Review Examples
There have been several efforts to define data formats for posting "reviews" of products, services etc. on the Web.
This page serves to document the current list of review examples from real world sites for the design of a simple reviews microformat. -Tantek
Copied from reviews-formats which itself was contributed from Technorati Developer's Wiki: ReviewsFormats)
- Tantek Çelik
- Niall Kennedy
See Also
Examples on the Web
Notice that author appears several times in the list below, and that it sometimes refers to the author of the review, and other times to the author of the book being reviewed. A parenthetical will be used to distinguish them now.
Centralized Implementations
Insider Pages
Customer reviews of local businesses
- author (review author)
- rating (0 - 5 stars)
- business name
- review title
- review
- pros
- cons
- business category
- business address
- business phone number
- business e-mail address
- business website
- author (book author)
- publication date
- title
- description
- rating (1 to 5 stars)
- overall and by category
- declared value and a maximum possible value
- overall and by category
- vote for or against component
Mini reviews are limited to products on some areas of the site.
- rating (1 to 5 stars)
- Their mini-review interface has an 'x,' but this does not mean a rating of '0,' but in their own verbiage 'Unrated.' So the interval is 1 to 5 starts, not 0 to 5 stars. --RyanKing 11:43, 18 Jan 2006 (PST)
- ownership status ([x] I own this)
- negative interest ([x] Not interested)
- author (review author)
- title
- publication date
- description
- reviewed work identifier
- reviewed work title
- reviewed work version
- release date
- Volume, issue
- edition
- translation
- reviewed work author(s)
- reviewed work publisher
Consumer Reviews
- reviewed item
- reviewed item version
- rating
- overall 1-100
- by category 1-5
- definition list of specifications
- author (review author)
- publication date
- title
- summary ("the bottom line")
- description
- rating overall and by category
- positive summary
- negative summary
- cost
- vote for or against product
- vote for or against review
Web site or page reviews
Yahoo! Local
- author (review author)
- publication date
- title
- description
- rating
- overall and by category [1-5]
- positive summary
- negative summary
- usage datetime
- specific use
- username
- publication date
- title
- description
- rating (1 to 5 stars)
See Example Review of a Marina
SF Survey
- rating by category
- cost
- description
delicious 3rd party
- rating (0-100%)
- tags (keywords, year, user-specified others)
- artist/author (work author)
- title
- comments
- unique identifier
iTunes XML
- rating (0-100%)
review world
Dinner Buzz
- rating (0-10 in increments of 0.1)
- classification
- summary
- full review
- agree or disagree
- voting
- rating (1-10)
- user comments
- User Name
- User Location
- Contains spoiler? (checkbox)
- Summary
- Vote (1-10)
- Comment text
Shocking Experts
- voting
- rating (0-5 in increments of 0.1)
- full review
- user comments
- agree or disagree
- vote (1-5)
- Comment text
See Example Review of Numerology Reading
Analysis of Examples
Common review fields
- item being reviewed (name/title|URL(s)|image)
- reviewer (name|email|URL)
- review publication/authoring date
- rating 1 to 5 (default max = 5, default min = 1)
- tags (keyword,rating)*
- comments
See Also
See hReview for the result and evolution of these thoughts on a microformat.