Deforestation in the Amazon Drops by 30.6%

In the Cerrado, the drop was 25.7%, according to data from INPE

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Deforestation in the Amazon from August 2023 to July this year saw a 30.6% reduction compared to the same period prior, according to information from INPE (National Institute for Space Research).

Imagem aérea mostrando uma área de desmatamento na Floresta Amazônica. À esquerda, a vegetação densa e verde, enquanto à direita, uma área desmatada com solo exposto e árvores cortadas. Um caminho de terra se estende pela área desmatada, separando a floresta intacta da área devastada.
Public land belonging to the Union in the Amazon was deforested by a cattle rancher, resulting in a climate reparations lawsuit valued at R$ 292 million. - Divulgação/AGU

This figure corresponds to the loss of native vegetation over an area of 6,288 km², which marks the lowest level in nine years, according to the federal government.

The data also indicates a 25.7% drop in the deforestation rate in the Cerrado, with a loss of vegetation equivalent to 8,174 km².

These numbers are part of the Brazilian Amazon Forest Satellite Monitoring Program, INPE’s primary deforestation indicator.