is going to die soon as part of Google Code's shutdown.

1. We should copy that spec (along with FAQ for the first few valid questions/comments) to rel-shortlink, moving existing contents there to supplementary pages or purely historical record.

2. Get to redirect to rel-shortlink instead.

more documentation and research

extract from 1989 timbl proposal

microformats specific

Just some nice things, feel free to do any of these.

for all microformats

  • quick and easy "how to" pages for each microformat. get-started is a good overall start.
  • brief summary statements for each microformat that explain why it matters, what does it accomplish for the publisher.
  • write up mailing-list questions and answers in the appropriate faq pages.
  • validators. See the hReview section below as there has been a request for an hReview validator in particular. See Norman Walsh's blog post "Validating microformats" for some valuable analysis and validation pseudo-code (prose description), which are useful steps towards building microformat validators.
  • Submit definitions of "microformat", and individual examples, to the Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, acording to the Free On-line Dictionary of Computing guidelines
  • it would be nice to replace the -in-the-wild pages with a form that accepted URL entries that would both register the site and look for valid microformatted content and for those pages with problems, would set them aside in a queue to be reviewed by the community. Having such an interface would likely be more efficient for implementors looking to have their work reviewed, and would also add to a ready-database of microformats in the wild -- which would be a great way to feed User:Chris_Messina Chris Messina on 2007 Aug 31.
  • check with the group and then, assuming this is accepted, remove mention of the profile="" attribute from the wiki, since HTML5 removes the need for profiles to be declared



Add support to open source calendar projects

These are open source projects that could be potentially enhanced to support hCalendar.


  • hReview support in Ecto (hey Adriaan!), requested by Andy Smith
  • an hReview validator.
  • a semantic, clean css star rating picker (e.g. a UI widget to rate from 1-5 stars)

hCalendar/hCard/hReview editor

  • onblur in the URL field (e.g. on hCalendar), goes out and tries to retrieve an object of same time (e.g. an hCalendar vevent) from that URL and uses it to autofill the form, same thing if the creator is loaded with that URL prefilled (e.g. due to a ?url= in the URL that loads the creator).


  • hatom-issues needs sections for closed issues, resolved issues, and open issues sorted by year, similar to hcard-issues.

WordPress patches for microformats

Yahoo Open Source Library Patches

Several of these could very much be improved with a little microformats markup. Do we just make patches and submit them? Contact Nate Koechley at Yahoo (see Tantek for contact info) to follow-up.

Drupal patches for microformats

  • Microformat Module for Drupal A group discussing ways to implement microformats in Drupal. Currently looking to support hAtom, hCard and hCalendar to start with. Contact digitalspaghetti at gmail dot com if you are interested in contributing to the project.

Adding Microformats to Existing Pages

rel-tagging on Wikipedia

Somebody familiar with the "rel-tag" microformat might want to add details, and a link to the relevant page on this Wiki, to the Wikipedia page on tagging. Andy Mabbett 14:07, 3 Jan 2007 (PST)


Add to the glossary.

hAtom tutorial

Finish the hatom-tutorial.

wiki gardening

  • Find orphaned pages, and add links to them.
  • Use templates for boilerplate text and repeated lists of links
  • Add keywords to the foot of pages (see vcard-suggestions for examples), so that they can be converted to tags, once this wiki allows the use of "rel" attributes. Keywords can also include synonyms to aid searching.


Per how-to-play: for English-language pages only: Find British spellings of common words and replace them with the US spellings per en-US. Mark such edits as "minor" with the comment: [[en-US]]. Please be careful to use and maintain proper native spelling of proper nouns (see how-to-play for details).

Here is a table of searches for some of the British-English spellings that have crept into English-language microformats wiki pages, along with their respective US-English spellings. If you find other British spellings, please feel free to add them to this table, with their US equivalent.

en-GB en-US
behaviour behavior
behaviours behaviors
centre center
colour color
colours colors
favour favor
flavour flavor
flavours flavors
flavoured flavored
minimise minimize
minimises minimizes
recognise recognize
recognised recognized

More American and British English spelling differences


This section is for folks to suggest to-do items for admins, in particular, having to do with suggestions for improvements to infrastructure such as the wiki. If you do add an item to this list, please sign your username with four tildes: ~~~~.

Admins check this "inbox" periodically and process and move items to admin-to-do.

Please check admin-to-do to see if there is already an ongoing task item relating to your request. Otherwise add the item below.

Website Improvements

  • ...

Wiki improvements

  • Want: Right-to-left (RTL) support in the theme for better translating to RTL languages. Per this comment on the microformats page on Facebook 2011-02-13:

    Sina Cheraghi > Microformats
    "I want to contribute in Microformats wiki by translating it into Persian. But lack of RTL (right-to-left) languages (Persian, Arabic, Hebrew and ...) theme causes some problems for me and other contributors."

  • Make email addresses editable Singpolyma 02:47, 26 July 2009 (UTC)
    • How would this work and what's the purpose? Tantek 02:39, 10 September 2009 (UTC)

Below this section needs rethinking and triaging

All the person-specific to-do items here need rethinking in the current context of how we use and develop microformats, and current community needs.

Nearly all of the below was written before microformats2, and thus may only be applicable in a historical context, or needs to be reimagined in a microformats2 context.

How to rethink and triage the below:

  1. Assume that while captured in good-faith and with good intentions, nearly everything below is now obsolete and/or the person who added it under their name has gone on to do other things.
  2. Feel free to use the below for inspiration for what things could be done, and copy & rewrite them in a modern context in the previous (above) non-person-specific sections (to make it clear that anyone is welcome to help work on them).
  3. Maybe after a person’s previous to-do items have all been rethought/triaged into modern to-do items above, their section can be moved to an "Emeritus" subsection down at the bottom
    • Emeritus subsection to be created.


  • Tantek: I'm ok with the items listed under my name being *cut* and pasted (with modern updates) incrementally into the above sections, no need to preserve them after they've been rethought.
    • Please keep them around until they have been rethought
    • Ideally do the cut and paste in the same edit so it's clear where something moved in the wiki-edit-diff.
  • ...



I'm keeping microformats related to-do items here both for my own convenience, and for folks looking to help out. - Tantek.

overall priority ordering

  1. Protect the community from threats (wiki damage, mailing list pain or noise), repair damage, add measures to reduce future damage
  2. Update microformats2-parsing with resolved microformats2-parsing-issues
  3. Help implementers with established microformats
  4. Iterate on existing established microformats, resolve issues/feedback etc.
  5. Wiki cleanup/gardening for existing established microformats
  6. Site usability of top-down as an entry point
  7. Community dynamics, process and principles improvements to help guide new microformats developments
  8. Wrap up classic microformats documentation
  9. Document microformats history.
  10. Other

protect the community

  • Analyze Special:Recentchanges and mailing-lists and:
    • add to mailing-lists and how-to-play policies/guidelines accordingly.
    • redirect and resolve threads accordingly per guidelines
    • privately email violaters kindly asking them to improve their behavior
    • work with admins on next steps for individuals negatively impacting the community
    • recognize noisy/distracting threads on the email list, document responses/answers to such subjects on the appropriate page(s) on the wiki, and reply to those threads with the URLs to the documentation on the wiki. Putting the responses/answers on the wiki helps by hopefully providing preemptive answers to some who might reraise the subjects on the list in the future, and helps the community quickly terminate such threads by using the answers on the wiki.
    • move exploratory discussions which are failing to follow the process to a separate page from that
    • repair damage done to the wiki

update microformats2-parsing with resolved issues

Update microformats2-parsing with resolved microformats2-parsing-issues

help implementers

Update all these tasks for microformats2:

  • wordpress improvements
    • WP admin for new profiles
      • should simply read blog URL - next-action: make sure a bug/feature request is filed with
      • look for hCards and parse them
  • Conference Schedule Creator
    • next-actions: Review Dmitry Baranovskiy's Conference Schedule Creator and give him feedback per how well it:
      • Makes it *trivial* for conference organizers to build/edit/publish an hCalendar schedule for their conference, including auto-generated "Subscribe..." link which produces the proper "webcal:..." link with X2V. Note: see the "axis" and "header" attributes in HTML4, specifically in the section on Tables.

wiki cleanup

Update all these tasks for microformats2:

for all microformat specs


update specification section organization

Goal: greater approachability/readability of microformats specs by a broader audience.


  • hResume has an experimental abbreviated intro/headers section, and links to more details further below, based on some ideas that Ryan King and I had for improving the readability of the microformats specifications.
  • hReview has some similar improvements, but different.
  • hCard has numerous improvements as well, again different from either hResume or hReview


  1. contact microformats community members who are content/tutorial authors, and/or have written (or are writing) technical books, and those who have made concrete helpful suggestions for reorganizing the information architecture / content-order / layout of specs.
  2. figure out if the new intro/headers etc. structure/order in hCard, hReview, and hResume is an improvement, and if it could be better. Document reasoning/requirements for intro/header and other sections.
    • Shorter tends to be better
    • Must be comprehensive enough to "print and read"
    • Must detail authorship/editorship
    • Must detail copyright/patent statements
  3. Design an iterative update to spec organization, in particular, the introduction/boilerplate/headers.
  4. Write up a template - make it self-documenting per the requirements
  5. Update existing specifications with the new intro/headers structure.
    1. hCard
    2. hCalendar
    3. hReview
  6. Write up methodology behind the section organization and note editors lessons learned into an editors-guide page (what other variants were done before, in which specs, and note problems/complaints with other variants).

reorganizing Implementations sections

  • sort implementations by authoring/creating/publishing, browsing/viewing, converting/importing, indexing/searching.

Hmmm... I like: Authoring, Browsing, Converting, Indexing, Libraries (for developers), and Potential (for open source projects we want to add support to). Anybody have alternative suggestions for this vocabulary? I don't have a particularly strong preference so I'm going to go with these four until I find examples that don't fit, or someone suggests something better.

See: hCalendar Implementations for a first attempt at this. Assuming folks like that, we can go ahead with categorizing the implementations sections of other microformats specifications.


reorg Examples in the Wild sections

Work with community to:

  • include more *key* details per example, e.g. precise or estimates of counts for services
  • collate/sort examples in the wild by
    • hosting services - where users/people actively contribute to the growth (e.g. Flickr profile hCards)
    • publishing services - where lots of data is published from some datasource/database (e.g. Yahoo! Local)
    • companies/groups/organizations member pages (and their own) - pages for a group's site where they list members or employees (e.g. Technorati staff page)
    • individiual companies/organizations contact info pages
    • individual people's contact info pages
  • of course at some point this won't scale, but that will be a very good problem to have, and by then I'm sure we'll have services to point to that provide queries and search results for all this data.

site usability

Update all these tasks for microformats2:

  • figure out how to get wordpress to autopost blog posts to the microformats-announce list
    • ideally use the from address of the author of the blog post
    • maybe photomatt knows how to do this.

introduction / community

Update all these tasks for microformats2:

  • microformats-discuss *
    • introductory email template for new subscribers needs to direct people to process and how-to-play
  • Need to add more to the naming-principles, to cover in particular:
    • avoid using the same name to mean two things
    • avoid using two names to mean the same thing
    • seek to keep the microformats vocabulary minimal, memorable, and usable.
  • update and add details/simplifications to process given the past several months of experience. in particular:
    • clarify requirement (MUST rather than SHOULD) of *-examples, *-formats, before any *-brainstorming.
    • Add details of encouragement to experiment with simple semantic class names from *-brainstorming proposals to gain real world experience with real world content.
    • note SHOULD prerequisite of use of all relevant microformats on real world web pages, along with documenting such use in respective "Examples in the Wild" sections, before proposing any new microformats.

posh improvement

  • Create a page to answer the question "how-should-i-markup"
  • consider creating a process/encouragement for collecting individual posh practices and examples, like a folksonomy of semantic HTML and semantic class names.

principles and process

Create the following pages and document/fill them with content from other pages, email lists, and presentations.


  • update XMDP with new required features:
    • ability for one profile to include/import another (rel="import" ?)
    • ability to reference an XMDP via rel="profile" (similar to XHTML2 rel value by same name)
    • ability/suggestion to reference an XMDP using <a href> in addition to <link>

community mark

document issue resolutions

  • Prefixing has already been considered and rejected for microformats in general. Note naming-conventions, limited vocabulary, and exceptions made for hAtom and how we went about doing so.

emerging microformats

Update all these tasks for microformats2:

Next-actions for each emerging microformat (one at a time)

  • review all microformats-email on the new microformat
  • determine where new microformats is "stuck" in the process
  • brainstorm about how to improve process (or documentation thereof) to get the effort unstuck
  • work with community to move the microformat forward through the process, iterating/clarifying the process as necessary

new microformat requests

Update all these tasks for microformats2:

wrap up classic microformats documentation

  • use these tasks to come up with any necessary or useful equivalents for microformats2 specifications and resources.
minor update current specifications

social network portability

Iterate on:

Brainstorm updates to the pocket-cheat-sheet to better enable social-network-portability, or perhaps design a new social network portability pocket cheat sheet that specifically documents:

  • how to author/publish hCard user profiles - write this up in hcard-authoring first (see below) and then use that content.
  • how to author/publish hCard+XFN friends lists - write this up in hcard-xfn-authoring (see below) and then use that content.
  • how to parse/subscribe to hCard user profiles - write this up by updating: hcard-parsing, and writing hcard-supporting-user-profile-parsing (collect this into parsing/developers tasks below)
  • how to parse/subscribe to hCard+XFN friends lists - write this up by writing: xfn-parsing, hcard-xfn-supporting-friends-list-parsing (collect these into parsing/developers tasks below)
    • notes/thoughts on hCard+XFN supporting friends list parsing captured here for now:
      • do a full rel="me" bidirectional crawling within the domain - some sites' hCard supporting user profiles simply link to their hCard+XFN supporting friends lists with rel="me", and thus you will discover more pages with friends lists.
        • E.g. Flickr's /people/username pages have hCard for the user and link to their /people/username/contacts page with rel="me" (on the "More..." link, though they could also add rel="me" to the number inside "Your contacts (592)"). Need to get them to support hCard+XFN on the contacts themselves.
      • consider parsing within a friends list page, any links that are rel="next" and rel="prev" to iterate over the whole list.

foldup cheatsheet

next actions:

  • gather feedback on current foldup pocket cheatsheet
  • document the feedback on the pocket cheatsheet
  • provide printing recommendations for anyone to download and print their own
    • Perhaps Visibone can be of some use? I can recommend their current products. --Gazza 06:41, 7 Apr 2007 (PDT)
  • update cheatsheet to include new value-class-pattern uses
  • give feedback to Erin or ask for volunteers to create a new cheatsheet, iterate, print more to have on hand, fold, distribute.
  • discuss with User:Adactio and Hannah how to best create a UK/A4 version of the pocket cheatsheet
    • preferably well in advance of dConstruct 2008 so that local cheatsheets can be printed.

*-authoring microformats wiki pages

  • hcard-authoring - next-actions: add tips/instructions noted below.
    • instructions for each property that is in hCard creator to begin with
    • instructions for all other hCard properties
    • a tutorial on creating an hCard for your site
      • specific instructions for common blogging platforms
    • reference hcard-examples for more specific uses, and add to them accordingly
  • hcard-xfn-authoring - next-action: draft by starting from hCard+XFN instructions in hcard-examples.
  • hreview-authoring - next-action: create a first draft minimal tutorial on how to author hReviews (e.g. at least for common properties) to blog reviews so that they'll be aggregated.
  • hcalendar-authoring - next-action: add tips/instructions for each property that is in hCalendar creator.
  • *-authoring for other reasonably well established microformats:

help with microformat examples in the wild

Using the above updated authoring pages, get the community to help go over all "common" pages (both logged out and logged in states) of the following sites which have some microformats already, and verify each page is as microformatted as it can be with high fidelity hCalendar and hCard etc. Document full support of each implementation's microformats on the implementations page (perhaps create a separate page for each implementation, e.g. flickr, upcoming, eventful etc.) Document any exceptions as needed. In no particular order:

  • (3.5m hCards)
  • (100k hCalendar events, 100k hCard venues)
    • home page
  • (100k hCalendar events, 100k hCard venues)
  • Yahoo! Tech (300k products with hReviews)
  • (???k hReviews)
  • ... lots more, get from "Implementations" and "Examples in the Wild" sections of specs.

advocacy for obvious sites

  • advocacy - add pages/sites that obviously (no pun intended) could use microformats, update them with sample markup, find contacts for those pages to get them updated, and send requests to update their sites with microformats including sample markup. next-actions: markup both sample pages and sample pages, post the changes publicly, and see which one is able to update first ;)
    • (hCard + XFN + hAtom for profiles, hCard + hReview for venues)
    • write essay on open-data-more-important-than-open-source - and a shorthand URL too.
      • obviously doing both is ideal, however, open data is a higher priority and given limited resources, open data should be implemented before open source.
      • open data > open source
      • "open information" vs "open source"
      • i.e. please focus first on open data rather than open source, e.g. start with hCards for all organizations returned from
      • if the data is open you can always export it and consume it in any number of open source systems
      • that's why open data is MUCH more important than open source
      • adding open data (e.g. microformats) can be done by any HTML author (yes, you), whereas open sourcing requires programming expertise, resouces, support. do the simpler easier thing first (open data thru microformats) that will benefit more people sooner.
      • if the data was open, anyone could rebuild an accessible version
      • faqs / misconceptions:
        • eschipul: @tantek - creating microformats is easier. consuming microformats is unfortunately not easier.
          • A: If you think consuming microformats is not easier or hard etc., it may just be that you don't know how to do so easily, don't assume that you are an expert in something that you think is hard. Rather, if you think something is hard, then assume others may know easier methods, and ask the community how one can do it more easily. parsing in particular is something which is becoming easier and easier thanks to open source libraries like hKit.
    • write essay on open-data-more-important-than-open-apis - and a shorthand URL too
      • obviously doing both is ideal, however, open data is a higher priority and given limited resources, open data should be implemented before open APIs.
      • publishing/providing open data (e.g. microformats) can be done by any HTML author (yes, you), whereas providing/publishing open APIs requires programming expertise, resouces, and support. do the simpler easier thing first (open data thru microformats) that will benefit more people sooner.

in general

plain language intros

For hCard, hCalendar, hReview, XOXO to start with, write up:

  • brief plain-language intro at the top (say for example, something that a non-technical person like a member of the general media/press could read and understand), similar to or better than plain language intros on W3C specs.
  • followed by links to more plain-language resources, e.g. *-intro pages.

In particular for XOXO, Angus McIntyre suggested:

  • As well as a syntactic example, examples of use would be useful.
  • when I might want to use XOXO.
  • Some simple examples right upfront would probably do a lot to help users figure out whether a particular microformat is for them or not.

These suggestions could be incorporated into the other specs as well.

exploratory discussions
CSS enhancements for

Analyze existing microformats for opportunities to enhance CSS and propose to W3C.

  • e.g. CSS datetime presentation (need to add links to my earlier work in CSS working group)
  • brainstorm additional possibilities for better presentation of content using existing microformats.
update affiliations
profile URLs
  • write-up and document profile URLs for all established microformats and perhaps for some drafts as well


Combined next-actions for iteration on hCard, and derived/subsetted microformats adr and geo

  • analyze hcard-cheatsheet, adr-cheatsheet, geo-cheatsheet for any assertions above and beyond what the specification itself says, take into account hcard-brainstorming along similar lines, and incorporate into the spec or remove as necessary and sync-up as a result. add clarification on the cheatsheets that they are informative and reference the specification for normative requirements.



  • update hcalendar-examples
    • add examples like hcard-examples
    • flesh out and do a once over on markup/presentation of what RFC2445 examples would look like
    • update all hcalendar-examples to use value-title from value-class-pattern where abbr doesn't make sense. e.g.
      • rrule
      • duration
      • ... etc.
  • need spec details and then hcalendar-examples of multi-instance hCalendar events
  • need spec details and then hcalendar-examples of repeating events
  • have folks verify hcalendar-profile. Note that it will likely need reconciliation with the hcard-profile, especially since hCalendar normatively depends on hCard. Probably makes sense to have a combined profile which hCalendar would use.
  • analyze hcalendar-cheatsheet for any assertions above and beyond what the specification itself says, take into account hcalendar-brainstorming along similar lines, and incorporate into the spec or remove as necessary and sync-up as a result. add clarification on the cheatsheets that they are informative and reference the specification for normative requirements.







  • move XFN and XMDP FAQs, tutorial, descriptions, spec etc. from to
    • and put redirects in place, notes about contribution
  • update rel-me examples and document with examples the rel-me implict subdir rule



summary Examples in the Wild page

  • need to create a summary / overall examples-in-the-wild page
    • parallel the summary/overall implementations page.
    • use newly reorganized content from the above "reoganizing Examples in the Wild" task



document microformats history

Document microformats history, including:



wiki cleanup

  • possibly move dead proposals off of homepage?

hCalendar/hCard/hReview creator improvements

  • get all creators working in IE/Win, IE/Mac, Safari/OSX.3



  • update rel-payment to reference the IANA registry [1]


  • make sure we explicitly disallow 'vjournal'

Dimitri Glazkov

  • Figure out REST/Microformats thing
  • Work on result set idea
  • Implement h-creators using Web Forms 2.0

Chris Messina


  • Work on a microformat for play-lists (is it just a XOXO ordererd list of play-items?)
  • Work on a microformat for play-item (take a look at media-info-examples)
  • Work on microformats tutorial for designers
  • Add support for OpenID to micformats wiki
  • Add support for OpenID to the microformats blog.
  • Read GTD (at least the first two chapters).


  • Get Blogger to support hAtom and hCard
  • Get LinkedIn to support hCard, hResume, hCalendar and XFN
  • Get XING to support hCard, hCalendar, hResume and XFN
  • Get Digg to support microformats (still need XFN).


  • Microformat for "buyable items" (see listing-examples and related documents)
  • Location MF -- right click "map this" (see geo and adr)
  • Better hCard support in the browser -- right click "IM this person...", "Add to contacts" (see Flocktails)
  • Better hCal support -- support many views of same hCal data on one page using XSLT
  • We need something that a designer/web programmer can come to and leave w/ 2 examples of each microformat that they can apply right away... a "microformats styleguide for designers", if you will.
  • invoicing microformat
  • better microformats wiki theme
  • Define flow for OpenID + XFN + hcard (see DiSo Project)

Hey Chris. Congrats on Microsyntax ("Stowe Boyd launches"). So ... do we need a page on this Microformats wiki describing the connection between microformats and microsyntax?

Robert Bachmann

Robert Bachmann


  • Test scripts
  • hAtom2Atom
    • Join all hfeed's inside a page (or a fragment thereof) into one feed using atom:source semantics.
    • Extraction of atom:content, atom:summary and atom:title:
      • atom:content and atom:summary as HTML
      • atom:content and atom:summary as plain-text
      • atom:title as XHTML
      • atom:title as HTML
    • Support for other XSLT engines:
      • .Net System.Xml
      • hAtom2Atom written using XSL 2.0?
        • Do you think this would be useful? I have created a barebones version, doesn't yet take in all the parsing rules yet, but I'd be happy to share. Moving to XSL 2.0 does make things a bit cleaner and more efficient. - Matt Dertinger.
    • Support for other output formats: (hAtom2xyz.xsl)
      • RSS 2.0 (meanwhile use hAtom2Atom.xsl and atom2rss.xsl) -- +1 Matt Dertinger
      • RSS 1.0 (meanwhile use hAtom2Atom.xsl and atom2rss.xslt) -- +1 Matt Dertinger
        • My opinion at the moment, I neither want to produce nor to consume RSS. Atom is nicer (and should be supported by most good feed readers available today), RSS should fade away. -- Robert Bachmann
      • AtomOWL (meanwhile use hAtom2Atom.xsl and atom2rdfxml.xsl)-- +1 Matt Dertinger
        • Having the possibility of GRDDL-ing hAtom to AtomOWL seems definitly interessting. I realy should implement this some day. - Robert Bachmann
      • JSON?
        • Does it make sense to consider a canonical representation of microformats (either case by case, or in general) in JSON? E.g. so that a JSON API that returned contact information could return an hCard-equivalent chunk of JSON. - Tantek.
          • This could enable some nice JavaScript hacks. I should give hAtom2JSON a try. - Robert Bachmann

    (singpolyma 01:02, 9 May 2006 (PDT) -- Not XSLT, but see for hatom to RSS2.0 conversion)

Brian Suda

Citation Microformats

  • Add all my notes to the Wiki
  • Start the process of naming the properties using existing names


Make changes and update site (almost stable) Get ATTENDEE and other strange attributes working


work on the warnings and error output for the pre-check in X2V


  • clean-up the MF FAQs
  • clean-up FAQs from the major microformats
  • pull Questions from the mailing list and document them to the FAQs and example

Microformats History

additions to the wiki

  • better explain why NOT infinitely scaling is a good thing
  • better explain why microformats do NOT use namespacing

Mark Rickerby

Current Tasks


  • hmmm

Ernest Prabhakar

Wiki-Thon Proposal

Set aside several hours (probably a Friday night US PST) for focused work on the Wiki, including both physical (e.g., a room in the Bay Area) and virtual (IRC/iChat) participants.


  1. Improve understanding of what needs to be done for Wiki
    • IMHO - this should be done here, in to-do incrementally. -Tantek
  2. Tackle larger projects (~1-2 hours) than people usually have time for
    • I'd like to see these projects *documented* first on to-do before we spend 1-2 hours of a bunch of folk's collective time to go through them. -Tantek
  3. Motivate community to have fun with otherwise tedious "housecleaning" chores

Agenda (Wishlist)

In parallel:

  • Coalesce/prioritize existing To-Do items (above)
  • Review/revise desired pathways for:
    • New users learning about microformats
      • e.g., intro, about, explore, tutorials, etc.
      • cf. Rails front page
        • Get Excited (Why, background, motivation)
        • Get Started (What, downloads, getting started)
        • Get Better (How, tutorials, )
        • Get Involved (Who)
    • Microformat lifecycle
  • Review existing specs for completeness and consistency
  • Identify areas of 'bitrot' or 'hole-filling'
  • Do it!

Dan Connolly

DanC hopes to sync up on these tasks in irc roughly weekly, during Wednesday afternoon (Chicago time) "office hours". See also my esw todo list and someday pile.

  • from WWW2006
    • follow up on GRDDL as escape valve for microformats proposals, much like CSS was an escape valve for HTML tag proposals.

DanC 15:39, 31 May 2006 (PDT)

Chris Casciano


  • get around to updating hatom-issues with some multi feed rules/exceptions.
  • Update textpattern plugin with simple hreview support and get a new release out
  • Redesign and include hatom
  • Follow up with technorati folks on pingerati reviews getting lost (note: this will require publishing more reviews and theen watching them through the update process)
  • prototype a NetNewsWire microformat extractor (CSS+AppleScript)

Drew McLellan


  • Build an hReview profile for hKit and test
  • Update the Dreamweaver extensions to mirror recent changes in the online builders
  • Publish an hCard to JSON service on using hKit.
  • Further develop blog comment form hCard collection ideas.
  • Version of hReview creator using hKit to import business details from an hCard

Christophe Ducamp (french localization)

Christophe Ducamp

  • seed "microformateurs group" and invite them to update
    • write a process for newbies in order to make them write CHIC posts on a public blog-governed-by-wiki ([2]) before publication.
    • find experts for peer-reviewing
    • find french CSS gurus to setup a nice Sandbox-CSS template on Wordpress
  • translating the wiki
    • translate red links on Main_Page-fr and synchronize
    • find out microformateurs at ease on "the-wiki-way-translation", and ready to help on semi-anonymous-synchro
  • community-marketing -> pinko-marketing
    • public-relations towards french journalists and complete advocacy (especially hcard-advocacy-fr towards organizations.
    • help to build events, workshops like barcamps and explorcamps
    • update French-wikipedia:Microformats and subpages via cowriting on discussion page (directly originated from the english article) + french examples to be found + local resources.
    • open discussion with french wikipediens about implementing some of the english existing templates
    • small gifts: accessories and free gifts ? t-shirts, localized cheat-sheet, id-hcard-openid-providing, etc.
      • create hCard, hCalendar... and all red link pages on french wikipedia
  • localize species-fr and related pages
  • move all contents remaining on ->
  • wiki and uf:
  • setup real-life links with european governance members ;) may be joining dconstruct-microformats-workshop - find solution (registering fees and travel expenses -> talk with Arnaud Fontaine or search french sponsors)

Frances Berriman

Frances Berriman

  • Clean up this todo list (meta!)
    • Move alumni admin tasks out, and into a 'up for grabs' bucket (unless 100% specific to person).
      • Ping anyone with specific tasks / nag
  • Proposal for page simplifications - notes, to expand to tasks later:
    • Need a way to push active formats (those in the process) to the fore, and push back stagnating items.
    • Process updates to blog?
    • Activity overview updates on main site somewhere?
      • Code and Tools page on site: Currently it's mostly only tools. Need to add a list of actual specifications on the wiki.
    • In general: less clutter, more structure, more focus.

Ben West (bewest)


  • fight spam
  • help tend wiki
  • documentation of semantic authoring techniques
  • researching the social problems relating to authorship and publishing on the web
  • development of new microformats in response to failing to meet the needs of the second with the first.

Expore Microformat Deployment Issues

How does who determine the status of work going through some stage of the process? When does a format move from draft to "full spec"? Who decides? What are the qualitative and quantitative features that characterize work in different stages, especially as a spec nears deployment as "full spec". What makes this pronouncement more than a mythical blessing? What quantitative analyses can be provided to validate deployment? Today, we have powerful agents capable of processing huge amounts of information on the web. Should we be using these to measure published marketshare? What role should tools and test suites play in deploying microformats?


A lot of knowledge work is about maintaining sets of vocabulary. Now that the vocabulary is emerging, it may be time start making sure everyone is "on the same page," especially since some of the language is highly symbolic. Terms:

  • "boil the ocean" A huge task. "A phrase used in the industry to describe an attempt at something that is way too ambitious. For example, "They're trying to get their site launched by COMDEX. They could easier boil the ocean." from <>
  • microformats: more than one microformat
  • microformat: see my definition on
  • data fidelity: the extent to which a data format might be considered lossy. eg HTML is often seen as a lossy format because the information parsed out of a resource may not fully match the information orginally encoded. Non-lossy formats have a very high data fidelity, while lossy formats have low data fidelity. Microformats seek to increase data fidelity of html.
  • market: the locus of economic forces
See glossary. Andy Mabbett 13:57, 7 Dec 2006 (PST)


_Concession_: my plans involve reuse of code, which would involve non-compatible changes with the current inline model. This is a nice feature, so maybe I should be branching instead.

  • Start hatom creator.
  • Code Reuse. These creators are downright handy, and I’ve reimplemented the vcard one on my own site. Instead, let’s make these widgetized. Let’s decide on a more or less canonical html structure and create some javascript that will create the desired microformat. Something as easy to use as new Microformat.hCard($('mycontainer')); would be awesome. Right now, if someone makes an improvement to the hCard creator, the other creators don’t get the benefit. Spec this out!
  • About Section. Is there an official creator page? If so, let’s point to that. The about paragraph is getting longer and longer with phrases like “which is based on…” repeated over and over.
  • Default all dates to “right now”. Provide an easy to use calendar type widget to change dates.
  • hAtom creator: Add multiple. It’d be nice to add an arbitrary number of entries.
  • hAtom creator: Optional feed enclosure. Check box to wrap the entry/entries in an hfeed.
  • Edit URI: Allow someone to enter a URI and edit whatever microformat is found on the page.
  • Optionals. If the format requires, say, a vcard, the creator can defer to an external URI or can trust the user to fill it in later.
  • Common stylesheet. I suppose this goes with the reuseable code idea… we have many great coders, we should be reusing eachothers’ work.
  • Use Amazon's ECS to pull in information about products when there is an ASIN in the item URI.

Information Architecture

Help Welcomed! Please leave your name Add complaints to wiki-feedback! Helping to make the wiki easier to use. I'd like to see the main page more towards a format like with the big questions right out front:

  • What Is This?
  • What can I do here?
  • Is there a demo?
  • Where can I learn more?

I'd like to change the front page to this kind of design.

Support Pages

There are several categories of things in the wiki. Can we enumerate them?

  • About the Community
    • Where to find information.
    • Who are the stake holders?
    • FAQs
  • Web/Architectural Philosophy
    • Community Principles
    • Why are we doing this?
    • XML and Namespaces
    • Semantic XHTML
    • Common Misconceptions
    • Concession and Disposition of Criticism
    • FAQs
  • Specs
    • Examples
    • Discussion
    • Exploration
    • Use Cases
    • Implementations
    • The spec itself.
  • Tips and Tricks for Authoring (BenWest 15:00, 9 Dec 2006 (PST))
    • how to author semantic html
    • choosing class names
    • using HTML's general extension mechanisms
    • advocating use
    • collaborating/reusing HTML
    • debugging HTML: use pastebin, separate out the relevant bits.
    • getting help from the community
    • applying Microformats.

Can others agree and or refine this list? Should I take it to the -discuss list? How do we create consensus on how the wiki should be organized in order to make it more usable? And how can we turn that consensus into actionable changes?

The wiki should also capture wisdom that stems from discussions that don't produce microformats. For example, Chris Messina suggests a "Best Of" page suitable for capturing this kind of wisdom. I think we can think of a given microformat as being at a place in a spectrum that ranges from "not yet thought of", to "interesting but needs work," or even "rejected", and of course including all the stages familiar to the microformats processes (eg examples, brainstorming, etc...). If there were such a page would it:

  • Belong to a microformat? (eg hcard-bestof)
  • or to the global namespace? (eg /wiki/wisdom/foobar-format)

(I think Chris Messina suggests that it belongs to a given microformat, but then how do we collect wisdom from non-microformats?)

Considering that the wiki page named with the microformat (i.e. /wiki/hcard) is the one that people will mostly likely look to first for learning about a particular format, I'd think it'd make more sense and create a more welcoming feel to convert these pages to an intro page introducing the format for the beginner and linking to resources like tutorials and creators. Spec pages would then be relocated to wiki/*-spec -- Cgriego 13:25, 16 Oct 2006 (PDT)

Mike Schinkel's Comments

My suggestion on the list was for us to use a convention that the entry page (i.e. would be an index into a list of (psuedo) standardized sub pages so that it would be very people to find what is important to them. For example, is a list of potential sub pages:

  • Microformat
    • Specification
    • Tutorial
    • Examples
    • Use cases
    • Reference
    • Discussion
    • Brainstorming (might be combined w/Discussion)
    • Implementations
    • Related Pages
    • Further Reading
    • All (Uses Mediawiki's "includes" to create a page including all sub pages; very useful for printing & reading offline)

These pages would be located respectively at

Please note I am suggesting an architecture not a specific list of sub pages. The list of sub pages should be defined by both reviewing existing information during site reorganization, and then via discussion on the list in an attempt to discover and extract which sub pages are needed for most/all microformats.

NOTE: This differs from above in that the spec if not viewed as a top level structure but instead the microformat itself and the spec would be under the microformat. In this context "microformat" is a more abstract concept and "spec" is a more concrete thing. Another way to think about it would be that each microformat would have it's own mini home page and then things like "spec" are the pages listed on its home page.

Matt Dertinger (Thewhoo)



  • Support for other XSLT engines:
    • hAtom2Atom written using XSL 2.0
  • Support for other output formats: (hAtom2xyz.xsl)

Microformats Proposals

  • rel="disclaimer":
    • Purpose: to create a semantic linkage (relationship) between a foot-note or end-note marker and the actual location of the text that the marker refers to.
  • rel="external":
    • Purpose: to formalize what is already in existence in the wild. The use of rel="external" to refer to a document that is external or outside of the current domain.

Henri Bergius

Henri Bergius

  • Add hKit support for automatically populating contact details into OpenPsa Contacts CRM
  • Implement Tail scripts for adding things into Midgard

Justin Thorp

  • Start researching examples for a To-do microformat

Mark Lentczner

  • Get Second Life's event web pages to have proper event microformats data
  • Start pinging$url when pages are updated
  • Collaborate on designing how to integrate microformats, metadata and objects in Second Life.

Derrick Pallas

microformat proposal: dependancy

  • looking for examples of directed graphs on the web
  • applications in
    • software engineering
      • automatically build library dependency trees
      • distribute security alerts to people that link to your code
    • any directed, acyclic graph
      • getting dressed in the morning
      • cooking
  • orthogonal to xfn
    • people don't have versions
      • libfoo requires libbar-2.0 or later
    • people don't have optional relationships
      • ex: at build time, compile in SSL support if present
    • people don't have exclusive-or relationships
      • ex: in Gentoo, syslog, syslog-ng, and metalog satisfy virtual/syslog
      • ex: the Ruby library RMagick requires ImageMagick xor GraphicsMagick

Paul Downey

  • building a generic Javascript parser
  • bundling parser as a TidlyWiki plugin for hCards
  • documenting how best to microformat TiddlyWiki pages

Rob Manson

Clay Newton

  • Work on getting others involved in trade-examples
    • Need examples from major online banking sites
    • Need examples from major ecommerce sites
  • Continue working on: trade-brainstorming

Ben Ward


  • Delete Wiki Spam


  • Gardening/updating key wiki pages.
  • embed brainstorming
  • Considering new welcome banner of µ to link to various µf resources, rather than being dominated by the infrequently updated blog.

Next Actions

  • Conclude new hCalendar proposals from Yahoo TV Listings experience
  • Resume work on hListing microformat
  • Re-org the front-page content
    • Work with User:Phae on refreshing the microformats frontpage content
    • Build new events module for the blog using, rather than hard coded event data (Matt Harris may have done this…)
    • Build new wiki edits module for the blog
    • Combine ‘list of microformats’ into the intro text? Make intro text more friendly.
  • Build a microformats activity stream
    • Replace front page blog with activity flow
      • Wiki Edits/New Pages
      • New Mailing List Threads
      • Interesting µf links
      • Blog posts
      • Upcoming events/event reminders
  • Improve µ OpenID support, find a good workflow for login/comment (current plug-in has an abysmal user experience)

Ketan Majmudar


  • Work on developing the hListing proposal
    • Provide real world examples and apply this to the proposed specifications
  • refine and keep up to date with hCard formats as used on existing sites [Ethical Junction CIC]
  • Understand / follow and evangalise existing patterns, especially the new value-class-pattern
  • see where I can help the community
  • look at using x2v or writing php parser classes for hcard -> vcard
  • open source hCard class (php) used to format db fields