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General visiting FAQs

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Please see below for a list of our most commonly asked questions for visiting the Minster.

Does the cathedral have baby change facilities?

Yes. You can find these facilities by the main toilets in the North Quire Aisle. See our map of the Minster for more details.

Can we bring a buggy?

Yes. There is ramped access at the main entrance to the Minster at Precentor’s Court and the main areas of the cathedral – except the Tower and Crypt – have level, ramped or lift access.

Is the cathedral breastfeeding friendly?

Yes. Breastfeeding is welcome throughout the cathedral and we have a special chapel – St Nicholas’ Chapel – set aside for family use.

Can I bring food and drink into the cathedral?

Unfortunately food and drink cannot be consumed inside the Minster but picnics are welcome outside in Dean’s Park, College Green and Minster Gardens, although please note alcohol is not allowed in the park.

Do you have a café?

There is no café inside the Minster but there are a range of food and drink outlets on our doorstep including the new York Minster Refectory, which sits just across the South Piazza and offers breakfast, takeaway and all day dining options. See full details here.

Can I bring an animal?

No animals may be brought into the Minster, except for service animals. We do not allow emotional support animals inside the Minster.

Do you have toilets?

Yes – inside the Minster we have accessible toilets for all including baby change facilities. See our interactive map to check their location.

Can I take photos of the Minster?

Yes, provided they are for personal use and not commercial purposes. Please note that photography, audio and video recording is not permitted during Minster services, acts of worship or events, and flash photography is not permitted in the Undercroft or the Treasury.

Can I take photos for commercial purposes?

Any commercial photography requires the prior written permission of the Chapter of York.

This includes the recording of any images and/or sound for commercial purposes and the uploading onto the Internet or any on-line publishing of any material created or recorded in the Minster.  All commercial image-use rights in all images created inside York Minster remain the property of the Chapter of York. To discuss commercial photography contact the marketing team at [email protected].

Can I film at York Minster?

While short clips for social media and online blogs are ok, filming for any documentary, project, advert or commercial venture is not permitted without full written permission from the Chapter of York. This includes areas such as Dean’s Park and College Green around the external perimeter of the Minster. To discuss filming projects, please contact the marketing team at [email protected].

Can I use a drone around York Minster?

Taking off and landing a drone/unmanned aircraft system (UAS from the Minster Precinct is not permitted without prior permission. We ask that, if you are planning on flying a drone/UAS in proximity to the Minster, that you get in touch to discuss this with Joseph Priestley, our Broadcast and Film Officer, via [email protected].

Why do I have to pay to come into York Minster – isn’t it a place of worship?

It costs £30,000 a day to run York Minster and your admission fee directly supports the future of the cathedral. We never charge for people to enter the cathedral to pray, light a candle or attend a service. If you wish to visit for private worship or for a service, please do let the Minster Hosts know on arrival and they will be happy to welcome you.

Who do I contact about lost property?

For all enquiries about lost property please contact the Minster Police at [email protected]. Please note we only keep hats, gloves and scarves for 48 hours.

Can I bring my luggage into York Minster?

Wheeled bags, and bags larger than hand luggage are not permitted in York Minster. There are a number of left luggage facilities in the city including Yorbag. Please note that due to increased national security levels, random bag searches may be carried out when you enter the cathedral.

Can I pre book tickets?

You can pre-book general admission tickets here.

Tickets are valid for one year from the date you select. Always check the Plan your visit page in advance of your visit for up to date opening times.

Do I have to take a guided tour?

No – all guided tours are optional and are available Monday-Saturday between 10am and 3pm. Tours last approximately an hour.

Do I need to pay/book to join a service?

Services are always free and booking is not generally required, except for at a small number of major services. Please see our What’s On section for details. During busy seasons such as Advent and Christmas, people are advised to arrive in plenty of time as we do reach capacity on occasions.

Why is it called a Minster? Not a cathedral?

We’re actually both! York Minster’s full title is The Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Saint Peter in York.

The title Minster evolved towards the end of the sixth century, when Christian missionaries were sent to convert Saxon England. They built churches to be centres for worship and as bases from which to preach in the surrounding countryside. Priests lived there (although not necessarily as monks) and the centres became known as monasteriums – a word which entered the Old English language as mynster.

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