Yildiz Technical University
Architecture PhD
Geçmişten günümüze kentlerde erk sahiplerince, konut dışında farklı işlevlere sahip yapılar yaptırılmış; bu yapılar kentte ikon haline gelmiştir. Toplumsal erk dengesinde, erkin el değiştirmesiyle, ikon yapıların işlevleri de... more
Geçmişten günümüze kentlerde erk sahiplerince, konut dışında farklı işlevlere sahip yapılar yaptırılmış; bu yapılar kentte ikon haline gelmiştir. Toplumsal erk dengesinde, erkin el değiştirmesiyle, ikon yapıların işlevleri de farklılaşmıştır. Önceki yüzyıllarda siyasi ve dini yapılar olan, saraylar ve katedraller şehirlerin simgesel yapılarını/nirengi noktalarını oluştururken; erkin el değiştirmesi, emlak endüstrisinin kar elde amacı, star mimarların imza proje arzuları ile birleştiğinde ortaya çıkan; yeni, popüler ve ayırt edici ikonik tasarımlar; şehirlerin yarıştığı günümüzde bir tasarım yaklaşımı olarak sıklıkla kullanılır olmuştur. Stadyumlar geçmişte, sahip oldukları mistik güçleriyle, yapı ölçekleriyle ve konumlarıyla kentlerde birer ikon olarak tanımlanmaktaydı. Günümüz kent ölçeklerindeki büyümelerle birlikte stadyumların yapı ölçeği tek başına ikonik sayılmaları için yeterli olmamaya başlamış; yapıların farklı tasarımları da ikon olarak tanımlanmaları için önem kazanmıştır. Yeni bin yılda küresel ekonomide yerini almak isteyen kentlerde uluslararası spor organizasyonlarına ev sahipliği yapma mücadelesinin artmasıyla; ikon özelliğini kaybeden stadyumlar da farklı tasarım yöntemleriyle yeniden kentler için birer nirengi noktası haline gelmeye başlamışlardır. Belirli gruplar için "mabet" olarak tanımlanan, taraftarlarınca beslenen ve değeri onu besleyen taraftarlar ile artan bu kamu yapıları; bir "taraf" olan taraftar kitlesince izlenen, mücadelelerin gerçekleştiği yarış mekanlarıdır. Bu durum stadyumların kitlelerle ilişkisini kent içindeki diğer yapılara kıyasla daha özel kılmaktadır. Büyük kitlelere hitap eden bu yapılar geçmişten günümüze erkle de ilişkili haldedir; çünkü stadyumlar üzerinden kitleler, politize ve depolitize edilebilmektedir. Gerek küreselde gerek ülkemizde yeni binyılda sosyalleşme alanları ile birlikte, kentte birer nirengi olması için planlanan, birçok futbol stadyumu projelendirilmiştir. Son yıllarda sıkça kullanılan bir tasarım yöntemi olan şehrin ya da takımın sembolünün stadyum yapılarına dahil edilmesi ile gerçekleştirilen ikonik stadyum yapıları; sağlıklı kent ve kent kimliği sürdürülebilirliğini etkilemektedir. Büyük bütçeler harcanarak projelendirilen bu yapıların tasarımları, toplum tarafından büyük ilgi görmektedir. Çoğu zaman ulusal ikonlarla veya kent ikonlarıyla projelendirilen yapılar, toplum üzerinde oluşturdukları etkileriyle; çoğu zaman proje için harcanan bütçelerin karşılığının kamu yararı bağlamında sorgulanmasını geri plana atmaktadırlar. Ülkemizde de gerek basın gerek taraftar gerekse mimarlarca, oldukça ilgi gören Bursa Büyükşehir Belediye Stadyumu/ Timsah Arena örneği, mimari nitelik ve niceliksel değerleriyle ve kent, kentli üzerindeki etkileriyle değerlendirilmiş; proje, popülizm-mimarlık ilişkisi bağlamında tartışılmıştır.
The structures, which have buildings with different functions other than housing, have become an icon in the city from past to present. The functions of iconic structures are also differentiated with the change hands of the power in the balance of social power. The palaces built when the power in hands of the Managers, churches when built the power in the hands of the church, majestic business centers when the power in hands of the Capital; the public structures, which are built as a means of influencing them through the passage of power, are samples of change. Stadiums which were icons in cities with their building scales and locations via its mystical powers, with the growth of modern urban scales, building scale has become melted in the city. In the new millennium, in cities that want to take its place in the global economy, with the increasing struggle to host international sports organizations; the stadiums, which have lost their characteristics, started to become a landmark for the cities with their different design methods. Today, the cities of the stadium projects with large economic investments, the design of the stadium has gained importance. Todays, the cities are run against and designs of the stadium projects that have realized with great economic investments have gained importance. These public structures, which are defined as temple for certain groups, increased by the fans fed by the supporters and attribute the value, tracked by the fan base of a party, racing places where the struggles take place. This situation makes more special of the stadiums relations with the masses, compared to other buildings in the city. These structures, which appeal to the masses, are related to the power past from the past to the present; because the fans in the stadiums are also voters. Along with the socialization areas in the new millennium in our country, many football stadiums, which are planned to define a node in the city, have been designed. Iconic stadium structures realized by the inclusion of the symbol of the city or team which is a frequently used in the stadium structures in recent years; it affects the sustainability of healthy urban and urban identity. The designs of these structures, which are projected by spending big budgets, attract great attention from the society. These buildings have been designed many times by national and urban icons, cause to ignoring the budget spent for the project with the impact on society. The relationship between populism of such project which have been interesting for the society, constitutes the main problematic of the thesis.In our country, case of, Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Stadium/ Alligator Arena which has attracted a lot of attention from both the press, fans and architects, has been evaluated with its architectural qualities and quantitative values and effects on the city. The project was discussed in the context of the relationship between populism and architecture.
The structures, which have buildings with different functions other than housing, have become an icon in the city from past to present. The functions of iconic structures are also differentiated with the change hands of the power in the balance of social power. The palaces built when the power in hands of the Managers, churches when built the power in the hands of the church, majestic business centers when the power in hands of the Capital; the public structures, which are built as a means of influencing them through the passage of power, are samples of change. Stadiums which were icons in cities with their building scales and locations via its mystical powers, with the growth of modern urban scales, building scale has become melted in the city. In the new millennium, in cities that want to take its place in the global economy, with the increasing struggle to host international sports organizations; the stadiums, which have lost their characteristics, started to become a landmark for the cities with their different design methods. Today, the cities of the stadium projects with large economic investments, the design of the stadium has gained importance. Todays, the cities are run against and designs of the stadium projects that have realized with great economic investments have gained importance. These public structures, which are defined as temple for certain groups, increased by the fans fed by the supporters and attribute the value, tracked by the fan base of a party, racing places where the struggles take place. This situation makes more special of the stadiums relations with the masses, compared to other buildings in the city. These structures, which appeal to the masses, are related to the power past from the past to the present; because the fans in the stadiums are also voters. Along with the socialization areas in the new millennium in our country, many football stadiums, which are planned to define a node in the city, have been designed. Iconic stadium structures realized by the inclusion of the symbol of the city or team which is a frequently used in the stadium structures in recent years; it affects the sustainability of healthy urban and urban identity. The designs of these structures, which are projected by spending big budgets, attract great attention from the society. These buildings have been designed many times by national and urban icons, cause to ignoring the budget spent for the project with the impact on society. The relationship between populism of such project which have been interesting for the society, constitutes the main problematic of the thesis.In our country, case of, Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Stadium/ Alligator Arena which has attracted a lot of attention from both the press, fans and architects, has been evaluated with its architectural qualities and quantitative values and effects on the city. The project was discussed in the context of the relationship between populism and architecture.
ABSTRACT The old urban fabric is in a constant state of change/transformation due to different reasons such as emigration, immigration, urban transformation, opening to tourism. Each individual/community, permanently or temporarily... more
The old urban fabric is in a constant state of change/transformation due to different reasons such as emigration, immigration, urban transformation, opening to tourism. Each individual/community, permanently or temporarily positioned within the urban fabric, determines its own boundaries according to its own cultural, political, social and economic context and continues its actions within those boundaries. These invisible borders, which are produced within the social context but cannot be traced spatially, are more determinative, directive and real than the existing physical borders. Sometimes an invisible wall forms between two similar neighborhoods located side by side in the urban fabric, dead-end streets occasionally lead to specialized public spaces, strangers intuitively do not think of going outside a certain area even in the absence of directive signs. These invisible borders are established across cultural, economic and social contexts and are transmitted verbally or intuitively between individuals. On the other hand, experts such as urban planners and architects, based on social, economic and physical data, reduce the boundaries of the old city to numerical data, draw new boundaries based on these numerical data, and change existing boundaries. However, these boundaries are either invisible or ignored during urban planning. These invisible borders are too complex, unplanned, spontaneous and unpredictable to be reduced to numerical data. In this study, the spatial projections of the invisible boundaries created by the individual/society were tried to be determined in the example of the old urban fabric of Ankara Castle. With the determinations made, it will be tried to understand to what extent the invisible borders are integrated with the physical borders subject to planning or to what extent they destroy and change the physical borders. The aim of the study is to discuss the possibilities of including invisible borders as data in planned studies. In other words, it is an attempt to identify the intersections between the complex, unplanned, spontaneous and unpredictable and the planned; between the visible and the invisible.
Eski kent dokusu, göç vermesi, göç alması, kentsel dönüşüme girmesi, turizme açılması gibi farklı sebeplerden ötürü sürekli değişim/dönüşüm halindedir. Kent dokusu içinde sürekli ya da geçici olarak konumlanan her birey/topluluk, kendi kültürel, siyasal, sosyal ve ekonomik bağlamına göre kendi sınırlarını belirler ve o sınırlar içinde eylemlerini sürdürür. Toplumsal bağlamı içinde üretilen ama mekânsal izinin sürülemediği bu görünmez sınırlar, mevcut fiziksel sınırlardan daha belirleyicidir, yönlendiricidir ve aslında gerçektir. Kent dokusu içinde yan yana konumlanmış, benzer iki mahalle arasında bazen görünmez bir duvar oluşur, çıkmaz sokaklar ara sıra özelleşmiş kamusal alanlara çıkar, yönlendirici işaretler olmasa dahi yabancılar sezgisel bir biçimde belirli bir alanın dışına çıkmayı düşünmezler. Görünmez olan bu sınırlar, kültürel, ekonomik, sosyal bağlamlar arasında kurulmakta, bireyler arasında sözsel veya sezgisel olarak aktarılmaktadır. Öte tarafta ise kent plancıları, mimarlar gibi uzmanlar, sosyal, ekonomik ve fiziksel verilere dayanarak, eski kentin sınırlarını sayısal verilere indirgerler, bu sayısal veriler üzerinden yeni sınırlar çizerler, mevcut sınırları değiştirirler. Ancak kent planlaması yapılırken bu sınırlar ya görülmez ya da görmezden gelinmektedir. Bu görünmez sınırlar sayısal verilere indirgenmeyecek kadar karışıktır, plansızdır, kendiliğinden gelişmiştir, öngörülemezdir. Bu çalışmada, birey/toplum tarafından oluşturulan görünmez sınırların, mekânsal izdüşümleri Ankara Kalesi eski kent dokusu örneğinde tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Yapılan tespitler ile görünmez olan sınırların, planlamaya konu olmuş fiziksel sınırlarla ne kadar bütünleştiği veya fiziksel sınırları ne kadar tahrip ettiği, değiştirdiği anlaşılmaya çalışılacaktır. Çalışmanın amacı; Görünmez sınırların, planlı çalışmalara veri olarak dâhil edilebilmesinin olasılıklarını tartışmaktır. Bir başka ifade ile karışık, plansız, kendiliğinden gelişmiş ve öngörülemez olan ile planlanmış olanın; görünür ile görünmez olanın ara kesitlerini belirlemeye çalışmaktır.
The old urban fabric is in a constant state of change/transformation due to different reasons such as emigration, immigration, urban transformation, opening to tourism. Each individual/community, permanently or temporarily positioned within the urban fabric, determines its own boundaries according to its own cultural, political, social and economic context and continues its actions within those boundaries. These invisible borders, which are produced within the social context but cannot be traced spatially, are more determinative, directive and real than the existing physical borders. Sometimes an invisible wall forms between two similar neighborhoods located side by side in the urban fabric, dead-end streets occasionally lead to specialized public spaces, strangers intuitively do not think of going outside a certain area even in the absence of directive signs. These invisible borders are established across cultural, economic and social contexts and are transmitted verbally or intuitively between individuals. On the other hand, experts such as urban planners and architects, based on social, economic and physical data, reduce the boundaries of the old city to numerical data, draw new boundaries based on these numerical data, and change existing boundaries. However, these boundaries are either invisible or ignored during urban planning. These invisible borders are too complex, unplanned, spontaneous and unpredictable to be reduced to numerical data. In this study, the spatial projections of the invisible boundaries created by the individual/society were tried to be determined in the example of the old urban fabric of Ankara Castle. With the determinations made, it will be tried to understand to what extent the invisible borders are integrated with the physical borders subject to planning or to what extent they destroy and change the physical borders. The aim of the study is to discuss the possibilities of including invisible borders as data in planned studies. In other words, it is an attempt to identify the intersections between the complex, unplanned, spontaneous and unpredictable and the planned; between the visible and the invisible.
Eski kent dokusu, göç vermesi, göç alması, kentsel dönüşüme girmesi, turizme açılması gibi farklı sebeplerden ötürü sürekli değişim/dönüşüm halindedir. Kent dokusu içinde sürekli ya da geçici olarak konumlanan her birey/topluluk, kendi kültürel, siyasal, sosyal ve ekonomik bağlamına göre kendi sınırlarını belirler ve o sınırlar içinde eylemlerini sürdürür. Toplumsal bağlamı içinde üretilen ama mekânsal izinin sürülemediği bu görünmez sınırlar, mevcut fiziksel sınırlardan daha belirleyicidir, yönlendiricidir ve aslında gerçektir. Kent dokusu içinde yan yana konumlanmış, benzer iki mahalle arasında bazen görünmez bir duvar oluşur, çıkmaz sokaklar ara sıra özelleşmiş kamusal alanlara çıkar, yönlendirici işaretler olmasa dahi yabancılar sezgisel bir biçimde belirli bir alanın dışına çıkmayı düşünmezler. Görünmez olan bu sınırlar, kültürel, ekonomik, sosyal bağlamlar arasında kurulmakta, bireyler arasında sözsel veya sezgisel olarak aktarılmaktadır. Öte tarafta ise kent plancıları, mimarlar gibi uzmanlar, sosyal, ekonomik ve fiziksel verilere dayanarak, eski kentin sınırlarını sayısal verilere indirgerler, bu sayısal veriler üzerinden yeni sınırlar çizerler, mevcut sınırları değiştirirler. Ancak kent planlaması yapılırken bu sınırlar ya görülmez ya da görmezden gelinmektedir. Bu görünmez sınırlar sayısal verilere indirgenmeyecek kadar karışıktır, plansızdır, kendiliğinden gelişmiştir, öngörülemezdir. Bu çalışmada, birey/toplum tarafından oluşturulan görünmez sınırların, mekânsal izdüşümleri Ankara Kalesi eski kent dokusu örneğinde tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Yapılan tespitler ile görünmez olan sınırların, planlamaya konu olmuş fiziksel sınırlarla ne kadar bütünleştiği veya fiziksel sınırları ne kadar tahrip ettiği, değiştirdiği anlaşılmaya çalışılacaktır. Çalışmanın amacı; Görünmez sınırların, planlı çalışmalara veri olarak dâhil edilebilmesinin olasılıklarını tartışmaktır. Bir başka ifade ile karışık, plansız, kendiliğinden gelişmiş ve öngörülemez olan ile planlanmış olanın; görünür ile görünmez olanın ara kesitlerini belirlemeye çalışmaktır.
ÖZ: Günümüzde kentleşme sürecinde ülke sınırlarını tanımayan metropoller birbirleri ile sürekli bir iletişim ve yarış halindedir. Kendi geçmişlerine ve alt yapılarına yaslanan metropoller; özgün özelliklerini, tarihi dokularını ve anıtsal... more
ÖZ: Günümüzde kentleşme sürecinde ülke sınırlarını tanımayan metropoller birbirleri ile sürekli bir iletişim ve yarış halindedir. Kendi geçmişlerine ve alt yapılarına yaslanan metropoller; özgün özelliklerini, tarihi dokularını ve anıtsal yapılarını ön plana çıkararak geleceğe uzanmaya çalışmaktadır. Bu kent yarışında çağdaş ihtiyaçlara göre gelişim gösteren tarihi yapılar çeşitli eklerle kullanım potansiyellerini artırmaktadır. Tarihi yapılara ek tasarlanırken tasarımcı, ekin yapı ile kurduğu ilişki kadar kent ile kurduğu ilişkiyi de analiz etmelidir. Tasarımcının doğal ve yapılı çevreyi, kent katmanlarını, kentin tarihsel dönüşümünü, sosyolojik ve morfolojik durumu analiz ettikten sonra bağlama uygun kararlar alması, kentsel sürekliliğin korunması için büyük önem arz etmektedir. Mimarlık literatüründe tarihi yapılarda ek tasarımı üzerine yapılan çalışmalar, çoğunlukla yapı- ek ilişkisi, strüktür, malzeme ve form üzerine odaklanmıştır. Bu çalışma kent morfolojisini doğrudan etkileyen ek yapıların kentsel süreklilik ve bağlamla ilişkisini Royal Ontario Müzesi (Royal Ontario Museum) örneği üzerinden ele alacaktır. 1914 yılında inşa edilen Royal Ontario Müzesi (ROM) farklı dönemlerde ihtiyaçlara bağlı olarak farklı üsluplarda ekler almıştır. 2007 yılında Daniel Libeskind tarafından tarihi yapı için tasarlanan dekonstrüktivist ek, aykırı tasarımıyla mimarlık yazınında tartışmalara neden olmuştur. Bu çalışmada Royal Ontario Müzesi’nin Toronto kent sürekliliği ile ilişkisi kentin farklı dönem plan ve haritalarının üst üste çakıştırılması -kartografik yöntem- ile okunmuş, yapının farklı dönemlerde aldığı eklerin bağlamla kurduğu ilişki değerlendirilmiştir.
Rethinking Historical Settlements: Evaluation of the Historical Texture of Ankara Castle within the Framework of Historical Urban Landscape Approach The aim of this study is to investigate an effective and comprehensiveapproach to the... more
Rethinking Historical Settlements: Evaluation of the Historical Texture of Ankara Castle within the Framework of Historical Urban Landscape Approach
The aim of this study is to investigate an effective and comprehensiveapproach to the protection of our tangible and intangible cultural heritage.In this context, firstly, certain concepts related to historic urban areas areselected and explained to form the theoretical background and framework of the study. In the second part of the study, the approaches of "Historicarea/city", "Historic urban landscape" and "Spirit of place", which offer acontemporary and comprehensive perspective on the conservation of historic urban areas, are examined in the case of the historic fabric of Ankara Castle and its surroundings.
The aim of this study is to investigate an effective and comprehensiveapproach to the protection of our tangible and intangible cultural heritage.In this context, firstly, certain concepts related to historic urban areas areselected and explained to form the theoretical background and framework of the study. In the second part of the study, the approaches of "Historicarea/city", "Historic urban landscape" and "Spirit of place", which offer acontemporary and comprehensive perspective on the conservation of historic urban areas, are examined in the case of the historic fabric of Ankara Castle and its surroundings.
The science of ecology is concerned with human-nature relations as well as the development of renewable and harmless energy sources. Especially in the 20th and 21st centuries, the damage caused to the ecosystem by human activities has... more
The science of ecology is concerned with human-nature relations as well as the development of renewable and harmless energy sources. Especially in the 20th and 21st centuries, the damage caused to the ecosystem by human activities has made it necessary to search and research methods and ways of repairing as well as protecting the ecology. In today's world of high energy demand, the use of renewable clean energy, materials and technology is essential for the protection and restoration of the deteriorating ecosystem. In architecture, studies are carried out on ecological approaches in architectural design in order to ensure that construction activities are not against nature but in harmony with the ecosystem. Ecological approaches in architecture are addressed by different sources (design phase - production phase - use phase - post-use phase) under the main headings of resource conservation, environmental pollution control, climatic design, providing healthy conditions in interiors, structural waste management control, life cycle assessment (Tönük, 2001; Yılmaz, 2005; Williams & FAIA, 2007). In the structural sense, the concept of ecological approaches in architecture covers the size and function of the building, its relationship with the land, façade design (façade gaps and technology), material selection, and resource utilization. Ecological approaches in architecture also relate to concepts such as sustainability and smart designs and come up with concepts with different practices and scopes such as "eco-building, eco-cities, eco-tec cities, eco-design, eco village, eco campus, green ecological architecture...". In the 21st century, these design methods, which have become not only a necessity but also a trend and a marketing product, are taking their place in cities at micro and macro scales.
Ecological approaches to cities and architecture have been developed by different disciplines in response to the urban problems that emerged due to the rapid construction after World War II. One of the important examples of these early studies is the work of Austrian painter and environmental activist Friedensreich Hundertwasser. The artist intensely criticized the post-World War II urbanization and construction dominated by concrete, which developed in the context of rational architecture. The artist accused rational architecture of "cutting off man's relationship with nature, of being flat and artificial". In 1958, the artist revealed his ecological vision with the "Mouldiness Manifesto Against Rationalism In Architecture" and in the following years, he manifested his thoughts on ecological architecture with his demonstrations, speeches, models, drawings and projects.
Within the scope of this study, the ecology philosophy of Hundertwasser, who aims to protect ecology at every stage of his design (design - production - use - post-use) throughout his production life (1958-2000) and produces manifestos and architectural projects in this context, will be examined. Hundertwasser does not see ecological design as green integrated into the built environment. The artist produced with the vision that the built environment should be built together with the natural environment, not against it, and revealed his philosophy with his own methods and manifestos. In this study, Hundertwasser's ecological design approaches and proposals, which started with the Mouldiness Manifesto in 1958 and continued until his death, will be revealed, and the projections of his ecological philosophy in today's ecological architecture will be evaluated. The environmental vision and works of the artist, who argues that ecological architecture is a physical and psychological necessity, are inspiring for today's ecological design studies. This study will discuss the reflections of the artist's eco vision on the present day and open new horizons for future studies.
The study was created by the literature review method. The main purpose of the study is to contribute to the ecological architecture literature, which is a current topic of discussion open to development, by reading the eco-philosophy of Hundertwasser, an eco-activist. The discussion within the scope of the research is important in today's world where ecological problems are increasing rapidly, yet solution proposals remain singular. In the first part of the study, Hundertwasser's ecological philosophy and ecological architectural approaches will be revealed by reading his manifestos, speeches, drawings and projects. In the second part, the reflections of the artist's philosophy in today's ecological architecture will be analyzed. Finally, the micro- and macro-scale architectural approaches to the artist's ecological philosophy will be discussed and evaluated by cross-referencing them with contemporary ecological approaches.
Ecological approaches to cities and architecture have been developed by different disciplines in response to the urban problems that emerged due to the rapid construction after World War II. One of the important examples of these early studies is the work of Austrian painter and environmental activist Friedensreich Hundertwasser. The artist intensely criticized the post-World War II urbanization and construction dominated by concrete, which developed in the context of rational architecture. The artist accused rational architecture of "cutting off man's relationship with nature, of being flat and artificial". In 1958, the artist revealed his ecological vision with the "Mouldiness Manifesto Against Rationalism In Architecture" and in the following years, he manifested his thoughts on ecological architecture with his demonstrations, speeches, models, drawings and projects.
Within the scope of this study, the ecology philosophy of Hundertwasser, who aims to protect ecology at every stage of his design (design - production - use - post-use) throughout his production life (1958-2000) and produces manifestos and architectural projects in this context, will be examined. Hundertwasser does not see ecological design as green integrated into the built environment. The artist produced with the vision that the built environment should be built together with the natural environment, not against it, and revealed his philosophy with his own methods and manifestos. In this study, Hundertwasser's ecological design approaches and proposals, which started with the Mouldiness Manifesto in 1958 and continued until his death, will be revealed, and the projections of his ecological philosophy in today's ecological architecture will be evaluated. The environmental vision and works of the artist, who argues that ecological architecture is a physical and psychological necessity, are inspiring for today's ecological design studies. This study will discuss the reflections of the artist's eco vision on the present day and open new horizons for future studies.
The study was created by the literature review method. The main purpose of the study is to contribute to the ecological architecture literature, which is a current topic of discussion open to development, by reading the eco-philosophy of Hundertwasser, an eco-activist. The discussion within the scope of the research is important in today's world where ecological problems are increasing rapidly, yet solution proposals remain singular. In the first part of the study, Hundertwasser's ecological philosophy and ecological architectural approaches will be revealed by reading his manifestos, speeches, drawings and projects. In the second part, the reflections of the artist's philosophy in today's ecological architecture will be analyzed. Finally, the micro- and macro-scale architectural approaches to the artist's ecological philosophy will be discussed and evaluated by cross-referencing them with contemporary ecological approaches.
From the archaic period, public baths has an important place in social life and history of architecture. The development of Public Baths analysed in the periods of Rome, Byzantine and Ottoman. Beside that, for determining the Ottoman... more
From the archaic period, public baths has an important place in social life and history of architecture. The development of Public Baths analysed in the periods of Rome, Byzantine and Ottoman. Beside that, for determining the Ottoman Bath’s main line, detail research has been done. Especially, the caldarium types have been examined which are seen up to16th century in the architecture of the Ottoman bath.
Kadırga region which is the location of the Çardaklı Hamam, studied with the analysis and historical account working. Because of the relationship between the monument, the complex buildings that are adjacent to the Küçük Ayasofya Külliyesi examined in the historical development.
With the direction of these developments, Çardaklı Hamam have been research; historical development, the place in the architecture of Ottoman bath, the place in the city texture, structural characteristics, the demolition reasons and today’s situation with the connection to this research, trying to present the future protection skills.
Keywords: Architecture of the public baths, Çardaklı Hamam, Ottoman baths, doubled baths, culture of the public baths.
Kadırga region which is the location of the Çardaklı Hamam, studied with the analysis and historical account working. Because of the relationship between the monument, the complex buildings that are adjacent to the Küçük Ayasofya Külliyesi examined in the historical development.
With the direction of these developments, Çardaklı Hamam have been research; historical development, the place in the architecture of Ottoman bath, the place in the city texture, structural characteristics, the demolition reasons and today’s situation with the connection to this research, trying to present the future protection skills.
Keywords: Architecture of the public baths, Çardaklı Hamam, Ottoman baths, doubled baths, culture of the public baths.