Journal Specification
- Title: Acta Informatica Pragensia
- Sub-title: Journal of Social and Business Informatics
- Publisher: Prague University of Economics and Business, W. Churchill Sq. 4, 130 67 Prague 3, Czech Republic
- eISSN: 1805-4951
- The first year of publication as a�peer-review journal: 2012
- Language of publication: English, Czech, Slovak
- Thematic scope: Informatics [Information Science, Information Systems, Computer Science], Social Sciences
- Number of issues per year: 2 (+�optionally special issue)
- Publishing form: Electronic (open access journal)
- Peer review process: Double-Blind Peer Review
- Plagiarism screening tools: iThenticate (English), (Czech and Slovak)
- Currently indexed in: Web of Science (Clarivate), Scopus (Elsevier), DBLP Computer Science Bibliography, RSCI Russian Science Citation Index, CEEOL Central and Eastern European Online Library, ERIH PLUS European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences, DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals, Open J-Gate (Informatics India), National Library of the Czech Republic and other databases.
- Subscription: No
- Publishing fees: No
- Article processing charges: No
- Language proofreading: Yes (free of charge for accepted manuscripts)
- The content consists of four types of contributions: Article (empirical and constructive research, perspective and conceptual research, industrial viewpoint and experience), Review, Editorial and Miscellanea. Article and Review contribution typed are reviewed in a double-blind peer review process.