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You are EU
A young boy, viewed in side profile, extends his arm and hand towards a solar panel

Freedom, Peace and Energy Independence

We can do this together

Democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance, and solidarity. These are the European values that unite us. The Russian invasion of Ukraine showed us that our democracy, economy and energy independence are closely intertwined. Let’s ensure that together we have clean, renewable energy made in Europe. It is only with a united effort that we can achieve these goals. Let’s stand up for our values, to protect your and your family’s future, the climate and the planet.

You are EU!


The meaning of 'You are EU'

'You are EU' is an invitation for all Europeans to join in and help transform our challenges into a better future, with clean energy made in Europe. We can rely on our strength, which we draw from our common ambition to shape the world we live in. 'You are EU' is our pledge as Europeans where each of our contributions count. 'You are EU' is a statement that we can jointly move towards clean, homegrown energy. 'You are EU' is a reminder that there is a lot to do, and that we can do it together for the sake of future generations. Our children and grandchildren sharpen our focus on the path ahead and our common goal – the preservation of our democracy, economy, and our peaceful and independent Union.

  • Freedom, Peace and Energy Independence.
  • Democracy, Diversity and Climate Protection.
  • Stability, Respect and Green Transition.
  • Unity, Security and Renewable Energy.

© European Union 2023. All rights reserved. Certain parts are licensed under conditions to the EU.

Together, we have shown that when Europe is bold, it gets things done. And our work is far from over – so let's stand together. Let's deliver today and prepare for tomorrow.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

All of You are EU

'You are EU' activates, inspires, and speaks to people from all EU countries. 'You are EU' empowers us as it unites our values with the idea of transformation. It connects us as Europeans. At the same time, it provides us with a direction for the future. It adds a forward-thinking dimension to who we are and allows us to actively shape the path ahead based on freedom, peace and solidarity with clean, independent energy sources.

All of You are EU.