陳文英(Katrina Leung,又叫Chan Man Ying、Chen Wen Ying),中國特工代號「Luo Zhongshan」,美國特工代號「Parlor Maid」,係一個雙面間諜。佢曾經同時做美國聯邦調查局(FBI)嘅線人同中國國家安全部(MSS)嘅間諜。2003年4月9號,佢俾美國司法部檢控,控罪指佢非法複製國防情報。2005年1月6號,因為控方行為不當,佢嘅控罪撤銷,但控方上訴成功。結果陳文英經控辯協商,喺2005年12月16號認咗輕啲嘅罪名。
[編輯]- Thomas, Randall. Affidavit. Affidavit supporting an arrest warrant for Katrina Leung. (PDF)
- Indictment against Katrina Leung. Indictment against Katrina Leung for Unauthorized Copying of National Defense Information with Reason to Believe That It Will Injure the United States or Benefit a Foreign Nation. (PDF)
- Kan, Shirley A. CRS Report for Congress Congressional Research Service Report for Congress - China: Suspected Acquisition of U.S. Nuclear Weapon Secrets] (PDF)
- DOJ Review of Handling of Katrina Leung. (PDF) U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General - A Review of the FBI's Handling and Oversight of FBI asset Katrina Leung. (U) Unclassified Executive Summary
- Order Granting Defendant's motion to Dismiss (PDF)
- Kirk, Michael (Director). (2004). Frontline: From China with Love [Documentary]. Melbourne, Florida: PBS Video
- Gertz, Bill (2006). Enemies: How America's Foes Steal Our Vital Secrets–and How We Let It Happen. New York: Crown Forum.